Goodbye Contracts

According to ALPA’s legal advisor’s, the S.1113 process has never been tested and the Company can ask that the self help provision be set aside and the court make an order preventing “self helpâ€￾. It is expected by many observers that Judge Mitchell would support the company’s motion to prevent “self helpâ€￾.


WestCoastGuy said:
I suspect the likes of Messer's Glass, Crellin, and Lakefield are all rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of destroying every union on the property. This appeared to be their move all along the past 3 months of "negotiations".

The union busting plan has been going on since the likes of Glass, Siegel, Cohen,Davis,McKeen, Chiames, were brought on this property in April of 2002.

Has always been the plan. Covertly done, however, the dragon has finally revealed itself.

Lakefield was briefed and brought in on the plan to participate. However, he has no knowledge of the industry so he's been instructed to just nod his head when the big boys instruct him on what to say. After all, Lakefield is a military man, which bought him "integrity" just by affiliation to lure the pilots right in.

Hell, in additon to Lakefield's retirement monies, he gets an additional approx $45,000 per month to beat up labor as instructed. Not bad for a temprorary assignment by his best friend.
Winglet said:
Spindoc -

Can I assume that you would support legislation to outlaw collective bargaining in the United States?

I like your humor, sort of like mine, twisted....
USA320Pilot said:
According to ALPA’s legal advisor’s, the S.1113 process has never been tested and the Company can ask that the self help provision be set aside and the court make an order preventing “self helpâ€￾. It is expected by many observers that Judge Mitchell would support the company’s motion to prevent “self helpâ€￾.



Who are these observers that think Mitchell would order against self-help?

The larger question is how an S1113 abrogation impacts the RLA, and which takes precedence. I guarantee that the appelate court will hear that motion in plenty of time to allow the forthcoming self-help action to liquidate the company.
It is expected by many (ALPA legal) observers that Judge Mitchell would support the company’s motion to prevent “self helpâ€￾ and he could permanently impose the deeper S.1113(e) cuts that will be filed in a motion on Friday.


USA320Pilot said:
It is expected by many (ALPA legal) observers that Judge Mitchell would support the company’s motion to prevent “self helpâ€￾ and he could permanently impose the deeper S.1113(e) cuts that will be filed in a motion on Friday.


AS far as the IAM is concerned: Self Help would be the same as “work safeâ€￾ so the effect would be the same, judge or not it would be a BIG slow down. Was done in 92.
USA320Pilot said:
It is expected by many (ALPA legal) observers that Judge Mitchell would support the company’s motion to prevent “self helpâ€￾ and he could permanently impose the deeper S.1113(e) cuts that will be filed in a motion on Friday.



I am getting the distinct impression here that the ALPA legal doesn't know how to argue a case on a 1113 motion, prefer to continue to receive their salaries by ALPA International, and scare the hell out of members so to not test the ineptness of ALPA legal department who probably doesn't know how to present a brief to argue such a case.

That's my take.
PITbull said:
I am getting the distinct impression here that the ALPA legal doesn't know how to argue a case on a 1113 motion, prefer to continue to receive their salaries by ALPA International, and scare the hell out of members so to not test the ineptness of ALPA legal department who probably doesn't know how to present a brief to argue such a case.

That's my take.

Don't forget "keeping as many dues paying members as possible rather than represent the actual interests of the pilots."

Mike Abrahm's is considered brilliant, he is a Harvard Law School graduate, negotiates every major ALPA contract at every major carrier, and he has 30 years experience. He and Lead Economic Analyst Amy Alperi, along with Jalmar Johnson, are very highly respected individuals.

I am telling you what the advisors have said and it's up to you and other readers to decide whether or not you want to believe it.

If any union does not immediately get a TA expect court "imposition" with no recourse. Furthermore, if there is a “slow downâ€￾ expect immediate job terminations and court order to prevent further action. If this does not get a union's attention, then we could see a contempt of court order, which could have union militants receive a civil penalty and/or jail time.

I continue to believe it would be better to obtain a deal and if it's unacceptable, then an employee can resign. It's better to have a job while looking for a job instead of unemployment.

Moreover, even if an employee gets laid off a deal is better, provided the union's can keep severance pay, COBRA, pass privileges, and J4J, if these benefits are still available since the union's have failed to get a deal (except the Dispatcher's) because union leaders have let their members down.


If the ALPA legal is so brilliant, harvard grad..etc.. etc...


Or are you now going to answer for them, too?

You're right...I don't believe it.

I believe more harm and damage will come to the co. if they imose 1113 on their employees. Morale is very bad now....

Folks can't afford to quit either. Unless, its forced upon them, and most will collect unemloyment while looking for new employment.

At this point, keeping this job for many and the co. forcing more hours upon the workers for less wages, will leave them no time to look for other work or take interviews when called upon to do so, without lieing to the co. and risking termination.
BigDog said,

My next stop is personal Bk....

Big it's sad, but there were 100's if not 1000's of BK's when UAL slaughtered their work force. Especially the maintenance division, which is taking it in the shorts AGAIN. So don't feel bad, this presidential administration is setting a record for personal BK's. Might as well start out with a clean slate just like USAIR and UAL want to do.
WestCoastGuy said:
I believe, just like Braniff, US will disappear and then reappear as a "new" model. It is only a matter of time. I have all "my ducks in a row" and ready for that day. I hope my collegues also have plans for the day when the doors will close.
there is supposedly an airline operating certificate for U in the name of 'potomac air'......some say it was surrendered in the last BK...but i it for sure????
then prove its non existance...
PITBULL, I admire your ummmm persistence, but i believe this is very real. AFA has no choice and in fact is obligated to try and get the best deal at this point, which i feel Perry will do. In regards to an explanation of last quarter profit vs today, I think Bruce made it clear, this was about the future and not about yesterday, ie we have to make it thru the slow period. Im not happy about this at all like you. Anger aside, morale has nothing to do with it since if we shut down, morale will really be bad and much worse. I urge you to fight for the best deal possible, even though u hate doing it .

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