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Horton hints at maintenace base closure

<_< ----- Hopeful, I think we all know their excuses. And they're getting old. It seems, in their minds, we're the ones to take the hit, not them!-------- But our Unions are the ones that let them get away with it! So ultimately who's to blame? :unsure:

Who's to blame for your unions' collective failure throughout all these years?

That's an easy one.

Frequent (and not-so-frequent) fliers. And stockholders. And management. And the other workgroups. And the employees at other airlines. And the low-fare upstart airlines that have tried to kill AA and the other legacies. And don't forget Republicans. No doubt it's mostly the fault of those GD Republicans. 😀

Did I forget anyone?
------- You know what's really sad FWAAA? ------ It's that, coming from a "failed Airline", somehow I've heard, and seen, it all before! :shock: :down:
Uh oh. This comment doesn't bode well for anyone at MCI.

I guess if it's close a base or file Chapter 11, I'll take the base closure.
------- What makes you think he was referring to MCI?----- He didn't say that, now did he? Like Hopeful said, it all depends on what AA plans for the Delta hanger at DFW? At this point, AA wouldn't realize a whole lot by closing MCI. But I'd be lying if I said the thought hasn't cross my mind. That's one of the reasons I took the VBR!------ But just one of them!
And finally, that.."BS" about the US unable to "run it's railroad properly",....................HOW in GODS name could(what is now AMTRAK) run properly, when they had to BEG for SCRAPS $$$$ from DC's table, while Unlimited $$$$ was "thrown" at ROADS, Bridges(vehicle Bridges that is), and Airports ?????????????

If that's the case then why does an eight mile stretch of road I take to work everday look like a B-52 strike hit it? Or one of the bridges I go under have rusting I beams and exposed rebar?
If that's the case then why does an eight mile stretch of road I take to work everday look like a B-52 strike hit it? Or one of the bridges I go under have rusting I beams and exposed rebar?

The explaination is rather simple - the proper politician doesn't have to tolerate the bad roads.

If anyone remembers back when LBJ was President, the road to his house in Texas was immaculate and smooth, with many "rest stops" on the roadside.

If I recall, there were more restrooms on that stretch of road than Okiehoma had on its entire interstate highway system.
:angry: :rant: :censored:

I'm really sick and tired of the spineless hinting and beating around the bush about closing MCI -- JUST DO IT AND GET IT OVER WITH. You want to, some of our "brothers" want you to, so do it, Do It, DO IT. Want help turning off the lights? I'll volunteer.

We used to have a pretty good engine facility here. AA came in and gutted it, mostly without giving a thought as to any future value of the building or it's equipment. Now it's a warehouse for crap that AA doesn't even want and they have to clean it out before they can hand it back to the city -- smart move. 🙄

They've done the same to most of the support shops, they either sit vacant or gutted to create "cubicle city" for administrative types -- many whose jobs are just as shaky as the mechanics.

They want us to do maintenance/modifications, yet time and time again we have to wait for parts (that should have been here all along) to trickle in from somewhere else.

Got an MD-80 with a big OOPS from a tug incident out on the line? No problem, just patch it up and ferry it to MCI -- although the support and tooling went south years ago. Just cram it in an aisleway of an already used bay, although we have nearly TEN UNUSED BAYS in the old part of the building we could have used. (By the way, where did they put the 767 winglet prototype to reinstall the winglets? The old part of the building.) We'll fix it up, good as new -- and then you can lay us off. Need a 757 MAUI prototyped? Just con MCI into spending a butt-load of cash to fix up a room to rework the E&E racks in, show them a "dock plan" with lots of work coming in, and once the bugs are worked out you can send it to Tulsa! Then you can pass out the pink slips while we "celebrate" our "accomplishments." We constantly hear about how we have to do more with fewer heads, I say let's see the other bases do what we're tasked to do with the number of people we have.

AA has shown time and time again they really don't want MCI, we're just good for the "dirty work" the other bases don't want. Our (currently) cheap (and somewhat compliant) workforce will take whatever scraps our "brothers" will allow us to have and act like it's manna from heaven.

I, for one, would like to see AA show some testicular fortitude and just tell us when the party's over. Give me the date you'll pay me to leave (severance) and I'll run laughing all the way out the front gate and to the bank. Stop insulting people's intelligence with this "dock plan" ( :censored: male bovine fecal matter) and spit out something that resembles the truth. I made plans some time back for a life after this AA fiasco and I plan on putting them in motion this year one way or another. For those mindless sheep that continue to think things are coming up roses while they proudly wear their TWU garbage around I have no sympathy. For those who see the writing on the wall like I do, I hope you have made plans 'cause it's only a matter of time.

So go ahead and close MCI. You want to do it, so just do it. Then we'll see who the next domino (in line to fall) will be, and who some people will have to blame for AA's continuing downward spiral once we're gone.
AA has been doing a good job at killing the moral of all there AMT's throughout the system.
If they would just stop the threats and just leave us be AMT's maybe things would change or start to change for the better.
Thank you Brother! You've stated your case quit eloquently! But every time I tryed to pant that picture, all hell would break loose! It's the truth, but I found out nobody who works outside of MCI gives a damn! Especially AA Management! Another one of the reasons I took the VBR.
AFW will be the maintenance base to be closed. This came from Blair Gregg's mouth a month ago after he left AFW to go over to DFW. MCI is basically going to be a line repair station like DWH(DFW-hangar 5). They can't shut MCI entirely especially since it doesn't cost AA much to keep it open. AFW is DOOMED(at least the hangar). TAESL(overhaul building and AFW structures building)will be spun off on it's own or will be completely taken over by Rolls-Royce.
Princess, Good guess!------ But unless you have a concrete source, that's just what it is.------ I would think, that paying Uncle Ross all that lease money every year, has to be a major drag on AA's budget. But than again, that's only my opinion. TAESL in going nowhere. If anything would be closed at AFW it would be the maintenance docks. That work could go to DFW.------ As far as MCI, your probably correct, at least for the time being. AA has a 25 year lease on the two big bays, and that end of the former base. But I don't think it would take much to get out of, if AA so desired. ----- Keep in mind, Contract talks are going on, so threats of lay-offs, and or, base closures would be standard practice for AA at this point in time!
AFW will be the maintenance base to be closed. This came from Blair Gregg's mouth a month ago after he left AFW to go over to DFW. MCI is basically going to be a line repair station like DWH(DFW-hangar 5). They can't shut MCI entirely especially since it doesn't cost AA much to keep it open. AFW is DOOMED(at least the hangar). TAESL(overhaul building and AFW structures building)will be spun off on it's own or will be completely taken over by Rolls-Royce.
Yep we`re doomed...again. I guees they should get started on taking down all thos 47 inch lcds they put up everywhere. We also need to get rid of the 27inchers in the planner offices. I am sure going to miss those fancy new motion activated papertowel thingies. Hope when I get to tulsa or dfw/dwh I can get another 19 inch flat monitor for my desk. The real problem here folks is its going to seriously inpact my drive!!! I mean at 6 miles from door to parking lot right now. Do you mean I may have to drive ALL the way to dfw? The horror, or worse move away from the neighborhood bully to tulsa for some cheaper living? Yep OL`AFW is drawing her last breath........AGAIN. Please princess post something original, "but but blair gregg said so" did he have a mouthful of jelly doughnut at the time?
"When I was hired at AFW, I had to make some serious changes(get rid of 4/10's,get the T.V.'s out of the breakrooms,etc.)because AFW was going to be and still may be shutdown." quote from Blair Gregg,DFW Hangar 4 blockhouse-breakroom,meeting with 777 B-check crew,10:30 p.m. 02/05/09.

I was there and you can ask anyone from that crew and they will tell you the same thing and NO,he didn't have a jelly donut in his mouth either.
Princess, I don't know who Blair Gregg is, but I've found that Dock Supervisors, or even Managers, don't know spit from shinola about Corporate decision's. They're keep in the dark as much as we are! So I wouldn't hang my hat on what some load month Manager says. 90% of the time they're just spouting company mantra anyway! If in fact they decide to close AFW, or another Base, the last thing they want is word of it getting out before they want it!--------But Dog, we had the 47 inch flat screens, and laptop computers here at MCI also. Installed just a couple of months before hey shut down the narrow body (older) docks. Believe me, they come down fairly quickly!
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