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Hillary's health?

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signals said:
...and Hillary is a blatant liar!!! Now it's time for the lemmings to commit mass suicide...hurry or you'll miss your calling!
In addition to being mentally ill, Trump is also a world class liar.  So since they have that in common....is it better to have a sane or insane liar as the leader of the the USA? 
Trump has cancelled three public events in the next three days, hope he has a Drs. note.
KCFlyer said:
Put the nuclear codes aside...Trump is still mentally ill.  
suurrre he is Dr Phil keep telling yourself that, even though it still doesnt make it true
KCFlyer said:
In addition to being mentally ill, Trump is also a world class liar.  So since they have that in common....is it better to have a sane or insane liar as the leader of the the USA? 
I'll see your insanity and lying and raise you a million Syrian refugees that Hillary wants to bring here to invade you and your way of life!
signals said:
I'll see your insanity and lying and raise you a million Syrian refugees that Hillary wants to bring here to invade you and your way of life!
We'd face less danger from two million Syrian refugees that we would from one insane T Rump president.  
KCFlyer said:
We'd face less danger from two million Syrian refugees that we would from one insane T Rump president.  
Please by all means...PROVE IT!
signals said:
Please by all means...PROVE IT!
Prove that every single one of the million Syrian refugees is a threat to us.  YOu're saying they all are...they are the bogeymen....what's your proof that every single one of those million are a danger to us.  Now...could ONE pose a danger - yep.  But so could ONE insane, mentally unstable, short fingered president. 
KCFlyer said:
Prove that every single one of the million Syrian refugees is a threat to us.  YOu're saying they all are...they are the bogeymen....what's your proof that every single one of those million are a danger to us.  Now...could ONE pose a danger - yep.  But so could ONE insane, mentally unstable, short fingered president. 
Thanks for the blah, blah, blah. Just one kills 100 of your relatives. Do you still feel that just one isn't enough?
signals said:
Thanks for the blah, blah, blah. Just one kills 100 of your relatives. Do you still feel that just one isn't enough?
A mentally unbalanced president can get thousands if not millions of us or our allies killed.  But now you are down to just one refugee instead of a million.  A million just sounds scarier I guess.
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