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On 9/3/2002 7:04:12 PM

They are unskilled workers who expect more than they will ever deserve... Its hard to bargain when you don't have a real skill... the fact of the matter is that UAL can train the required "skill level" of any person off the street in a few weeks to meet the extremely difficult job tasks associated with being a F/A ...


I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm not surprised. Most people do. Most people, that is, except travelers who know good service when they experience it.

The "tasks" that flight attendants DO can be learned by anyone...but I don't think just anyone can provide real service. My experience is that it takes years...and varieties of people and circumstances...AND DEDICATION, to learn and appreciate the very real "emotional labor" that goes into providing a real quality service. You may see the job as only a task, but that's not what this job is.

I value the service I provide and happen to take a lot of pride in my work. Contrary to what you imply in your post it makes a difference. The intangibles of emotional availability to a crowd of strangers and its consequent goodwill are important for this company. It seems folly to undervalue the service providers in a service business...and a very competitive one at that.

I don't encounter your attitude regarding us too often, thankfully.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm not surprised. Most people do. Most people, that is, except travelers who know good service when they experience it."

Good service??? on United? We have some of the worst inflight service in the industry! The F/A's cannot treat fellow employees with good service... why expect them to give good service to our customers? I guess that "quick" run-thru of the beverage cart during a 4 hour flight is "good service"? Ever want to find a F/A inflight just need to look at the crowd in the back or front of the aircraft... usually reading a newspaper or talking the Sh!% with the other 3 F/As on the flight. And usually the only respectable F/A in the bunch is right out of F/A school... and they are working the Purser position! Give me a break... spend the extra time giving a crap about your profession...

"I'm glad not to run into someone with your attitude often, thankfully"

That's funny... I run into F/As all the time with your kind of attitude! This is a service industry... give some service... and yes, that means more than throwing out a bag of chips or giving a coke once during a long flight... it means understanding the passenger is the CUSTOMER...

On 9/4/2002 9:17:06 PM

That's funny... I run into F/As all the time with your kind of attitude! This is a service industry... give some service... and yes, that means more than throwing out a bag of chips or giving a coke once during a long flight... it means understanding the passenger is the CUSTOMER...


Funny indeed, but you won't benefit dear. You're just the kind of jerk that we learn to ignore real fast.
[:bigsmile:] [:bigsmile:]
<<<Funny indeed, but you won't benefit dear. You're just the kind of jerk that we learn to ignore real fast>>>

Ok, I think we've allowed this pilot vs. f/a battle to rage long enough. Let's get this thread back on topic.
On 9/4/2002 9:17:06 PM UalPilot wrote:

Good service??? on United? We have some of the worst inflight service in the industry!

The interesting thing about this statement is that when our ratings were so bad happened to be the summer of 2000. The obvious point is that to the passenger, service means timeliness and dependability. Inflight service is something else entirely. Just take a look at our marketrak ratings...they are pretty darn good. Of course some people refuse to deal in facts. [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/6.gif']
Ok, seeing as how it didn't take spacewaitress long to continue this thread off topic, it's now closed.
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