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Heading to the Paint Shop

On 6/12/2003 3:01:40 PM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

Well, right now we are stretched too thin with Widebody aircraft. (USAirways doesn''t know the term WIDEBODY...never has) Anyway, I would guess right now we can''t take even 1 widebody out of the fleet for painting because of the Ireland service.
Second, these uniforms are gross. I was hoping we would get new ones after bankruptcy just like Continental did. But...no. We have had the same shell uniform since what?...1980? We could merge with United and somehow some way we would still be in this uniform. It''s never going to change. Your right...I would pay for a new tie or something myself just to look decent.

Why couldn''t they have held off a couple of weeks on reinstating PIT-LGW or PIT-FRA and repainted the worst one?
Oh come on.....US knows the term "Wide Body". Take for instance Delta and Orlando. Delta calls there Wide Body leaving out on a 767...full!! We call our Wide Body leaving out on two 737-300s leaving 5 min apart..Oversold!!
On 6/12/2003 4:57:27 PM gilbertguy wrote:

Maybe US will repaint the first plane as a Tabasco bottle...


They use the sauce as paint stripper.
656 looks bad too, another 767 is bad too, but I forgot the tail #
I traveled this weekend through CLT, DCA and LGA. I didn''t see any aircraft that were obviously in need of a paint job. THat''s encouraging... But considering the nature of the biz, it only takes a few lepers to do the damage.
I feel you on the uniform thing... Its tacky and depressing. "Welcome Aboard, our sympathies for your loss."
My idea has always been a darker navy (like the planes) suit, with red and white sripes on the sleeves (like the cheatline) with a light gray/dark gray (like the seat cushions) tie or scarf. White shirt. For customer service, they would have a gray suit, light blue (think Envoy Class) shirt, and the same tie or scarf. Not real complicated, but no one would ever mistake what airline we''re representing or that we are crew. I have a friend who was walking down the hallway of a hotel in uniform, when a guest poked thier head out of thier door and asked her for some extra towels.

I love our livery, I find it distinguished and unique when its um, all there. These pictures would be funny if they werent so sad.
While our livery has grown on me, I did like the "hybrid" polished fuselage with the flag on the tail and US AIRWAYS in dark print on the side. One of my favorite pictures from work is from the ramp in PIT next to the DC9 I was working that trip.

I have wanted some kind of color added to that tie since day one! I used to think a nice silver stripe on the sleeve to match the wings would be nice but I really like the white/red stripe idea! Maybe if we had more of an identity...well no, things would still suck...but people would know who we are.

That 767 y''all are talking about is parked at Philly''s new international terminal all the time. Today they finally moved it into the middle of the gates. You could still see it from the airport roadway but at least it doesn''t scare motorists on I-95 like it must have when they kept parking it at the gate closest to the interstate!
I was reading the post regarding the uniforms and yes they do look like we are going to a funeral. But, I remember a few years ago when they were going to put a stripe on the F/A epaulets and the pilot group had a FIT in at the meeting. They said is was traditionally reserved for the "navigation officer" (which no longer exists) and so the idea was squashed. They even toyed with the idea of having a flag embroidered on the epaulets...ick. All these little squabbles and objections add up to our uniform looking like the naval brigade. If you really want to point the finger... point it at British Airways. They were the ones that during the wet lease came in and said we had "too much going on with our uniform accessories," they wanted everyone to look the same.

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