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Horton hints at maintenace base closure

MCI, the pro management posters here are going to tell you that our poor executives are underpaid compared to their peers at other companies. they will tell you the need to pay these people the PUPS, so we don't lose our "key" talent. And lastly, they will tell you that the payouts are stock based and how every employee received stock...blahh blahh blah....

These are the same people are are so envious of the fatcats, they blame labor for all the woes of the industry.

I don't blame labor for all the woes of the industry. The point I'm trying to make is that AA needs to stay competitive in order to survive. The fact is that AA's labor costs are among the highest, largely due to the bankruptcies of its main competitors and the success of upstarts like JetBlue, which don't give employees nearly the pay and benefit package that AA does.

In this cut-throat economy, it's compete or die. And if AA's labor costs aren't in line with the rest of the industry, AA's labor force will be the one to suffer.
<_< ---- Question? Is Management compensation figured into that "most expensive in industry" comment?----- If so, wouldn't it be logical to ask Management to "scale back" also? Or is that "TOO MUCH TO ASK"!!!
Yes and the bonuses are included also. The bottom line is Blair Gregg will do or say anything to help his cause and make him look better. He shut the 4/10s down at EASI (Eagle Aviation Services Inc). Let's not forget that he had to shut the operation down before the feds did because he was allowing illegal maintance on AE planes just to save a few bucks for the company,but who cares about public safety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't remember the exact dates,but it was in 1999.
Just how quick do those things come dowm MCI? Knuckleheads mounted them too hig for us short guys....
AFW will be the maintenance base to be closed. This came from Blair Gregg's mouth a month ago after he left AFW to go over to DFW. MCI is basically going to be a line repair station like DWH(DFW-hangar 5). They can't shut MCI entirely especially since it doesn't cost AA much to keep it open. AFW is DOOMED(at least the hangar). TAESL(overhaul building and AFW structures building)will be spun off on it's own or will be completely taken over by Rolls-Royce.

Are they not moding a dock to start a 767 winglet mod line down in AFW?
Are they not moding a dock to start a 767 winglet mod line down in AFW?

Heck, I found out that means nothing -- they went to great lengths to set up a third 757 winglet line here, and they only did one plane. They set up a nice little shop, climate controlled, with benches galore, air and vacuum at the ready to do E&E racks for the 757 MAUI line(s) we were promised ("it's in the dock plan, it must be true") to do one plane -- see a pattern here?

Yep, they plastered those nice LCD screens all over the old part of the building -- now all there is are some really nice empty frames they kept them in. All over the part of the building they don't want anymore -- figures.
Question plz.

With AA(relatively soon) going to an ALL boeing fleet/4 models, could TUL handle all the work...MINUS the TAESL(SP?) stuff ???

If TUL CAN, then whoever said that KCI would become a line station/AFW "engine stuff" spun off, would IMHO "win the prize".
Are they not moding a dock to start a 767 winglet mod line down in AFW?
yes bro we are. Today we start on a/c 367 a 4wk ck then move to bay 3 while they mod our dock. bay 3 crew going to be split up with most going to bay 1 to run the repair line.
yes bro we are. Today we start on a/c 367 a 4wk ck then move to bay 3 while they mod our dock. bay 3 crew going to be split up with most going to bay 1 to run the repair line.
The AFW sheep are awaiting their calling to the gallows. Baaa Baaa Baaa 😛h34r:
what the? Here is a little AFW insight for those of you not/never been here. Yesterday we dispatched our heavy check, now we have no airplane. Other dock just starting a heavy and is tasked with a drop in, we labor loan 10 guys to yet another dock. Then sit and watch the 2nd dock try to juggle 2 airplanes while we do online training tahts not even do yet? Hello is anyone on the bridge?
what the? Here is a little AFW insight for those of you not/never been here. Yesterday we dispatched our heavy check, now we have no airplane. Other dock just starting a heavy and is tasked with a drop in, we labor loan 10 guys to yet another dock. Then sit and watch the 2nd dock try to juggle 2 airplanes while we do online training tahts not even do yet? Hello is anyone on the bridge?
They are probly fighting over the space avaible in the life raft so the can paddle over to DFW and secure a job position befor the USS AFW sinks to the lower depths , arrrr and they all were such good lads..........😛h34r:

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