me? naive? nah.

you dont know much about the trades, do you?
Yes, actually I do.

Most of my family are in one trade or another, mostly welders and electricians. I myself worked as an electrician for a time.

The only thing illegal labor ever did for trades is drive down wages.

I guess you think all the welfare loving "refugees" flooding Europe are good for the economy to.

You're naive alright.
im not that naive.

i know small and medium business owners chose cheaper labor for higher margins.

and manufacturers chose cheaper labor in foreign countries with laws to support them.

airlines do it now too and those workers dont need to know how to read and it is still legal.

i know the door was opened by corporate farms looking for seasonal , cheap, laborors and had the laws support them.

the u. s. worker got screwed. who screwed them, i mean, us? maybe just me.
The only thing illegal labor ever did for trades is drive down wages.

Get rid of the unions and watch how you wages skyrocket (not). The wages were driven down at the negotiating table by the company....take the union out of the picture and you will see just how altruistic the company is. Oh yeah.....and brush up on your negotiating skills because you're going to need them. You'd be able to enjoy the "right to work"...where a slacker who is a great negotiator is paid $10 grand more than you because you didn't negotiate as well. That's why so many private companies frown on employees discussing wages - there's a yuge discrepancy, and it AIN'T always the "hard dedicated worker" who gets rewarded.
the union issue is dead. no need to bring that up.

i would rather negotiate my worth than be limited by a union. I can always move on and negotiate elsewhere.

the immigrants were welcomed here by politicians and business owners.

to kick them out because you are now realizing too much competition is bad for your finances is poor sportsmanship.

Does anyone here support a higher minimum wage? I do.
Get rid of the unions and watch how you wages skyrocket (not). The wages were driven down at the negotiating table by the company....take the union out of the picture and you will see just how altruistic the company is. Oh yeah.....and brush up on your negotiating skills because you're going to need them. You'd be able to enjoy the "right to work"...where a slacker who is a great negotiator is paid $10 grand more than you because you didn't negotiate as well. That's why so many private companies frown on employees discussing wages - there's a yuge discrepancy, and it AIN'T always the "hard dedicated worker" who gets rewarded.
KCFlyer it is hard for me to subscribe to that theory when it took me less than 3 years to exceed my pay (which took about 10 thanks to JFSC) at American Airlines.

Speaking of slackers who earn 10 grand more.... I saw plenty of that from day shift at TULE. It was so common for them to stick us with their final day job duties it was to be expected. Instead of management fixing the problem they just threw more second shift employees at it.

Or how about crew chiefs working a CS for a regular employee sitting in the crew chiefs office soaking up air conditioning when they were supposed to be on the dock?

Or..... and this one is my favorite, day shift employees on a CS asked to assist in stripping for a heavy C only to go up there and pull the blankets off the aircraft and call it a day. That's right..... 4 hours and they managed to.... strip..... blankets. God forbid they touch the rugs and tape.

So please KCFlyer, save me the slacker speech because I have NEVER seen it as prevalent as American Airlines.
KCFlyer it is hard for me to subscribe to that theory when it took me less than 3 years to exceed my pay (which took about 10 thanks to JFSC) at American Airlines.

Speaking of slackers who earn 10 grand more.... I saw plenty of that from day shift at TULE. It was so common for them to stick us with their final day job duties it was to be expected. Instead of management fixing the problem they just threw more second shift employees at it.

Or how about crew chiefs working a CS for a regular employee sitting in the crew chiefs office soaking up air conditioning when they were supposed to be on the dock?

Or..... and this one is my favorite, day shift employees on a CS asked to assist in stripping for a heavy C only to go up there and pull the blankets off the aircraft and call it a day. That's right..... 4 hours and they managed to.... strip..... blankets. God forbid they touch the rugs and tape.

So please KCFlyer, save me the slacker speech because I have NEVER seen it as prevalent as American Airlines.

The speech wasn't about slackers so much as it was about personal negotiating skills. If you are the type who buys a car at Carmax because you don't like haggling over the price of a car, then odds are pretty good that you are going to suck at negotiating your starting pay with the hiring manager. If they said they'd pay you $18 an hour but they knew that they would be willing to pay $25 an hour, if you bite - you lose. The slacker who says "I really need $27" the hiring manager may counter with "$25". And he's in...earning over $14,000 a year more than you.
the union issue is dead. no need to bring that up.

i would rather negotiate my worth than be limited by a union. I can always move on and negotiate elsewhere.

the immigrants were welcomed here by politicians and business owners.

to kick them out because you are now realizing too much competition is bad for your finances is poor sportsmanship.
Now realizing? What are you talking about? Illegal immigration has been a hot button topic among working class Americans for decades.

Does anyone here support a higher minimum wage? I do.

So we can be even less competitive with foreign labor? Raising the minimum wage does not work because the market always corrects to cancel the raise out. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to improve living conditions, it only makes it more expensive to live.

Explain to me how you think raising the minimum wage helps anyone.
The speech wasn't about slackers so much as it was about personal negotiating skills.
No it wasn't. It was about you trying to push the false narrative that UNIONs right inequality.

That is why your post started like this.
Get rid of the unions and watch how you wages skyrocket (not). The wages were driven down at the negotiating table by the company....take the union out of the picture and you will see just how altruistic the company is.
and ended with this.
That's why so many private companies frown on employees discussing wages - there's a yuge discrepancy, and it AIN'T always the "hard dedicated worker" who gets rewarded.

Now realizing? What are you talking about? Illegal immigration has been a hot button topic among working class Americans for decades.


So we can be even less competitive with foreign labor? Raising the minimum wage does not work because the market always corrects to cancel the raise out. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to improve living conditions, it only makes it more expensive to live.

Explain to me how you think raising the minimum wage helps anyone.

I'll try as soon as you explain how we as a country move ahead if we "remain competitive with foreign labor" by paying less.
I'll try as soon as you explain how we as a country move ahead if we "remain competitive with foreign labor" by paying less.
I will say it again because obviously you did not get it the first time.

Raising the minimum wage does not work because the market always corrects to cancel the raise out. Raising the minimum wage does nothing to improve living conditions, it only makes it more expensive to live.

Do you get it now because I can't make it much clearer?

Raising the minimum wage will do nothing to raise living standards but, it will make our products less affordable to other countries and hurt trade.
realizing it now, I mean by voting against your own best interests. our politicians and some of our employers had a big role in this mess.

and... raising the minimum wage gives your family in the trades a shot at earning more.

if you weld in construction for $25/hr
but the janitor makes $20 your family automatically has negotiating power. they also have the choice to push a broom at sixty instead of wearing out their bodies.