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Gun Threads - Merged

delldude said:
What's wrong with that?
Nice thigh.
Kev3188 said:
Sorry I let you down? I can't spend all my days scouring the headlines. 🙂

Just saw it today. Happier ending that what might've been, but still doesn't address the larger issue of gun violence in our nation.
I think it addressed quite nicely.
But obviously that goes against your delicate disposition. 
Yes. Not wanting Americans to be slaughtered is clearly "delicate." 🙄

Not interested in dealing with stupid today. Come back with something better for us to discuss.
‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Firearms Licensing Did Not Stop Terrorist with AK-47 in Istanbul Airport
Turkey, which recently suffered an attack in the Istanbul airport by a terrorist with an AK-47, has a complete prohibition on private ownership of semiautomatic rifles, firearm licensing requirements, and background checks.
In American leftist lingo, an AK-47, a type of semiautomatic rifle, is an “assault weapon.” AK-47s are completely banned from private possession. That, however, did not keep a terrorist from getting one. And that alone highlights the foolishness of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wisc.) pursuit of more gun control following the June 12 Orlando terror attack.
In fact, the gun controls in Turkey are so strict that a terrorist in position of an AK-47 only highlights what we should have already learned from Chicago–namely, that gun control empowers wicked people, while making law-abiding citizens vulnerable.
Kev3188 said:
Sorry I let you down? I can't spend all my days scouring the headlines. 🙂

Just saw it today. Happier ending that what might've been, but still doesn't address the larger issue of gun violence in our nation.
So a responsible conceal carry civilian stopped a mass shooting and you react by pouring cold water all over it...like it didnt happen?
Another example of liberals having no idea what they are talking about when it comes to guns.