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Hillary's health?

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Dog Wonder said:
Is that you Barn?
no DAN it's not but hey keep trying.Like the blind squirrel finding an acorn maybe you'll eventually say something funny but I doubt it.History shows you're much more likely to say something dull and stupid
cltrat said:
no DAN it's not but hey keep trying.Like the blind squirrel finding an acorn maybe you'll eventually say something funny but I doubt it.History shows you're much more likely to say something dull and stupid
My only regret is that I can only give one thumb up to this post. Well done!
"The truth about Clintons health"

"IN HILLARY CLINTONS inner circle, its common knowledge that there are times shes so low-energy that she blanks out for hours. When that happens, she is given to strange mental spells during which she has little or no control over what she says and does. She sometimes mutters things no one can understand.

My colleagues in the mainstream media are covering all this up, but the time has come to speak out. We simply cant elect a president subject to such mysterious health issues.

Whats that you say?

Its nothing?

Its just that she . . . sleeps at night, like the rest of us."

"Oh. Ahem. Well, never mind that, then. There are plenty of other health problems to worry about. For instance, I hear from Donald Trump that Hillary simply doesnt have his stamina and thats troubling indeed, since he often does as many as one campaign event a day, before flying home to spend the night in Trump Tower."

"And no less an expert than Rudy Giuliani, the man once known as Americas primary-care physician, has referred us all to the Internets to check up on her health." ...

..."Nor is he the only one. Just the other day, I heard that Congressman Sean Duffy, who may not be a medical expert like Dr. Giuliani, but who has served as a commentator on log-rolling and other lumberjack games, told CNNs Brianna Keilar that you can go on the Internets and watch all kind of video where she is having coughing attacks.

..."I know, I know, Clintons doctor actually says she is in good health. But she hasnt been out on the Internets the way I have, to learn from people who dont know her and havent examined her and so are more objective about these things."

Dr Drew, in conjunction with another recognized physician, offered their views on Hillary's medical conditions.
[media] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRtdA1w7AAQ
CNN, showing no media bias, promptly terminated Pinsky's show some eight days later.
Dog Wonder said:
Maybe Trump will hire him, that merry-go-round needs some new jackasses weekly.
if their looking for jackasses perhaps you should send them a resume?
Trump's a friggin' racist.....claims the woman who is endorsed by the totally racist group, black lives matter.....LOL
Not to mention CPUSA has endorsed her too.
Trump's got issues......
Dog Wonder said:
Maybe Trump will hire him, that merry-go-round needs some new jackasses weekly.
Some of my best friends are clinical psychologists......
Dog Wonder said:
Not hard to put one over your head.
lol so the king of non humorous one liners wants to play grammer police? What a  nice way to show off your abilities as a jackass, feel free to use me as a reference ,I'll be happy to tell them what an ass you are.
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