A flight attendant who reached the top of our payscale under our current contract makes $41.26 at step 17. with a $2 override for "A" or senior position and a flat $5 override for all flights that push with over 122 passengers. We earn $2 per hour per diem. The average lineholder schedule pays around 90 to 100 hours. Reserve guarantee is 93.5 hours with per diem paid only for trips flown or time spent sitting airport standby. Below is our current payscale.etops1 said:if i am not mistaken the article says that sw f/a start at 14,000 and a median income of 26,000. i would like to know what there topout is. i find it very hard to beleive that sw f/a make more than u f/a's . i have been here 8 yrs and my last paystub for 2003 said that my year to date earnings was 42,710.92. now i think that's pretty good for being here 8 yrs and not at top out . and that is very good for just working about 15-16 days a month asking people if they want an inflight cafe meal and a drink with that. i mean i do not want to insult the f/a proffession, but it is a very very easy job and we get paid very well for it. my pay stub proves that. so that thing that sw gets paid more than u is very hard to beleive
14.67 First Six Months
14.90 Second Six Months
17.34 Year 2
18.42 Year 3
20.40 Year 4
21.48 Year 5
22.56 Year 6
24.12 Year 7
25.60 Year 8
27.41 Year 9
29.30 Year 10
31.27 Year 11
36.06 Year 12
37.03 Year 13
37.93 Year 14
38.88 Year 15
40.15 Year 16
41.26 Year 17