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WorldTraveler said:
didn't take us long to figure out that you and Kev both like the US limp and powerless.  The only way you can have peace when enemies are out to kill you is if you are willing to be killed. 
Yeah, Szabo's bigoted and moronic suggestion is one way to prove that you are not limp and powerless.  Another great way would be to hang out in Brasil and counsel impoverished teens.
WorldTraveler said:
the soldiers who gave their life find that mindset disgusting. 
I served for six years, Dipsh*t, so I recognize this tough talk from a former cubicle dweller to be the bullsh*t that it is.
and I appreciate your service.

but let's be very, very clear.

the US will never quit having to fight for freedom in the world at the cost of a lot of lives unless the US stops standing for the values that have made the US great which is to care about sharing what we have with others.

the narrow minded mindset that we will sit here in the US and everyone will be fine does not square with the reality of what is happening in the Middle East right now - and has been going on in various versions for millennia.

I would love to not have to see another person be brought home in a box.

But the US has a lot more to be proud of for what it has done for the world.

and may I remind you that the US operates a voluntary military. the people who go to war know full well the risks that are ahead of them.
dariencc said:
Yeah, Szabo's bigoted and moronic suggestion is one way to prove that you are not limp and powerless.  Another great way would be to hang out in Brasil and counsel impoverished teens.
I served for six years, Dipsh*t, so I recognize this tough talk from a former cubicle dweller to be the bullsh*t that it is.
I served also, dickweed, and I also recognize the "let's all get along" communist tripe when it's spouted.
My desire is to keep the Pisslamic filth in their part of the world. We've already had instances of this so-called "religion of peace (or piss)" here - does Boston ring a bell? It's coming to a location near you soon unless it's stopped in its tracks. More examples include the white house infestation not willing to act against his brethren on behalf of Americans.
Like my attitude or not - just remember what was said. There may be a time in your future where those you are protecting might feel like repaying you. After all - their bound book of Charmin' says to kill those who don't believe the pedophile from mecca.
Frank Szabo said:
All that's necessary is to nuke the ragheaded bastards - starting with Mecca, then Medina - and then ask if anyone still wants to play. We have to get rid of our nuclear arsenal eventually. It may as well be used on those scumsucking freaks.
It's a damned shame about what would happen to the camels in the process, though.
Do you think there might be some blow back from the use of nuclear weapons in the ME?
if nuclear weapons are used by anyone, it's all over for everyone.

ever hear of this thing called Armageddon?
Israel has been bring the fight to the front door of the various groups and where
gotten them? I am not saying they had another option but it has not been a winning solution either.

If the US really wanted to fight terrorism we first need to kick our addiction to fossil fuels. We need to put solar or wind on every home. We need to get more fuel efficient cars and make a substantial investment in public transportation. Then we could tell the various countries in the ME that if they want US aid they need to get off the pot and clean up their countries. So long as we keep giving them money for oil and aid its a war we wont win.
WorldTraveler said:
and I appreciate your service.

but let's be very, very clear.

the US will never quit having to fight for freedom in the world at the cost of a lot of lives unless the US stops standing for the values that have made the US great which is to care about sharing what we have with others.

the narrow minded mindset that we will sit here in the US and everyone will be fine does not square with the reality of what is happening in the Middle East right now - and has been going on in various versions for millennia.

I would love to not have to see another person be brought home in a box.

But the US has a lot more to be proud of for what it has done for the world.

and may I remind you that the US operates a voluntary military. the people who go to war know full well the risks that are ahead of them.
We all know you're an US Commercial airline Hypocrit, so it stands to reason that a  D-Head from Georgia .......(responding to someone in OKIE-HOME) .......would come out with a Classic quote like THIS one you vomitted-out,................about the   "US standing up for it's VALUES that have made the US  GREAT",.....when I think of one of the saddest moments in US history.
Now you remember the ...." Trail of TEARS'...dont you  WT.  You know where....(Georgia) WHITEY had Innocent (cherokee) women and children...WALK all the way from Georgia to...OKIE-HOME.....IN the DEAD of WINTER, where so many FROZE to Death on thier Forced 'HIKE'  !      Do you hold your Bible in one hand reading things like  'Vengence is MINE, or thou shalt not KILL' , ....while you watch the 11pm news to see if Georgia put someone to death'  ????
How .....'Close am I '.... WT   ????????
The honor guard is true class. Are the standard bearers all vets from the respective flags?

Ms Tree said:
Do you think there might be some blow back from the use of nuclear weapons in the ME?
Somehow, I doubt that either Putin or China would object to strenuously. They're a lot closer to the mayhem than we are.
You can't think of anything else that might bite usin the ass because of the use of nukes?

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