Help For Distraught Family


Aug 20, 2002
The mother of the Alabama teenager missing in Aruba singled out US Airways for praise in a national interview last week.

On CNN Headline News, Beth Holloway Twitty said US Airways Chairman David Bronner, head of Alabama's pension system, intervened to help. The airline offered special fares for her and others to Aruba, she said.

"US Air stepped up. ... It's awesome," she said. A US Airways spokesman said he would not discuss special fares offered to the family and others but said: "We recognize that this is a pretty tragic set of circumstances, and we've been helpful where we can."

Twitty's daughter, Natalee Holloway, disappeared in May during a trip to the island.
Seems like they are spending an awful lot of money and time to find a "dumbass"drunken "loose"party girl. Let's see here. They have searched Aruba with thousands of volunteers,Policemen,forensic divers,Navy SEALS,Dutch Marines,search dogs,SONAR,RADAR,Satellite imagining,FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS,sent in F-16 fighter jets, drained almost every pond,lake on Aruba,searched all the garbage dumps,trash cans and haven't found a trace of her.

Maybe if Natalee would have went back to her Hotel at a reasonable hour or stayed with her traveling companions, she would have been able to catch her flight back to the US the morning she "vanished".

Ok,you can write your hate mail now! :p
Seems like they are spending an awful lot of money and time to find a "dumbass"drunken "loose"party girl. Let's see here. They have searched Aruba with thousands of volunteers,Policemen,forensic divers,Navy SEALS,Dutch Marines,search dogs,SONAR,RADAR,Satellite imagining,FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS,sent in F-16 fighter jets, drained almost every pond,lake on Aruba,searched all the garbage dumps,trash cans and haven't found a trace of her.

Maybe if Natalee would have went back to her Hotel at a reasonable hour or stayed with her traveling companions, she would have been able to catch her flight back to the US the morning she "vanished".

Ok,you can write your hate mail now! :p

I highly doubt from what I have heard that she isnt a drunk type but I do agree she could have been back at her hotel at a reasonable hour. she and her classmates may not have had to spend a lot as compared to selling a lot to pay for that trip.
That is sick and I hope nothing ever happens to a child you love.
Seems like they are spending an awful lot of money and time to find a "dumbass"drunken "loose"party girl. Let's see here. They have searched Aruba with thousands of volunteers,Policemen,forensic divers,Navy SEALS,Dutch Marines,search dogs,SONAR,RADAR,Satellite imagining,FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS,sent in F-16 fighter jets, drained almost every pond,lake on Aruba,searched all the garbage dumps,trash cans and haven't found a trace of her.

Maybe if Natalee would have went back to her Hotel at a reasonable hour or stayed with her traveling companions, she would have been able to catch her flight back to the US the morning she "vanished".

Ok,you can write your hate mail now! :p

To add more fuel to the fire, if Natalee had not been so white, blond, and pretty and if her folks didn't have a few bucks in the bank, other than local Birmingham news coverage, we would have never heard about her.

Nothing against the girl or her family, just a plain sad fact!

I wonder if Bronner would have been so helpful if Natalee hadn't been a good ol Alabama girl. Chances are he only did it so that he would look good. Looks like he has pretty much washed his hands of U.
Seems like they are spending an awful lot of money and time to find a "dumbass"drunken "loose"party girl. Let's see here. They have searched Aruba with thousands of volunteers,Policemen,forensic divers,Navy SEALS,Dutch Marines,search dogs,SONAR,RADAR,Satellite imagining,FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS,sent in F-16 fighter jets, drained almost every pond,lake on Aruba,searched all the garbage dumps,trash cans and haven't found a trace of her.

Maybe if Natalee would have went back to her Hotel at a reasonable hour or stayed with her traveling companions, she would have been able to catch her flight back to the US the morning she "vanished".

Ok,you can write your hate mail now! :p

You know, at 18 years old, how observant were you? Did it ever occur to you that someone could have slipped something in a drink? Maybe she wasn't in control and couldn't go back to her hotel on her own. I have to say that you have taken the "dumbass, loose message posting" to a new low....... :rant: :censored:
Atlantic said:
I heard yesterday about a black girl from PHL reported as missing. What's your point?


And what you didn't know was that that pregnant black woman has been missing a fullweek when the press picked up on it whereas we were given wall to wall coverage on Natalee the very next day of her dissapearance. If you still can't figure out my point, put your pointy white hat back on and go back to burning crosses.
Burning a cross? Please!
You show your cards!
I guess you think Liz Smart had it coming because she was blond and blue eyed. Oh, and not to forget the poor girl in that southern state that was kidnapped, raped, then put in the ground while still alive. And it was more than just a few days before those storys came out. But let us not let the facts get in the way.
I read about the girl from PHL in the PHL paper last week. So I knew about it lastr week. Did you?
tradegy happens..lots of young girls go missing all over the world ..traded into sex slave industry or maybe slipped down a ravine hit their head dies and get eaten by animals....

but then again what does all this has to do with Usairways coming to help some family in Alabama
Your so right. On another thred, I said that I wished that US involvement never became public. Some now are taking cheep shots.
robbedagain said:
I highly doubt from what I have heard that she isnt a drunk type but I do agree she could have been back at her hotel at a reasonable hour.   she and her classmates may not have had to spend a lot as compared to selling a lot to pay for that trip.

Yea, thats real good....let's just blame the victim now.


Every 18 year old I know that graduates from high school and went on vacation with their friends does not adhere to a curfew of midnight.

Personally, if I were in Aruba on my last night, I don't think I would have even been in close to midnight. I don't think by being out late warrants murder.

No one knows if she was on her way back to the hotel when these so called Loco locals gave her a ride, or said they would escort her home. Like every teenager, you're trusting especially with kids your own age.

You guys are unreal.

I'm glad to hear that US Airways stepped up to "a plate of concern" regarding another human being and a family. Regardless of the circumstance, someone showed concern at U and was NOT looking for publicity plug. I hope they are given space available seating for free at the very least every single time anyone in their family is going back and forth. This is honorable. This type of action surprised the heck out of me considering its highly irregular of Bronner considering his BOD killed thier own employees morale, spirit, livlihood, pensions many times over for the sake of a buck in their zeal for return on investment. I don't know how many times I personally e-mailed this guy or copied him in e-mails regarding what his "team" was doing to U and the employees.

No response.
Ok,you can write your hate mail now! :p

OK Princess...............I am not biting. You post was so outrageous that you can't be serious. So my take on you is that you just want some attention. The more outrageous you are the more people respond to you the more attention you get...yadda...yadda...yadda. Princess..........get a life :huh:
Seems like they are spending an awful lot of money and time to find a "dumbass"drunken "loose"party girl. Let's see here. They have searched Aruba with thousands of volunteers,Policemen,forensic divers,Navy SEALS,Dutch Marines,search dogs,SONAR,RADAR,Satellite imagining,FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS,sent in F-16 fighter jets, drained almost every pond,lake on Aruba,searched all the garbage dumps,trash cans and haven't found a trace of her.

Maybe if Natalee would have went back to her Hotel at a reasonable hour or stayed with her traveling companions, she would have been able to catch her flight back to the US the morning she "vanished".

Ok,you can write your hate mail now! :p

Your mother should have swallowed you