AMEN! Get back to making a profit, and screwin with LUV..kiss their butts back to TEXAS!!!
You guys sound like the United employees when they attempted their UAL Shuttle aimed at kicking SWA out of the West..or U's "Operation High Ground"....or AA in the past..or CAL..or even Braniff way back when.
This is an example of what makes SWA what it is. They don't worry about "screwin'" or "kicking" other airline's butts anywhere. They just know where opportunities are and they take them and make money. Rest assured SWA management cares little about this merger. They have battled MUCH larger and stronger airlines in the past and done well. UAL, back when they were a very strong airline tried messing with SWA out West with their United Shuttle and they failed to budge SWA or do much harm to them....UAL Shuttle is now just a hub feeder. AA tried messing with SWA at LUV a few years ago...and pulled out. CAL tried CAL Lite...failed miserably. SWA grew up battling other airlines who tried to squash them, going back to the old battles with Braniff. Bring it on, it'll be fun. SWA has such an incredibly low debt/equity ratio, OWNS almost all their planes (as opposed to lease), has a strong cash position, etc. If you think you are going to kick the best managed, finiancially strongest airline to the curb, you have a surprise coming. AWA and U will take the merger in slow gradual steps but they are very different cultures. It'll be like when U and Piedmont got together and seniority issues will be complex and ugly.....have fun!