You know that I deeply respect your union knowledge, but I have to disagree with you on this point. In the current business environment, the last thing any airline needs is to have to go back to the union and negotiate for every single change to employee duties as conditions change. Look how long it took to settle the 737 Presidential Grievance--the event which started this thread.
For instance, if the contractual duty is to give a cup of soda and the company decides to offer a can of soda, I know f/as who would refuse "because it's not in the contract"--even though handing the customer the can and a cup of ice is less work and takes less time away from jumpseat reading. That's just ridiculous.
Having seen the wonderful world of work from both sides--labor and management, I still say that in business the Golden Rule is "He who has the gold, makes the rules."

Within reason of course. I'm pleased with the grievance settlement that is going to give us the "8 hours behind the door." I can hardly wait for my first opportunity to call crew tracking and tell them that my sign-in time for tomorrow has to be adjusted.

The last time I had a short layover in AUS (scheduled at 8.45) by the time I actually got to the room, got unwound and undressed, and turned the light out, I had 5.5 hours until I needed to get up.
My only concern about the settlement...
It's not clear from the documents posted on the website, but it appears that we will not have an extra on super short legs--STL-ORD, DFW-AUS, DFW-SAT. The documents just say "a staffing reduction on beverage only flights less than 1 hour, 30 minutes." The MD-80 is included in that column.
And, before anyone says I told you so, my concern is not that I have to work harder, my concern is the customer service aspect if this means that we will not be able to complete the service in the time allowed.
In the great scheme of things, there are worse things than not getting a cup of Coke on a 30 minute flight, but some customers get bent out of shape big time. I was on a DFW-AUS leg with "weather" one day. The Captain made the announcement that due to expected turbulence and the short flight time, he had instructed the flight attendants to remain seated during the flight. You would think he had just announced that sex had been outlawed judging from the collective groan that came from the passengers.