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Has 757 Europe Operation Rumor gone Flat

Because it's a lead sled. Very few if any commercial airliners have the power and climb capability of the 757. Only the Dornier Jet comes to mind and it is slow in cruise.

The 321 wasn't really designed to fly 3+ hour trips. When it's full of folks/bags/fuel, it's climb capability is pretty bad.

Put on the east coast markets and it does great. Full load with half the fuel and 350 to 370 is obtainable.

Leave it to the airlines to push an aircraft to it's segment limits. The 321 gives you the same performance you would expect from a 727 on those transcon flights. Or a CRJ from PHL to MSP...same difference.
It's highly doubtful that any passenger could tell that the A321 can only get to 32,000 ft going to LAS compared to 40,000 ft for the 757. It's even more doubtful that any passenger would even care.

It is when you are going to SFO, and bouncing thru WX tops at 28,000 over the midwest. Been there and done that.
Either they had a real bumpy ride, or they deviated around the weather at a much wider margin.

The props topped out in the high teens to mid twenties, if I remember correctly.

I seem to recall, however, the A321 getting up to FL390 once or twice on a CLT-LGA run, or am I imagining that?

It seems that the best power to weight ratio other than the 757 would be the A319-am I correct? I think that has pretty long legs as well.

My best to you all...
I seem to recall, however, the A321 getting up to FL390 once or twice on a CLT-LGA run, or am I imagining that?

It seems that the best power to weight ratio other than the 757 would be the A319-am I correct? I think that has pretty long legs as well.

My best to you all...

Yes, the A321 is actually certified to go to FL390 and will do it on legs with light loads and short/medium legs.

I imagine you are also correct on the A319 as second to the 757 in power-to-weight department, at least in the USAirways fleet. The 757 is cetified to FL410 (I believe) and can often get there. The 319 is certified to FL390 and often cannot get there on long legs for the first 2/3 of the flight.
So if all the 757s go to INTL flying, how are my PHL-LAS flights going to go? If they go A321s, over to SW I will go. just my opinion.......
Well we tried the 321 out in LAS back when they were still new and oh what a mess, we could hardly ever take off to the west (that whole climb thing and losing an engine but maybe one of the pilots can explain that)and when we did we would make tech stops because we would leave fuel. Usually would sit out and wait to take off in the opposite direction. I always wondered what the other airlines that were watching us takeoff thought. Of course how about doing LAS-PHL redeye on the -300. Whoaa! I love the 300 but whoever came up with that was smoking something.
I wonder how they did MDW-SFO or MKC-LAX back in the days of the DC-6 and B-377?

Alas, it's 2006. I've always wondered what it would be like if US had the equivilent of Channel 9, so that I could sit there and hear the ride reports from the FLs in the high 30s while the 321 bounces along in the high 20s.

The 321 is obviously more comfortable than the 757 (even before the 752s were neutered to 8 FC seats). That said, I've always wondered (particularly when headwinds are stiff) if I'm finally going to get to experience a tech stop on the way to the coast...
I've never had the "pleasure" of flying the US 757s (my one opportunity lost by flight cancellation), but I would thoroughly agree about the A321s. Great birds but no go. On my CLT-SFO haul we spent pretty much the entire flight hanging around 30k. I recall reading that the original A321 didn't even have transcon range... they had to build the "200 series" to get US to bite.

US installing cockpit voice system would be nice... I mean, seriously, it can't be that expensive, it's just an interconnect dropping off the radio system to feed the IFE box. No whiz-bang gee-gaws needed. Just call it Channel .9 🙂
I've been on a few 321's to LAX where we've gotten to 35, but only after an hour or two. Last week our initial cruise from CLT was to be 23, but we made it up to 27 because of weather.

LAS-PHL was not the only one to get the 300 red-eye. PHX-PHL red-eye was almost exclusively 300.

The worst insult of all however, was the winter of 97. After closing the LAX crew base, Wolf switched the PHL red-eye from a 757 to a 300, effectively keeping people from commuting to the PHL base via the crew lounge (aft 757 cabin). That was a great secret. Most night you'd be able to go back there and get a whole row to stretch out in.

Word was he was punishing people for not moving to PHL. Even a 400 would have been a little better, at least then the crew would have not been interuppted by people using the aft lavs.
I didn't know those "Classic" 737s even HAD transcontinental range! :shock: A 733 going across the country must have just plain SUCKED!
I flew a 300 Eastbound from SFO-PHL back in the mid to late '90s. The westbound was a 757, no 300 was scheduled from PHL. PIT and CLT and I think BWI used a 300 westbound.

I was in a 757 westbound in December 1998 PHL-SFO,and the previous days flights ALL stopped in MCI for more fuel due to headwinds as well as the AM flight stopped there as well. Our flight stopped in LAS in the old A gates for refueling, one guy they let off in LAS to use the restroom, due to he was overweight and handicapped. I wanted to go off for about 5 minutes to throw a loose $20 away in the slots at the gate area, but no let me. I understood.
I didn't know those "Classic" 737s even HAD transcontinental range! :shock: A 733 going across the country must have just plain SUCKED!
Yep, I think that stopped in like 99. I think I can still smell the dog dish!!! Oh the memories. Actually I like the 300, yeah she's stinky and getting kinda rough around the edges but she's one tuff B!!!

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