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Hillary, Above The Law

cltrat said:
he's just telling whatever some LWNJ site tells him to say like a good sheep
Dont you have anything better to do than stalk me from thread to thread?

When are you actually going to refute facts posted?
So all of you RW know more than the FBI and the DOJ, thats why rat handles baggage and Dell is a former A/C mechanic.
Didnt know either of you were so knowledgeable int he matter, and know more than the people actually doing the investigation.
I'm sure petey would approve!

700UW said:
Dont you have anything better to do than stalk me from thread to thread?
When are you actually going to refute facts posted?
So all of you RW know more than the FBI and the DOJ, thats why rat handles baggage and Dell is a former A/C mechanic.
Didnt know either of you were so knowledgeable int he matter, and know more than the people actually doing the investigation.
no one is stalking you, despite what your ego thinks.
now where is that statue or is that an empty claim from a former turd truck driver known to make threats
700UW said:
Dont you have anything better to do than stalk me from thread to thread?
When are you actually going to refute facts posted?
So all of you RW know more than the FBI and the DOJ, thats why rat handles baggage and Dell is a former A/C mechanic.
Didnt know either of you were so knowledgeable int he matter, and know more than the people actually doing the investigation.
Well Pal, if you have some fixation regarding your 'hating everything on the left' comment, I must tell you, my significant other is a Democrat and we get along quite nicely.
And if you take some liberty in mentioning  my career as an Aviation Maintenance Technician, and dispute my political commitment, which garnered me eight years as an IAM local steward LL1976 and relegate that to some post on an internet forum for gratification, all bets are off now.
What does my being a former aviation mechanic have to do with this thread and/or topic?
And, to the original issue, I'm still waiting for you to show the statute showing 'intent' as you previously claimed.
Bill Vestrup said:
I'm sure petey would approve!
Sad imitation of a terrible act, maybe you can start a Banana Splits Tribute band.