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Gun Threads - Merged

No one has addressed the issue of preventing killings, only one method to commit them.
Man will still harbor the ill intent to perform extreme acts of violence whether or not he has access to certain types of weapons.
Okinawan Karate can be traced back to the late 17th century when a ban on weapons was imposed by the samurai rulers of Japan.....how'd that work out?
Kev3188 said:
More "responsible" gun ownership.
She was a responsible owner, and apparently her gun didn't kill anyone.

For all you know she was carrying, and showed restraint.

Seriously, Kev. When someone is intent killing another person, they're going to find a tool to do the job.

You can ban guns, cars, knives, hammers, baseball bats, fireplace irons, drywall saws, and framing nailers.

That still does nothing to address murder.
eolesen said:
I'm sure he used an AR-15, right?
Do citizens (not police officers) with guns ever stop mass shootings? (Hint: why yes they do!)
Many mass shootings happen in supposedly “gun-free” zones (such as schools, universities, bars, or private property posted with a no-guns sign), in which gun carrying isn’t allowed in many states.
And there is no central database of such examples, many of which don’t hit the national media, especially if a gunman is stopped before he shoots many victims.
Moreover, at least some examples are ambiguous, because it might be unclear — as you’ll see below — whether the shooter had been planning to kill more people when he was stopped.
Still, for whatever they are worth, here is a list of some such incidents (which deliberately excludes killings stopped by people who were off-duty police officers,
or police officers from other jurisdictions, at the time of a shooting, as well as some other cases which struck me as borderline)
Kev3188 said:
A chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, and a Glock strapped to every thigh!

Dos it bother you that this little girl has more testicular fortitude then yourself?
Just something to think about.
Kev3188 said:
A chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, and a Glock strapped to every thigh!

I'm sure if she'd have just called 911, everything would have been fine, right?

We clearly need more background checks, because someone who could pass the background check to be a prison guard wouldn't have been able to get a handgun.
eolesen said:
I'm sure if she'd have just called 911, everything would have been fine, right?

We clearly need more background checks, because someone who could pass the background check to be a prison guard wouldn't have been able to get a handgun.
Clearly so....