Who will be the FIRST RE - PLUG to Respond ?
Who will be the FIRST RE - PLUG to make an A - HOLE Out of Himself ?
ANY Takers ???
Bob Woodward, of Watergate Fame, Has the M O R O N ....... " ON TAPE " Admitting that he KNEW how bad COVID Was way back in early February.
(Reminder to myself),
TRUMP Said " it was nothing and it would go AWAY ". Said He didn't want to " PANIC EVERYONE ".
Translation : The A - HOLE, Didn't Want TO PANIC WALL Street / the ECONOMY !!
OK Boys. Step right Up, Who's Gonna' be the First, " I WANNA' Make an A-HOLE out of Myself" ?????
Projected ODDS.
Insp69 ................ " EVEN MONEY"
eolesen ..............." 2 to 1 "
ZOMbie .............. " 5 to 2 "
dell ..................... " 4 to 1 "
Fauci denies hearing Trump distort facts on coronavirus
The nation’s top infectious disease expert defended the president after recordings revealed that Trump wanted to downplay the severity of the pandemic.
Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, defended President Donald Trump on Wednesday after audio recordings revealed that the president wanted to downplay the severity of the coronavirus early in the pandemic.
Speaking with Fox News’ John Roberts, Fauci denied that he ever heard the president “distort” the threat of the coronavirus and maintained that Trump’s presentations to the public were largely in line with discussions he’d had with medical experts. When asked whether he ever felt Trump was downplaying the severity of the coronavirus, Fauci said no.