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Gotta Love Foreign Call Centers

Wonder how many THOUSANDS of calls will come pouring into those numbers now from USAviation viewers? Most of the posters here already have the Gold/CHPR desk numbers anyway.
tadjr said:
Wonder how many THOUSANDS of calls will come pouring into those numbers now from USAviation viewers? Most of the posters here already have the Gold/CHPR desk numbers anyway.

So if someone doesn't feel like waiting in line at the ATO, you wouldn't mind them getting in the First/Preferred line because it's shorter?
ringmaruf said:
So if someone doesn't feel like waiting in line at the ATO, you wouldn't mind them getting in the First/Preferred line because it's shorter?

Not really because at my station they'll get sent elsewhere when it's determined they shouldn't be there.
JAXPax said:
Not really because at my station they'll get sent elsewhere when it's determined they shouldn't be there.

Yeah, but res won't do that. (And, honestly, I'll bet many ATOs wouldn't either.)

Perhaps the US2/US3 lines should make you enter your DM# to confirm your status before you get to talk to a person, like the US1 line does.
ringmaruf said:
So if someone doesn't feel like waiting in line at the ATO, you wouldn't mind them getting in the First/Preferred line because it's shorter?

They do that all the time anyway, does that surprise you? 🙄

And I really dont think the problem being addressed here is shorter lines, its BEING ABLE TO UNDERSTAND AND DEAL WITH SOMEONE who knows what you are asking them to do. Big difference.

Maybe someone from CCY would prefer to address THAT problem.
tadjr said:
They do that all the time anyway, does that surprise you? 🙄
I'm sure they do, but it's not like you're encouraging them to. (Just out of curiosity, how often do you send them back to the right line?)

tadjr said:
And I really dont think the problem being addressed here is shorter lines, its BEING ABLE TO UNDERSTAND AND DEAL WITH SOMEONE who knows what you are asking them to do. Big difference.

Maybe someone from CCY would prefer to address THAT problem.

I totally agree. But this is the wrong solution.

The only reason a lot of preferreds haven't left US is because they actually get INT on the phone. A lot of people will take their business elsewhere the second they get someone from MNL on the phone.

And giving every random person the GP line phone number will just do one of two things. It'll send the preferred overflow to MNL or SAL or MEX. Or it'll continue to increase preferred wait-times. Neither of which are good options.

Getting rid of the outsourcing is the solution. Not playing games to beat the system, and screwing with US's best customers.
ringmaruf said:
A lot of people will take their business elsewhere the second they get someone from MNL on the phone.

If getting MNL on the phone once or twice is enough to make somebody switch airlines, I question their loyalty to anything. They're not going to start all over with a carrier that either won't comp or gives a challenge and abandon all their miles and perks over one or two phone calls.

I say this as somebody who deals with outsourced call centers for hours out of every day, working in a call center (when not in grad classes) that relays calls for TTY users. When I take shifts working calls, frequently can spend up to half the day on the phone with other call centers... tech help, airlines, hotels, cable companies, etc.... which are frequently offshore. I've had some real nightmares with offshore call centers, especially some airlines. However, having to deal with that once or twice isn't enough to make me leave an airline, and I don't have near as much vested in US as some frequent flyers.
I will use my sabre expertise and reissue tickets at my home if usairways gives me a percentage of all money collected plus paying me hey I am not greedy 10 bucks on hour.

😀 😀
The companies next phone option will be to speak with an agent that speaks English please press number 1 - and on top of the $5.00 ticketing/booking fee another 5.00 charge will apply per caller.
Res said:
The companies next phone option will be to speak with an agent that speaks English please press number 1 - and on top of the $5.00 ticketing/booking fee another 5.00 charge will apply per caller.

SpinDoc replies:

A reliable source close to the outsourcing
mess has told me that Doug Parker does not
publicly support the current foreign
reservations plan; however, privately, he
is still reviewing the matter. Maybe our
customers can still reach him and help him
make the decision.

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