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Heavy June Loads

USFlyer said:
One word: Fuel. At least US was somewhat hedged, but fuel probably killed any 2Q profits.
U has hedged but the real good thing is that U has access to hedged fuel through the star alliance.

Any cost they try to shove down our throats is BS
WestCoastGuy said:
the bean counters and accountants will make SURE U doesnt show a "profit" for a long time. Last quarter would have been almost 100 million profit, cept for the 250 mil pay back to the govt loan guarantee. That was paid back early so we showed over a 100 mil loss.
You need to review Accounting 101; As others have said, this fallacy has been debunked many times on this forum - I sincerely hope that your flying/maintenance/FA/ramper (whatever you do) skills are far better than your understanding of profit and loss. 🙄

"Company is cash positive and as long as they can maintain that the doors will ost likely stay op"

Normally true, but most companies don't have the ATSB covenents to contend with. Of course, if we can maintain a positive cash flow, we could pay off the loan and remove those covenents from the picture. The trick is to be sufficiently cash positive on an annual basis.

BoeingBoy said:
The official announcement of June traffic.....
I'd love to know how the yields look on the TATL flights. ASMs, RSMs, and LFs are all up on them.
Actually, if you look more closely (and make a couple of calculations), you'll see that US Airways' international load factor went down, from 85.4% in June 2003 to 83.9% last month. Since this number covers all international flights, and not just Transatlantic, I assume (a.) the drop in off-peak passengers to the Caribbean and Mexico more than offset the increase in peak season passengers to Europe, (b.) more off-peak Caribbean flights were retained this summer than last summer without a similar increase in traffic, which resulted in a lower load factor in that region, or (c.) a combination of the two. Any thoughts?
😳 You're right. That'll teach me not to eyeball the numbers instead of grabbing the calculator.

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