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Horrible Company To Work For!

I know my "horrible company" example is not a W-2, but the idea is the same. Actually, on the subject of W-2s, remember y'all that I got one for 2007 even though I left Airways in 2006 and went to Express! It's a shame they can get W-2s to non-employees, but can't get them to current employees.

I've been trying to get my AL/US memorabilia back from the heritage lobby display since frickin' October. The story changes every time I interact with the morons in Tempe. Tempe claims it lost the inventory list I sent them, so they have no record of what was there, and the Lotus Notes copy I kept was wiped out in the conversion to Outlook and the botching of data migration in my old department. I've gotten runaround after runaround and have escalated this all the way to Parker himself. I still don't have my stuff back, and now I'm told there are only two people in the whole place who have access out of the 35k who work here! I've been lied to, spoken to in a nasty tone, and have been told that I "donated" the items instead of "lent" them (I know what I did and didn't do). And not one single time has someone gotten back to me as they promised. I have consistently had to rattle their cage to get a response. Can you tell I'm ticked?

We're not talking about a few luggage tags. We're talking about an AL DC-9 model that was given to my great grandfather by McDonnell Douglas when AL purchased that aircraft type -- the same as the one that hangs in the Smithsonian. A bronze commemorative coin marking the name change from AL to US with a hand-signed note from Ed Colodny. AL service pins that belonged to my great-grandfather and grandfather. Stuff that has real sentimental value to me and that represents a company I loved working for and miss to this day. Tempe had the audacity to offer me a current livery model instead. Why the heck would I want a souvenier from those people?

I'll bet I never actually see my stuff. Sorry for rambling. The subject burns me up.

OMG, you need to get a lawyer or go to small claims court. DO NOT LET THOSE RAT BA$TARDS KEEP YOUR STUFF!!!!! Let us know how this progresses. I think we'd all be interested to know how this plays out.

As far as W-2's go, well I've got my on little drama going on. Yes I got mine by the legal deadline, BUT then I got a letter that it was incorrect and that I would be getting another one. Okay, so I set that one aside and hold off on my appointment to get my taxes done. I finally get the "revised" W-2 and make the tax appointment. Then today I get yet ANOTHER letter telling me my revised W-2 is incorrect. You have got to me f'n kidding me? And we're supposed to trust that these clowns will get our profit sharing checks figured out correctly? Wow, just when I think they can't get any worse, those idiots go and up the ante.
<SNIP> I've been trying to get my AL/US memorabilia back from the heritage lobby display since frickin' October.
We're talking about an AL DC-9 model that was given to my great grandfather by McDonnell Douglas when AL purchased that aircraft type -- the same as the one that hangs in the Smithsonian. A bronze commemorative coin marking the name change from AL to US with a hand-signed note from Ed Colodny. AL service pins that belonged to my great-grandfather and grandfather. Stuff that has real sentimental value to me and that represents a company I loved working for and miss to this day.
I realize that this thread is about W2s, which are important, but but what a bunch of clowns.

I hope they return the items you loaned to them.
I realize that this thread is about W2s, which are important, but but what a bunch of clowns.

I hope they return the items you loaned to them.

Yes, you're right, it is about W-2's sorry.

Not to hijack it again but I had to add that you should consider contacting the local media in Phoenix, they LOVE this kind of stuff. Especially "3 On Your Side" which is channel 3 here locally. They may even pony up your stuff at the mere mention of media exposure.
If you're remotely interested pm me and I'll get you some contact info....
Sorry. Interpreted thread as being US being horrible company to work for, with W2s being one example. My bad.
I'll keep y'all posted in a separate thread if/when I get an update. I don't know how to move my post to a new thread at this point. Technologically challenged, I am.
I think if I were paying dues to a union, I would expect them to do whatever they could do to pressure the company to issue the W-2's. Why is that unreasonable?
Wow, I would love to run a unionized company and have employees like you.

So if I as an employer get tired of all the silly grievances being filed because I keep on violating the CBA, all I have to do is delay sending out W-2s for a few months, knowing my employees will blame the union instead of me and start to bombard the union with unrealistic requests and anger, thereby distracting the union from actually doing its job of defending the CBA?

The union should be "held accountable" for something that is not its fault and that it has no control over? Management must love this plan! Just how much do you think a union can do about late W-2s anyway? Sure, it can make a phone call to the payroll department to find out what is up and maybe communicate that to the members (although that, too, would really be the company's job), but what do people mean the union should be "held accountable" for this?

No wonder unions have no more power in the U.S. Workers just use unions as scapegoats these days for all that is wrong in their lives and for problems unions have no responsibility for. Management makes a clerical error? Blame the union! Love it.
Simple, the union represents workers, Workers did NOT get w-2's. Their reps should be in touch with the IRS and anyone else that cares to make sure that ALL of the workers get W-2's. Part of a Unions job is to hold Management Accountable to those whom they represent.
That much I agree with. I am confused about the "holding the union accountable" part, which I believe someone (um, you, in Post # 3) said.

So if the union does the above and the W-2s are still delayed (which they will be; no doubt management has some "excuse" for the delay), the union should be punished? Or did I misunderstand your earlier statement about the union being held accountable.
To the BOD:

Shame on you for letting your management team let the morale of this company fall to an all time low. I have never seen so many negative comments about management, even if 25% of these complaints were true, you should be calling Dougie & company on the carpet and straighten this crap out.
To the BOD:

Shame on you for letting your management team let the morale of this company fall to an all time low. I have never seen so many negative comments about management, even if 25% of these complaints were true, you should be calling Dougie & company on the carpet and straighten this crap out.
Our magagement is worried about making money, period! We are are nothing but a burden when it comes to the bottom line! I am tired of being just another number!! We need better protections from our Unions, and fight this corrupt MGMT style, or we are just another lost airline.. What a sad story we are! 🙁 🙁
Our magagement is worried about making money, period! We are are nothing but a burden when it comes to the bottom line! I am tired of being just another number!! We need better protections from our Unions, and fight this corrupt MGMT style, or we are just another lost airline.. What a sad story we are! 🙁 🙁
WCT, you are right, you are just a number. But your number and the other 35,000 numbers are the greatest asset this company has and until Barnum and Bailey realize this everyone is doomed....
call the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-829-1040 and file a W2 complaint.
As long as they can prove they sent it to the address they have on file for the employee the IRS can't do jack!!!!!
Its hard to believe Dougie actually had intentions on buying Delta :lol: :lol: This guys not only a drunk he must be on crack 😱 😱
I got my W-2 which was post marked Jan 31. Nothing like waiting to the last minute.

I got an outstanding check notice the other day which surprised the hell out of me that they even knew money was outstanding. Only problem is the check is for half of what it should be. So much for US to pay you what they offer you. Its only been a battle for more than a year to get correct compensation, who knows when that will happen.

And to make it even more comical, the NET pay was more than the GROSS.

Good luck every one!