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Hedge Fund owns both DAL and UAL shares

Alice Cramden

Dec 23, 2006
Reaction score
Looks like Pardus bought 3,000,000 DAL hedge funds on 2007-08-14
Today, 2007-11-14 Pardus bought another 4,000,000 AFTER he sent the letter to DAL.

Oh, I forgot to mention Pardus bought UAL shares now at 3,000,000. Pardus has been buying and selling a bit of UAL shares, but the balance is now 3,000,000.

Nothing like having a stake in BOTH companies and sending a letter demanding a merger so you can watch both stocks go up! Amazing.

Too bad 90% of the DAL pilots sold their stock, maybe they could have had a little more say in their next contract!

Link: www.sec.gov
Under "Edgar"
Click on Companies and other filers
CIK type in 1337183


13F-HR on 2007-8-14
13F-HR on 2007-11-14

There is no merger!
With the additional 4 million shares Pardus bought today, they now own appx. 5% of DAL's outstanding shares. Certainly not enough to force the Boards hands, but definitely enough to at least make them listen. Not that its required, but the DAL pilots group came out today and essentially gave their approval of a merger with UAL. I presume NWA would get the same response.

"Many analysts have suggested that airline industry consolidation is inevitable. The Delta pilots are not opposed to a rational and sensible consolidation scenario," said a statement from Lee Moak, a Delta captain and the head of the Air Line Pilots Association unit at the airline. "The 'right' merger opportunity could draw our support and result in a successful merger. However, we are not interested in a transaction just for transaction's sake."

A merger with either UAL or NWA would give Delta what it needs/wants, and likewise for the other carrier. Something the failed LCC takeover never could.

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