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Great Job Everyone!

Congrats to everyone, good job. Its funny how good news just pisses some folk off.

Keep up the good work. :up:
Not a naysayer here....I think it's great that we are ranking that high for on time departures.....BUT....have you ever walked by a Special Service counter to see all of the the denied boardings that are occuring? It is very sad to see this because there are lines ALL day long at every Special Service counter in every hub. I've been at Gates with people running from distant concourses and are being denied boarding even with the jetway attached and flights not yet completely closed out. Again, I'm sure as long as the numbers look good, who cares about the passenger or the lack of customer service! :down:
bottom line is connect times need to be longer....something I notice is the difference between east and west metal as far as ground time goes....west metal there is more ground time...dosnt make sense since most of the wx issues ect are in the east? (No dust storms lastely) We have mainline come in and the ground time is zero....scheduled for maybe 8 minutes to deplane...we all know this doesnt happen...anyway just my 2 cents...have always done D10 but never had so many people on min connect times...the times need to be increased....
Not to burst your bubble but

#9 of 10 in complaints.

And do you know what caused US to once again tank in the complaint ranking?

It had more "Customer Service" complaints than any other ranked airline. Ya' can push 'em on-time, but if you're rude to them in the process, the customers are still not going to be happy and your effort will be wasted, no matter how Tempe tries to spin it.

That pig is getting another coat of lipstick if you ask me.
One is an airline with frequencies as little as one per day? The other is a train with hourly frequencies?

See the difference?

I just found someone with less knowledge of the law than me. OMG.

If you were to place someone in a position of stress, and they were to have a heart attack and die, your actions would likely be considered, at least, contributory, even if they had a bad heart and you were ignorant of that fact. Murder comes in many degrees.

1. You OBVIOUSLY haven't ever ridden Amtrak...Outside of the NYC corridor is WORST than the airlines. Also, lest we forget that frequency has a price...literally. You miss a flight, they put you on the next flight. Amtrak just says next train in an hour, but it's a Metroliner...that will be $100 more or wait another 2-3 hours for the next unreserved.
2. Well, I make no claims to knowing all there is about the law or I wouldn't be slinging $2 cokes. I stand by my post. Since neither one of us witness the "murder" of this poor soul, we will never know if said "victim" was 150 lbs and fit as a fiddle or 350 lbs and looking for a reason for his heart to stop. To me, that's like saying one contributed to a suicide because they broke up with their bf/gf. Both would had happened at some time, regardless.