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Hillary, Above The Law

Glenn Quagmire said:
I watched his entire hearing today. Seeing your post above, you clearly did not.
Nope. Some of us do have to actually work during business hours...
Some work 24/7 hours and shifts, and some also have vacation time as part of employment.

Nice dodge though. If you are truly interested in finding out the real story and what he and his FBI team did, you may want to get it from him answering questions to the committee.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Some work 24/7 hours and shifts, and some also have vacation time as part of employment.

Nice dodge though. If you are truly interested in finding out the real story and what he and his FBI team did, you may want to get it from him answering questions to the committee.
The real story or what he said?
eolesen said:
I watched most of Comey's explanation and several peculiarities stood out quite blatantly:
Cover up to protect POTUS.?
TV interview some 6 or more months ago, POTUS vehemently denies receiving any emails from SOS.

Two weeks or so ago, POTUS meets with Sweet Loretta.

Week or so ago, Bill meets with Sweet Loretta.

Several days later, on a holiday weekend, FBI interviews HC.

Obama campaigns with HC hand in hand a day or so later.

Comey admits most in HC email chain were hacked (but they just can't tell if SOS was)

Comey admits some 110 confidential or higher classification emails were in her server at one time or another.

Comey admits some 6000 or more emails were deleted and could not be 'forensically reconstructed'.

SOS is one of POTUS' highest advisors.

Not one email to POTUS that entire time involving Libya, Syria, Benghazi and more?

Comey states mishandling the same doc's in the same fashion at FBI will get you in various legal situations, (except if you're SOS running for Prez.)

Having a sitting president linked to this fiasco and hacking of secrets of state would topple his government.
6000 emails not forensically reconstructable  .......lol
How convenient....
"High crimes and misdemeanors time, kiddies"
I am not surprised you latched on to Mica's "non-conspiracy theory" timeline that sounded "fishy" to him.

I remember Mica when he was a young buck in in Florida trying to make a name for himself. Nothing has changed except him being older.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I am not surprised you latched on to Mica's "non-conspiracy theory" timeline that sounded "fishy" to him.

I remember Mica when he was a young buck in in Florida trying to make a name for himself. Nothing has changed except him being older.
You should be, I didn't know who or what your were referring to.
All Comey said was:
“I hope what you’ll tell the folks in the cafes is, look me in the eye, and listen to what I’m about to say,” Comey said. “I did not coordinate that with anyone. The White House, the Department of Justice, nobody outside the FBI family had any idea what I was about to say. I say that under oath, I stand by that.”
He's referring only to his statement he released to the press.
So you'd buy into some 6000 emails destroyed beyond any chance of forensic reconstruction, some classified, and the prospect that there is/was zero possibility that SOS never ever communicated with POTUS during all those wonderful adventures that came across both of  their plates?
So that leaves personal appearances, video conferences and text messaging on several unsecured devices pretty much as viable option around emails.
If POTUS was, in fact, involved in a situation that compromised national security via SOS and her hacked servers, and he sent and received emailing  through her, and emails existed, he would be through.
Notice Comey was supposed to have an off camera press conference but never did?
She takes a grenade and gets a hug and an endorsement, but she's damned lucky she wasn't working for Comey......
It really doesn't matter either way, she has suffered severe credibility issues for lying under oath to congress and lying at both the presidential debates and many news interviews.
Your fence riding, deer in the headlight Hillary crowds, who steadfastly stood by her and 700's claims that she never ever sent or received any classified documents on her grossly negligent servers have been slapped in their faces for their undying support.
Paybacks a vote for Trump.
The Hill:
The Republican National Committee (RNC) blasted Clinton after the interviews, accusing her of continuing to lie.
“Even now, Hillary Clinton is unwilling to tell the American people the truth about her illicit email server that broke the rules and put national security at risk,” RNC spokesman Michael Short said in a statement. 
“The only thing Hillary Clinton seems to be clarifying is that she is determined to continue misleading voters and obfuscating the facts about her reckless conduct as secretary of state.”
700UW said:
It's not ignorance, Comey clearly stated there was no intent to violate the law and this statute is quite clear, there has to be intent.
I'd like to see the statute you are making this claim on.
700UW said:
You just have proven how grossly incompetent Hillary is. Comey has testified under oath already, Hillary, did in fact send and receive classified emails some 110 or more times.
If your contention that as SOS, she had no clue she was sending or receiving classified documents, she has no business running this country.
Besides, you have proven yourself grossly incompetent previously on this issue.
700UW said:
It's not ignorance, Comey clearly stated there was no intent to violate the law and this statute is quite clear, there has to be intent.
Can you quote that statute?
delldude said:
You've made the claim the statute is very clear........lets see the proof.
Reduced now to making slanderous statements instead of a reply?
he's just telling whatever some LWNJ site tells him to say like a good sheep