Tilton should be an encouraging leadership change. I've worked there and here, and have some limited insight. At Texaco he was a close friend to employees and a kind and considerate leader. He saw others hurt Texaco and was a stalwart for a better road. He got a standing ovation at an employee meeting when he took over, and that was in the midst of a merger with Chevron. He did not engineer the merger with Chevron, as he was not the CEO when that was structured. It was a necessary merger because of events in that industry; Tilton might have lead Texaco differently if he had been in charge and perhaps a merger would not have been necessary if he had been the boss. He has the respect of line employees at Texaco and the managers at Chevron. Chevron is a different breed of company than Texaco and it would be hard for Tilton (who was raised inside Texaco,nearly) to be a part of the changing experience Texaco employees will experience. He has tried to help with that transition and has been assigned one of Chevron's biggest problems, Dynegy. That shows the condfidence placed in him by Chevron Board. He is not a "sell and leave" guy, having spent nearly all of his career with Texaco. He has Wall Street's respect, but of course the Street is fickle. Most importantly, Tilton is a straight shooter with an impeccable moral compass. BTW, some message boards suggest that he is a Bush Boy-- not so, really, or at least that is the rumor. He may even be a Democrat. Of course, he will be on a steep learning curve. Let's give him a chance to succeed; we need a real turn-around. Labor issues are only part of the challenge we face. Employees will agree to sacrifice for our company's future, but only if that sacrifice is shared appropriately. And the government's loan guaranty is not worth the current asking price. Bankrupcty is the worst course for shareholders-- and many of you are shareholders, remember. New management needs to act very quickly to get costs down in all areas; labor savings will then come along. It is time to move forward together and save this company from Wall Street bottom feeders while saving our jobs at the same time.