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Back to the original post...when I gotta pee, I gotta pee. I promise I won't sue the airline if I get up when the seat belt light is on and I get hurt. And since I am out of KC...any of you who fly thru KC should be aware that once in the gate area, you CAN'T get to a rest room without having to reclear security. Sometimes that line can be rather long. So you go do your business...clear security, and hope like heck the urge doesn't hit again if the ride's a bit bumpy.
KCFlyer said:
Back to the original post...when I gotta pee, I gotta pee. I promise I won't sue the airline if I get up when the seat belt light is on and I get hurt. And since I am out of KC...any of you who fly thru KC should be aware that once in the gate area, you CAN'T get to a rest room without having to reclear security. Sometimes that line can be rather long. So you go do your business...clear security, and hope like heck the urge doesn't hit again if the ride's a bit bumpy.
I completely understand the unique situation at MCI. This "bathroom" situation is one of a kind in the WN system. Unfortunately...pax get up and or delay departures because they came from the bar and boarded at the last minute. I can't change this behavior. Yet, I am required to inform them that "The S/B sign is on and you should not be up". Combined with a P/A stating the same, I am done! I am not a Police Officer and once I have fulfilled my duties (stated above) it is done!
Now, if we are in moderate+ turbulence, I might holler and say "Sit Down Now!" Otherwise a verbal reminder will suffice as to my duties. I have had broken bones due to turbulence at work in the past, yet, if a pax ignores my instructions I figure that they deserve whatever they might get.
Not Jaded,
Chris 🙄

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