hearing whispers as to the legendary USA320PILOT'S inference of if IAM does not 'cut a deal' regarding bus outsourcing, U will invoke a secret clause in their contract to be devastating to all involved.AP Tech said:As I have mentioned before, Dave is going after the outsourcing with the IAM first and then it will spread to the rest of the company. He had pointed his sights next at Res, not necessarily outsourcing out of the US but perhaps a call center that has had the misfortune of falling victim to the now famous "No-Call" list. I am sure there are people who would be willing to work for maybe half of what our agents make? Just maybe there is a big building in Alabama avaliable?
Oh BTW 30+ notices were handed out this week to IAM personnel telling them their service were no longer required. Wonder if this will make the news such as the article in Oct that U was actually bringing back mechanics for the de-ice season? :down:
finally this secret clause has been located......it is in reference to the company having the right to put maintenance where they wish,only it will be performed by IAM personell.word from under the desk,if U loses in PHL a vindictive and spiteful dave in a fit of rage will invoke the closing of PIT BASE maintenance and move it most likely to 'BAMA as a token gesture to JESUS