DL employees have had more than enough opportunities to unionize but they have repeatedly chosen not to do so. And tell me, what did unionization do for AA or UA employees that put them on better footing than DL's employees? DL employee groups are all more than large enough to vote for unionization but they have consistently chosen not to do so. And if you think that unionization efforts at this point will do a thing, you are dead wrong. Even if a unionization election was won TODAY, DL would have a very long time to negotiate a contract with that employee group and by that point could have pulled off a merger. Unionization hasn't saved anyone anything in the airline industry and won't do any good now either.
No, DL may not be a buyer but their turnaround plan and their support from Wall Street has far surpassed that of the industry average. It is precisely for that reason that DL will likely be an acquirer and not an acquired.
World Traveler....have you ever worn a Delta uniform? Pilot, flight attendant, ramp worker or mechanic? Have you ever been employed by Delta in any form or fashion?
Just curious....because if not, then you have no idea what you're talking about. Unionization is about more than whether your pay and/or benefits are going to be cut. (If the unions chose not to work with management 2, 3 years ago, people like you would have said they sunk the airline, put thousands out of work. Most chose to work with management to help during the bad times and you say unionionization "hasn't saved anyone anything in the airline industry.." You've set up an impossible standard for the union in your first argument.) Having a union is about accountability and mutual respect as well. You can read all the business articles you want but until you've been called into a supervisor's office, not allowed to bring a witness with you, assumed to be guilty until proven innocent, then you don't know whether a union is good for an airline employee or not.
FYI, From a Delta FA working on the AFA campaign:
If Delta decides to take disciplinary action against you there are certain things you should know:
- You will be considered guilty until you prove yourself innocent.
- You will be alone in the initial meeting with management.
- If an entire crew is involved the rotation will be split into individual dupe numbers to segment you from your crew.
- If you have a good file, it may not matter. Your documented past will be separate.
- After your initial interview your I.D. will be taken and you will be told to wait for the decision from Delta.
- When the decision is made you will be called in to a meeting alone, although there will be at least two Delta representatives there, maybe more.
- If you are found to be innocent of the charges you will still have some type of documentation in your file.
- You will be sworn to secrecy or further disciplinary action may follow.
- Any trips missed during this time will not be pay protected.
Here are "7" magnificent reasons to have a contract when facing possible disciplinary action:
1. You will be notified 'in writing' of the specific subject that management is investigating
2. You will have immediate contact with AFA representatives available to you from the first minute you hear of a problem.
3. You will be presumed innocent until proven guilty. You will have the entire legal department of AFA to back you up.
4. You will be treated like a professional. You will have the right to a timely resolution.
5. You can be sure that management will be required to conduct a 'thorough' investigation
6. You will have someone sitting in the room with you during any meetings with management.
7. For most investigations, you will be pay protected for your trips missed. This forces accountability onto management.