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Hello Charlotte

luvn737s said:
Now WN has begun earning that target with their 900 lb. gorilla attitude. Even they are vulnerable to 10 100lb gorillas.

Why so bitter? And no need to bring your family members into this thread, 😛 .
WNjetdoc said:
Why so bitter? And no need to bring your family members into this thread, 😛 .
I don't care who you are, that's funny!!!!!
I don't care who you are, that's funny!!!!!

This luvn737 seems to have a "little chub" over WN, he is always bashing us and I have grown tired of his rants.

However, isn't it ironic that he seems to be so insecure over WN but he has our trading symbol, Luv. in his handle, Luvn737's? I think if we were to explore his brain it would have some hidden meaning, such as he has a secret luv of luv, or he tried to get on with Luv and was turned down.
N607P said:
Yeah, they have some gate space open in the International D Concourse, but does WN want to fork over the cash needed to make these gates actually operational? A number of them aren't completed yet. The rent for these international gates is also higher. The rest of the airport is full. Bummer.

If CLT has the room (they do) and they are using federal funds to improve the terminal (they are) and they refuse to reasonably accomodate a new entrant, they lose the federal funds. It's that simple.

Since Jerry Orr is always talking about how CLT can expand to fit any demand, he's basically damned himself on this. If LUV wants to service CLT, CLT will find the gates, or CLT will lose federal funds (which are a big reason why CLT's cost/pax are so low).

"No room at the Inn" only really works at places like ORD, LGA, etc (where there is literally no room left).
ClueByFour said:
If CLT has the room (they do) and they are using federal funds to improve the terminal (they are) and they refuse to reasonably accomodate a new entrant, they lose the federal funds. It's that simple.
If LUV wants to service CLT, CLT will find the gates, or CLT will lose federal funds (which are a big reason why CLT's cost/pax are so low).

CLT's "Competition Plan" for 2002-07 which they filed with the FAA isn't currently available on their website (server error!). However, based on other information there may soon be vacancies in CLT's "A" Concourse, home to (among others) the dwindling United, Delta, Northwest, and Independence/Flyi.

BTW, I was amused by Flyi's website offering pictures of their aircraft in a "belly up" position! (Choose view "3" on this page!) Do they already know what the future may hold?
The Boeing strike might be settled. It looks like we will find out on Thursday. With all of the New Orleans planes already covering the previously announced new routes, one never knows what will happen next.............................. Just my thoughts..................
ClueByFour said:
If CLT has the room (they do) and they are using federal funds to improve the terminal (they are) and they refuse to reasonably accomodate a new entrant, they lose the federal funds. It's that simple.

Since Jerry Orr is always talking about how CLT can expand to fit any demand, he's basically damned himself on this. If LUV wants to service CLT, CLT will find the gates, or CLT will lose federal funds (which are a big reason why CLT's cost/pax are so low).

"No room at the Inn" only really works at places like ORD, LGA, etc (where there is literally no room left).

Since Jerry Orr is always talking about how CLT can expand to fit any demand, he's basically damned himself on this. If LUV wants to service CLT, CLT will find the gates, or CLT will lose federal funds (which are a big reason why CLT's cost/pax are so low).

Fed Funding is not the only reason CLT's costs are down, look at the airport equipment, capital expeditures are NOT allowed....
LD3 said:
Since Jerry Orr is always talking about how CLT can expand to fit any demand, he's basically damned himself on this. If LUV wants to service CLT, CLT will find the gates, or CLT will lose federal funds (which are a big reason why CLT's cost/pax are so low).
Fed Funding is not the only reason CLT's costs are down, look at the airport equipment, capital expeditures are NOT allowed....
I went to recharge last week in Dallas and after a conversation I had with one of the Vice Presidents I wouldnt expect an announcement concerning Charlotte anytime soon.
tug_slug said:
I went to recharge last week in Dallas and after a conversation I had with one of the Vice Presidents I wouldnt expect an announcement concerning Charlotte anytime soon.

Thanks for the update. I figured we had bigger fish to catch. Let AirTran wallop on "USAw" in CLT for a while.

What a great company! Where else would the upper-level management make the effort to come talk to us "line-swines!" I truly appreciate the respect we receive and the openness of management to keep us informed and participating in the process of making the company efficient and profitable. :up:
corl737 said:
Thanks for the update. I figured we had bigger fish to catch. Let AirTran wallop on "USAw" in CLT for a while.

What a great company! Where else would the upper-level management make the effort to come talk to us "line-swines!" I truly appreciate the respect we receive and the openness of management to keep us informed and participating in the process of making the company efficient and profitable. :up:
I worked at U for 17 years and you could always tell management was lying because their mouth was moving.

After being here at Southwest for a year management here not only treats you better but you can actually take the information their giving you as the truth. :up:
LUV already has a large presence at RDU, why would it compete against itself in CLT. RDU is only a few hours away by ground. Anyone who wants LUV's fares already drives there, why open a new station when you already have the passengers coming to you?
FlyGuyBWI said:
LUV already has a large presence at RDU, why would it compete against itself in CLT. RDU is only a few hours away by ground. Anyone who wants LUV's fares already drives there, why open a new station when you already have the passengers coming to you?

That same logic could also apply to BWI and PHL, yet WN is in both markets. Go figure.
SWAFA30 said:
That same logic could also apply to BWI and PHL, yet WN is in both markets. Go figure.

While there is some overlap between BWI and PHL I believe PHL service was more of a two-part advance:
1) The PHL airport was extremely overpriced; and
2) PHL is a reasonable access point to the southwestern part of the NYC metro area, a much greater market than the marginal siphoning of existing traffic from BWI.

One thing I've learned over the years is that SWA's strategic planning folks have undoubtedly already considered whatever concern I may believe exists, weighed every possible outcome, and made the best decision from a purely business standpoint. I fully support their efforts because their track record demands it!
corl737 said:
Thanks for the update. I figured we had bigger fish to catch. Let AirTran wallop on "USAw" in CLT for a while.

What a great company! Where else would the upper-level management make the effort to come talk to us "line-swines!" I truly appreciate the respect we receive and the openness of management to keep us informed and participating in the process of making the company efficient and profitable. :up:

I dont think 6 flts a day will wallop US to bad....
corl737 said:
While there is some overlap between BWI and PHL I believe PHL service was more of a two-part advance:
1) The PHL airport was extremely overpriced; and
2) PHL is a reasonable access point to the southwestern part of the NYC metro area, a much greater market than the marginal siphoning of existing traffic from BWI.

One thing I've learned over the years is that SWA's strategic planning folks have undoubtedly already considered whatever concern I may believe exists, weighed every possible outcome, and made the best decision from a purely business standpoint. I fully support their efforts because their track record demands it!
I had a road trip to PHL the other day while waiting for MX I spoke with a supervisor and from what I understand is our target for PHL is 17 gates.