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Hello Charlotte

luvn737s said:
Your mom said you had to turn off the computer and go to bed, it's a school night.

Excellent retort monkey boy.... 😛 .
luvn737s said:
Your mom said you had to turn off the computer and go to bed, it's a school night.
:lol: Jetdoc, how does he know you still live with your mom?
Also, Isn't that crazy guy that used to work for Mayor Dinken's working for your dad out of the garage?
luvn737s said:
I think any repeal of the Wright Amendment should be tied to a requirement for DAL to build more and longer runways, additional gates and subsidies to attract new entrants. Let's eliminate all pretense of favoritism. Let's put a big fat bond issue (or better yet a sales tax increase) to a vote and see just how much "LUV" there is in DAL.

Or do what AUS and DEN did and eliminate the need for taxpayers to support two major airports by closing one.
The physical feasability and political will to expand any of Love Field's runways is zero. You do know that Braniff used to fly Boeing 747's non-stop to London and Honolulu from Love Field, don't you? The airport is plenty big as it stands.

The Love Field Competition Plan already prescribes the methodology for expanding the airport to it's maximum capacity of 32 gates. It also states how gates are to be allocated to existing and new entrant airlines. You can read it on the Love Field Website.

Did you know that American Airlines still leases 3 gates at Love Field? There is no favoritism being played by the City of Dallas. AA is free to use the airport for service any time they wish -- and last did so in their aggressive attack to shutter Legend Airlines. I believe they recognized the folly of having two operations serving the same market and withdrew there DAL service. Of course, they still pay $355,000/year to lease those gates!

Finally, Love Field is self supporting through its internal revenue generation. It takes no tax-payer money for its maintenance or operation. Also, because Love Field accepted federal funds through the FAA's Airport Improvement Program Dallas is required to continue to operate the facility as an airport for a 30-year period. No one this side of Congress has the authority to close Love Field!

(AUS and DEN had specific circumstances that do not apply to the scenario in North Texas!)
luvn737s said:
More gorilla talk. Put a banana in it! 🙂

Even John Madden says the best defense is to keep the other team's offense off the field. Getting the Wright Amendment repealed and giving SWA a clear place to grow may keep them off your turf long enough for you to reestablish roots and start growing again. Hey, it's just a thought. 🙂

I wish you all the luck in the world. This is the airline industry and I know my time to suffer will come, too. The goal is to hang your hat in the best place you can find, do your best to help that company succeed, and postpone the inevitable downward movement as long as possible. By the way, thanks in advance for the stash of fruit.
wnbubbleboy said:
:lol: Jetdoc, how does he know you still live with your mom?
Also, Isn't that crazy guy that used to work for Mayor Dinken's working for your dad out of the garage?

Hey Bubbleboy, its easy to sell p/c's when your buyers are made up in your head, lol.

Now lets go to Chinatown and buy some gum, nothing like 3 buddies, sitting around chewing gum.
"Again, the merger/acquisition itself won't immediately result in materially lower operating costs on the former US Airways system. The cost synergies will take months to establish, and in the meantime, CLT is a financial underpinning for the merged carrier that's critical to its future.

It's also wide-open to a Southwest attack.

Keep an eye on this one. "

This statement alone show you how uninformed he is. U's cost are already being realized and if you think I'm wrong you keep an eye out.

Your fuel hedgeing is the only thing keeping you alive so becareful what you say ...you are not hedged forever.....and you all are higher paid now than the rest of us.............
Since money is no object with WN (re: SEA/BFI bullying tactics) why doesn't WN buy DAL from the city, or build it's own airport? As far as AIP funds, DEN, AUS and even CGX (Meigs) took AIP funding and it didn't stop them from being closed. The citizens of Dallas know that the land upon which DAL sits could be turned into much more profitable use than as WN's de facto private airport. Forcing the investment necessary to to turn it into something useful to all airlines would bring this fact to light.

Would WN pull out of Dallas altogether? Maybe, since there are plenty of cities that WN doesn't serve. But more likely if push came to shove, WN would move its ops to DFW and learn to cope.
luvn737s said:
The citizens of Dallas know that the land upon which DAL sits could be turned into much more profitable use than as WN's de facto private airport.

You might want to check the stats of General/Corporate aviation that calls DAL home.

FWIW, you did know they tried turning DAL into an ice skating rink back in the late 70's...didn't you?
Doc said:
Your fuel hedgeing is the only thing keeping you alive so becareful what you say ...you are not hedged forever.....and you all are higher paid now than the rest of us.............

Southwest's CASM ex-fuel is lower than US. Southwest's CASM ex-labor and ex-fuel is less than US.

At the end of the day, they are better paid and even subtracting fuel from the equation they still have lower costs.

I guess they know something that U's management does not.
ClueByFour said:
Southwest's CASM ex-fuel is lower than US.  Southwest's CASM ex-labor and ex-fuel is less than US.

At the end of the day, they are better paid and even subtracting fuel from the equation they still have lower costs. 

I guess they know something that U's management does not.

Make that U's former management. The last two CEO's were never there to actually run an airline. Just run it in to the ground and then sell it.

Looking forward to some spirited competition in the very near furure.
N924PS said:
Looking forward to some spirited competetion in the very near furure.
You bet! It will be interesting and hopefully we'll all be better off for it. There is room for more than one "winner" in the airline industry. I wish you well, just not too well! 🙂
corl737 said:
You bet! It will be interesting and hopefully we'll all be better off for it. There is room for more than one "winner" in the airline industry. I wish you well, just not too well! 🙂

The only "winners" in this industry ar "WNr's"

LOL! 😀
[ Message deleted by poster. I replied to the wrong message! ]
WNrforlife said:
The only "winners" in this industry ar "WNr's"

Come on, folks. Humility is essential for our success. Remember how UAL, US, DAL, and AA used to sneer at us for being such a piddly little operation? What goes around comes around. Let's be better than that!