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"Housemother of a Sorority House" huh?

Why the need to resort to name calling? Again, I''m curious...why this hostility towards SWA?

My company''s uniform has well over a dozen different pieces. How do you know which ones I choose to wear to work. Maybe I wear my lettter sweater(assuming that I''m a female) , maybe I wear my shirt, tie, and blazer.

How do you know I''m working for peanuts? Maybe I''m an "A" scale flight attendant that has been at SWA for decades and I''m making a ton of money flying charters at doubletime and have a huge profit sharing account.

Surely you''re not suggesting that no other airline on the planet...even airlines with first and business class...don''t have "smelly passengers". If noone else wants the smelly passengers...send em all to us...their money spends just like everyone else''s!

My professionalism comes from the fact I can render first-aid or command an evacuation and save my passengers life. The quality of my training and my ability to use it has nothing to do with my uniform.

I can only assume that the "y''all" is a dig at the fact that we''re a Texas based airline....isn''t there another airline based in Dallas?.....Oh yeah...American!
On 6/7/2003 9:31:11 PM SWAFA30 wrote:

"Housemother of a Sorority House" huh?

Why the need to resort to name calling? Again, I''m curious...why this hostility towards SWA?

My company''s uniform has well over a dozen different pieces. How do you know which ones I choose to wear to work. Maybe I wear my lettter sweater(assuming that I''m a female) , maybe I wear my shirt, tie, and blazer.

How do you know I''m working for peanuts? Maybe I''m an "A" scale flight attendant that has been at SWA for decades and I''m making a ton of money flying charters at doubletime and have a huge profit sharing account.

Surely you''re not suggesting that no other airline on the planet...even airlines with first and business class...don''t have "smelly passengers". If noone else wants the smelly passengers...send em all to us...their money spends just like everyone else''s!

My professionalism comes from the fact I can render first-aid or command an evacuation and save my passengers life. The quality of my training and my ability to use it has nothing to do with my uniform.

I can only assume that the "y''all" is a dig at the fact that we''re a Texas based airline....isn''t there another airline based in Dallas?.....Oh yeah...American!

Rah Rah Rah, I wasn''t name calling and you have construed a statement for your own interpretation. I don''t see anyone else whining about stinky pax but your own work group. But if the fares keep going down...I guess we will all know what ya''ll are talking about. You say you have been there for decades,I guess greyhound should be your next stop because the words First, Business, and Class, have never entered your world. So keep on sucking the stench and god help the rest of us. Funny thing is....all the new hires at your "airline" aka Greyhound Air are smart enough to know they are working their butts off and want a piece of the action. Mr. K inspired people...but those days are coming to an end,soon..so spare me the grandiose lovefest and wake up. Your KoolAid days are about to end.I don''t work for AA...so get off of that..but I guess the uniform would be a hell of alot more dignified than the rags ya''all wear.....we may be losing money(subject to mgt numbers) but we don''t look like fools.
On 6/7/2003 9:31:11 PM SWAFA30 wrote:

I can only assume that the "y''all" is a dig at the fact that we''re a Texas based airline....isn''t there another airline based in Dallas?.....Oh yeah...American!

No, AA is based in Ft. Worth. BIG difference between the two!
Wow! I thought this was a discussion about the "Fasten Seatbelt" sign. How did this devolve into an SWA trashfest.

Reread my post more carefully, never said that I had been here for years. Just said it was possible. Likewise, I never said anything about anyone working for American Airlines, I simply pointed out that we are not the only airline based in the south.

How exactly would you describe a "grandiose lovefest"?

How exactly do you know how "all the new hires" feel about working here. How do you define a "new hire"? Have you spoken to each and every one of them?

Is the comparison to Greyhound supposed to be a put-down?
Should flying only be available to people who can afford to pay for a first or business class ticket? Just trying to get a fix on your point of view.

If someone chooses not to fly us, what difference does it make if we don''t have first or business class?

If they don''t work here, why do they care how bad our uniforms are, how little money we make or how fast the company will go down the tubes now that Herb has stepped aside? I

If SWA is not a part of their life, why would they care.

Still wondering where all this hatred for SWA comes from.
T Bag: Your posting was hysterical. I haven''t had a good laugh in a long time...the "after shower unit" sent me over the edge. Thanks for the medicine...

I am a United F/A and have to say that for the most part, the caliber of passenger at UA is much more civil. I used to fly for ATA, where the passengers were very unrefined and rarely followed crewmember instructions or direction. The business clientelle at UA is low-maintenance. Sometimes you have to ask them again to turn off their laptops, but for the most part, they understand the gig and just do what they are supposed to do. As for the seatbelt sign, my job is to inform, not force, passengers to stay seated while the seatbelt sign is on. I explain that it is not safe for them to be up, but I don''t stress out about it if they choose to ignore the seatbelt sign. I usually fly as purser and in my PA''s inform the passengers that the lavoratories will be available ONCE the seatbelt sign is turned off. Some F/A''s act more like safety police and that can create a war. As F/A''s we
don''t have to get snippy when the passenger gets up, I politely inform them and they usually actually aplogize for being out of their seat.
On 5/28/2003 2:52:38 AM tbags wrote:

Cathleen, Thanks for the info(pic) in the other group. I have had really smelly B.O. types far too often! Sometimes it is an old passenger that can''t take care of themseleves and don''t even know. Alot of the time they have a note pinned to their shirt saying who they are and where they are going. More often it is an issue of "culture". I won''t mention whom, but they tend to treat female F/A''s like dirt, think I am attracted to my own sex and have alot of facial, body hair! They sometimes wear an after shower drying unit atop their person. Not trying to offend, just stating it as I see it.



OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Classic! :bigsmile:]
On 6/10/2003 11:25:34 PM SWAFA30 wrote:

Wow! I thought this was a discussion about the "Fasten Seatbelt" sign. How did this devolve into an SWA trashfest.

Reread my post more carefully, never said that I had been here for years. Just said it was possible. Likewise, I never said anything about anyone working for American Airlines, I simply pointed out that we are not the only airline based in the south.

How exactly would you describe a "grandiose lovefest"?

How exactly do you know how "all the new hires" feel about working here. How do you define a "new hire"? Have you spoken to each and every one of them?

Is the comparison to Greyhound supposed to be a put-down?
Should flying only be available to people who can afford to pay for a first or business class ticket? Just trying to get a fix on your point of view.

If someone chooses not to fly us, what difference does it make if we don''t have first or business class?

If they don''t work here, why do they care how bad our uniforms are, how little money we make or how fast the company will go down the tubes now that Herb has stepped aside? I

If SWA is not a part of their life, why would they care.

Still wondering where all this hatred for SWA comes from.

You are willing to work for good will, the other 200,000
airline employees in the US are not.And why is that? Because we have all been there and know that our pockets are being looked at everyday by people who couldn''t care less about us. Do you really think it''s going to stay "cozy and warm" for you forever? Back to the uniform and seatbelt delemma. Think about it...if SWA was looking for a new vendor and that "professional" person showed up in shorts and a polo shirt do you really think they would be taken seriously? It''s very doubtful in the real world and they would be shown the door.Your pay? Yes we do care,we want a good life for the hard work we all do and we are constantly hit by MGT for what y''all are willing to do for less. You know you work hard,long days,why are you so willing to suffer for someone who can''t bathe and brags for flying $99.00 R/T? Aren''t you wanting more for all your efforts?
Why do you feel the need to get on and bash SWA? You know, those of us that work for this company do it because we enjoy the lifestyle and the comfort level. We don''t have to be dressed in a 3-piece suit or skirt/jacket to be considered professionals. That kind of dress doesn''t fit the company image and culture that we''ve established. Being professional doesn''t just involve how a person looks, but how they treat others and behave around others.

I''ve worked for 2 other airlines, AA and TWA (then AA again), so it''s not as if I haven''t seen the other side of this coin. AA is a stuffy, back-biting company. But hey, their FA''s LOOK professional as they hide in the galley and gripe about their contracts, the merger, the schedule, etc. Hmm...so where really is the professional image here? (Now Iknow there are some good, hard working FA''s out there who don''t do this, but you guys are few and far between.)

Just for the record by the way, I''m not an FA, nor did I get furloughed from AA after the merger. I left because I knew what AA was all about and wanted nothing to do with it. Life at SWA is fantastic and our FA''s really know what the heck they''re doing with the Customers. That''s what counts. Kudos to you all out there.

I sure hope the rest of you can find peace, enjoy whatever it is you do, and stop bashing a good thing.
Stewbear, you''ve obviously got a few personal issues with Southwest. And speaking of drinking the KoolAid, you seem to have had a little too much from your own airline''s management. You really think Southwest''s wages are the reason your airline is in trouble and you (perhaps) had to take pay cuts? You actually bought that argument from them and drank it down in one big gulp? HA! Funny, considering you probably don''t believe anything else your management says, that you should choose to believe that. Then you come on this board and make it a personal issue with Southwest. Seems to me that if anyone is doing any drinking of the management KoolAid here, it''s you.

Do you know about Southwest''s contracts? I mean, really and truly know them? If you don''t, then I''d politely suggest that you really don''t have a clue about what you''re talking about. Because I''ll tell you this...there''s a lot more to a contract than just the pay. And I''d be willing to bet that when the Flight Attendants settle their contract, they''ll have a sweeter deal than most of the other Flight Attendants out there right now. They''ve worked hard for it, and I believe they''ll get it.

They''ll also have something many other Flight Attendants don''t, which is a JOB. What good is industry-leading pay and a great contract if your airline can''t afford it and has to do layoffs?

Oh, and by the way...basic respect isn''t wrapped up in a uniform. Nor is professionalism. It''s not as much about how you as a flight attendant are dressed, but rather it''s more about that customer and how they treat and view other people in general. I''ve seen AA flight attendants get treated like dirt, and even spit on once. I''ve seen rude and ignorant customers on ALL airlines, not just Southwest. And thankfully, at Southwest, our Flight Attendants don''t have to listen to Customers whining about not getting their upgrades or the incorrect meal and expecting you to do something about it.

"You know you work hard,long days,why are you so willing to suffer for someone who can''t bathe and brags for flying $99.00 R/T?"

Ah...love the attitude here. First off, the largest majority of our Customer DO most certainly bathe. And once again, I''ve sat next to the stinkies on some of the "majors." It ain''t just a Southwest thing. And as for the Customer bragging they got to fly for $99...well, hey! We''ll take their money. Of course, perhaps that''s why we''re making a profit...we''re not overly-caught up in that whole superficial definition of "class" that you make reference to.

Seems to me that your whole issue with SWA is more about you than it is about Southwest.
SWA is a great airline. I have some fantastic friends who have been there for years. You who bash SWA are way out of line. Why the disdain for SWA? Show some respect for our colleagues at another carrier. BTW, that poster does NOT work for AA so I hope the fine people of SWA don't think that his/her opinion is representative of how we feel at AA.
One more thing: has the critic scrutinized the AA flight attendant uniform? It is a polyester horror with too many pieces. The crews look slipshod and they lack uniformity (thus falling short of the intrinsic definition of: uniform).
When I work a trip to Rome or Paris and I see the European crews walk through the terminals looking uniform, well- groomed and sharp, I am embarrassed by the way our crews look. I have expressed this many times to my colleagues and I'm not blaming them; it is not their fault. The problem is AA has allowed too many variations of the uniform. One f/a has pants and a red sweater. The next has a skirt and a vest. The other has a dress and a blue sweater while the next has a trench coat over his Cadillac car-salesperson tie. One has a long sleeved shirt on while the next wears a short sleeved aviation-style shirt and each has a different colored tie. Get my point? It's an awful mess.
So, before one bashes SWA for such a trivial matter, one ought to take into account the fact that the other majors aren't looking so hot. Just my opinion...

You are willing to work for good will, the other 200,000
airline employees in the US are not.And why is that? Because we have all been there and know that our pockets are being looked at everyday by people who couldn''t care less about us. Do you really think it''s going to stay "cozy and warm" for you forever?
It has been said that true intelligence is understanding how little you know.

I think the general hostility towards SWA is truly misplaced (not to mention WAY off-topic) - smileys or not.
My only gripe is that the uniform that I was proud of and loved to wear for 15 years was replaced by another one that represents AArogance throughout the other airline "families." I didn''t enjoy wearing the second one as much, but it''s not a problem anymore because they are both now hanging in my closet...
"You are willing to work for good will, the other 200,000
airline employees in the US are not."

How then do you explain the long line of people begging for that WN flight attendant job? Most people enjoy working for a profitable company that does not make them bitter, backs you up stating the customer is not always right, and insures job security. I am sure those past hot pants/go-go boot wearing, big haired flight attendants are enjoying their profit sharing about now.

On 6/19/2003 1:44:50 PM mrman wrote:

"You are willing to work for good will, the other 200,000
airline employees in the US are not."

How then do you explain the long line of people begging for that WN flight attendant job?  Most people enjoy working for a profitable company that does not make them bitter, backs you up stating the customer is not always right, and insures job security.  I am sure those past hot pants/go-go boot wearing, big haired flight attendants are enjoying their profit sharing about now.



Boys...Girls..relax...it''s a job, not a fraternity or soroity.

I have been a FA or US Airways for 17 years. When I started, my company was laughed at by the big boys but at that time we were the airline darlings, making lots of money and providing the best contract in the industry. Now look. Poor management has ruined what was once a respected airline. Right now SWA is doing something right and good for them. But pray your company goodwill last. One wrong move can bring it all down.

The big boys dropped the ball. Don''t blame SW, JB, and Airtran because of poor management decisions. I would work for SW or JB in a heartbeat...unfortunately when this ride with the airline is over i am moving on. Its been a fun ride but I am 40 and refuse to go back to $25,000.00 ayear.

As far as garbage, they are all the same. A wonderful way of getting even? Carry your bag to that irritating customer and go "your trash,sir? your wife''s trash, too sir?" They''ll be clueless. Babies, they have been acting this way for the 17 years I''ve been working and they will do so for more.

By the way, SWA, just blame us here at US Airways...California, Florida, BWI? They''re our old passengers. Just wait till we give you the PHL and LGA markets....BRACE!!!


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