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East 737's get painted

Mechanically I would chose a 737 anyday, smooth take-off and quiet and usually doesn't break down. Unfortunatley all the passengers and inf. crew see is one nasty ride... PHX-MEM, PHX-YYC.... long hauls on those and they are nasty to ride, lavs that smell the whole back of the plane like a row of sani-cans tipped over is never to appealing to our pax. Not to mention most of ours are hidiously dirty and disgusting.
I understand the desire that there be a closet, but they are a bottleneck during boarding. Everyone wants to use it. Close it after first class boarding is mostly complete, then when you open it later, someone sees this and wants to put their things as well.

??? In what bubble do you reside in ??? On the "EAST" side of the operations, 99% of the boarding passengers know that the closet is not for their use. Only the occassional idiot asks to use the closet. And once in a while you'll have some jack@ss FC passenger demand to immediately hang up their coats in the closet. And this hardly impeeds the boarding process. What does slow down the process is waiting for the fool to put their bag in the overhead because it's too damn heavy for them to lift or the twit that can't count and follow the increasing numbers that show you what row you're at.
They are going to be painted, not reconfigured.

The planes are sealed and closed up while being painted, they dont work on the inside at the same time.

Plus that work will be done in-house when and if decided upon.
??? In what bubble do you reside in ??? On the "EAST" side of the operations, 99% of the boarding passengers know that the closet is not for their use. Only the occassional idiot asks to use the closet. And once in a while you'll have some jack@ss FC passenger demand to immediately hang up their coats in the closet. And this hardly impeeds the boarding process. What does slow down the process is waiting for the fool to put their bag in the overhead because it's too damn heavy for them to lift or the twit that can't count and follow the increasing numbers that show you what row you're at.
I love flying with the "closet cops" on the 737. I find that FC pax ask if we would like their coat at the boarding door to make it easier for us, not to be rude. Alot of FA's don't get that, and snap at the person.

When a coach pax asks if they can hang their coat, I always say yes. WHO CARES? It happens very rarely, and really, is it that big of a deal? 🙄
I love flying with the "closet cops" on the 737. I find that FC pax ask if we would like their coat at the boarding door to make it easier for us, not to be rude. Alot of FA's don't get that, and snap at the person.

When a coach pax asks if they can hang their coat, I always say yes. WHO CARES? It happens very rarely, and really, is it that big of a deal? 🙄
I do the same for our Y class passengers... However, there are a few F/C nazi's who would have a heart attack if a coach class passengers coat was on the hook. OMG... :shock: However, I try to make everyone happy. I sometimes get the extra hangers out of the FD and use them... 😀

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