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Gun Threads - Merged

The obvious is that if you want gun control don't give a gun permit to a registered Democrat. Put a Democrat on the No Fly List. Allow only registered Democrats at the Gun Free Zones. Put all registered Democrats on the Terrorist list.

There. That pretty much solves the gun violence issue. OR...

Just look at Chiraq, the most violent city in the US which is Odumba's hometown!


Kev3188 said:
What? That you love false equivalencies?
Whats so false about it?
You liberal's blame the NRA for these shootings, yet none of these liberal shooters were NRA members.
How do you square that?
townpete said:
Whats so false about it?
You liberal's blame the NRA for these shootings, yet none of these liberal shooters were NRA members.
How do you square that?
You don't have to be a member of the NRA to take advantage of the environment they've helped perpetuate.

That really never occurred to you?
Kev3188 said:
You don't have to be a member of the NRA to take advantage of the environment they've helped perpetuate.

That really never occurred to you?
They helped to perpetuate? Are you high?
So now you claim that anyone who use's a gun for murder is a "victim" of the NRA?
Unbelievably lame.