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Glass Resignation Or Dismissal


Jan 21, 2004
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Just throwing it out to see what sticks. This man has created as much or more ill will with the employees as Siegel. While it is apparent to me that the pilots will be first (and likely only) group to give, would Lakefield ridding the company of a man like Glass give the other work groups reason to rethink their positions on further concessions.

The company must realize that we will never have labor accord with people like Glass in upper management. Imagine if a man like him were under Lakefield on a nuclear submarine. I doubt Lakefield would stand for his way of treating fellow sailors or junior officers the way he treats the U employee groups. His actions are disgraceful and just plain foolish. We know why Siegel hired him but he doesn't seem to fit in with a retired submarine officer who knows how important his crew is.

IMHO the next logical step in continuing to rebuild US Airways is for Glass to resign or for the Board and Lakefield to dismiss him. What do you think folks? Would that help the upcoming talks?

Glass HAS to go and they better not give him a large pile of money to do it.
Does the fact that Mr. Ashby is going to represent the company in upcoming negotiations give a hint that Mr. Glass' future at U is not a certain thing? Perhaps this is a stepping stone to mending fences.

Just my uninformed thought.......

My best to you all.........
glass has and is doing an excellent job in their view.
he isn't going anywhere. 😉

That is the perception of the employees and that is why I ask the question. If Lakefield is sincere in wanting to turn this into a team then Glass has to be fired. Just the firing itself would bring an enormous amount of credibility to Lakefield and Ashby.

If, as 320 says, Lakefield is full of integrity and honest then he has absolutely nothing in common with ilk of the nature of Jerry Glass. Let's see if he has the integrity to fire him.

delldude said:
glass has and is doing an excellent job in their view.
he isn't going anywhere. 😉
And here’s why: If he left then the entire management staff from the top to the bottom would need to be removed.

It now has become fashionable to use the old school of fear to run this airline with all the punitive and hostile policies in place.

People are getting fired daily or at the minimum handed disciplinary paper work for their work files only to be used for ammunition later so they can fire you without any legal action or problem.

Employees who get sick or have legitimate FMLA issues are now treated hostile and unnecessary employees which should be fired and are on a watch list do to just that.

Getting FMLA or taking a sick day is now treated with distain to say the least and employees that use these benefits are treated as the enemy.

I could go on and on here but basically the entire culture has changed, the mind set of management is now geared in a slanted twisted direction thanks to people like the above mentioned.

It is my opinion that simply removing Glass would be like putting a band-aid over a furuncle, carbuncle, or boil, which are abscesses. Nothing would change but only keep festering until removed or treated or the entire system is overcome and the body dies.

At this point the system is toxic.
PineyBob said:
Sometimes changing ONE person can have tremendous impact. I've seen it happen. It is amazing to see how what Cav calls a toxic system just sot of floats away when the "Poison" is removed.

Not saying that's the case here just an observation by someone who has served under the Captain Bligh types.
What’s even more amazing is seeing you come on here weekly, daily, hourly spewing your profound insight and infinite wisdom received from the master you were so fortunate to come in contract with. We as a group would be filled with a huge void if it were not for your daily posting of life sustaining scholarly knowledge.

This is not ‘The Bountyâ€￾ and you are not ‘Man of St. Tudy’ Bob, but don’t let that stop you, it never has.
Cav I agree it may be too far gone.

Ike = I Know Everything = Bob
They always land on their feet..........don't they?

Gate Gourmet names David N. Siegel Chairman and CEO

Zurich, Switzerland, June 8, 2004 – Gate Gourmet Group, Inc.’s board of directors today named David N. Siegel chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the company. Henning Boysen, 58, will retire from his position as chief executive officer and has been appointed non-executive deputy chairman of the board, from which position he will continue to serve as an advisor to Gate Gourmet. James G. Coulter, chairman since Texas Pacific Group acquired Gate Gourmet in December 2002, will remain a non-executive member of the board.

David Siegel, 42, was most recently president and chief executive of US Airways Group, Inc. He has extensive airline and travel industry experience, having also served as chairman and chief executive of Avis Rent-a-Car and in various senior management roles at Continental Airlines, Inc., including president of its Continental Express subsidiary.

“We are extremely pleased to announce that an executive of David Siegel’s caliber will be joining Gate Gourmet as chairman and chief executive officer. He brings a unique customer perspective, a broad understanding of the airline business and proven track record of success,â€￾ Mr. Coulter said.
mwereplanes said:

That is the perception of the employees and that is why I ask the question. If Lakefield is sincere in wanting to turn this into a team then Glass has to be fired. Just the firing itself would bring an enormous amount of credibility to Lakefield and Ashby.

If, as 320 says, Lakefield is full of integrity and honest then he has absolutely nothing in common with ilk of the nature of Jerry Glass. Let's see if he has the integrity to fire him.


Glass won't be let go.

Lakefield has shown his cards to the rest of the labor groups. Only ALPA is blinded by foolishess, and hero-like delusions. If the pilots believe in Lakefield, I hope that he can lead THEM to the "promise land". It ain't happenin here.

Lakefiled does not have the same effect on other labor groups. Period. Its not about Glass, its about what remains in place with these policies and the NOT HONORING OF EXISTING AGREEMENTS. Lakefield has not met with AFA as CEO to discuss what WE THINK, and how we feel about all of this. Why? I'll tell you...because the f/a group are "tokens" for ALPA so that they don't feel like their saving the world again. Stupid is as stupid does!

Let's be real...Lakefield is a "wallstreet maverick" and understands the power of the mighty $$ and driving up shareholder value for his best friend.

Sorry, there is no honor in destroying families and a livable wage job in this business for the sake of returning an increase in shareholder value in exchange to get there. That he understands; Labor, he does not.

This company has the worst policies in place and there is no movement on senior mangement to remove them or alter their destructive nature on morale.

Same song and dance.
Just saw GateGourmet pull up to a plane in DEN the other day and for a brief moment I thought of deleted. 😱

If what you say about Lakefield is true, and I do not doubt that it may well be, then the groups other than ALPA will not capitulate and agree to more concessions. ALPA is, and always has, run scared because of the unique nature of our jobs and the seniority attached with them. Other groups can find other work with nearly the same (in some cases better) work rules and pay.

We are going first because we are the easiest. Whether AFA and the others follow may not even matter. The company may not need it. It's hard to say. But I fail to see how other groups can do much worse whether giving now or later in C11.

Is C7 a possibility? Definitely. But it won't be the first or last time a dedicated group of employees has suffered a career demise because of incompetent management. If the other groups look that threat directly in the eye and spit at it I will not fault them one bit. But you can bet that ALPA will not spit. We will be giving again. Count on it.

PineyBob said:
NO Pitguy I don't know everything. If I did I'd have Lakefield's job and my first act would be to fire you. Union or no union.
Come on Bob, lighten up Francis! 😉 If you did know everything you would be a helluva lot smarter to even want lakefields job. He is in charge of a failing corporation. 🙁 Also Pitguy could possibly be a fine employee. Dare I say dedicated employee because there aren't many of those left. None of us are that stupid to take this kind of corporate pork and stay dedicated. :shock:

Unfortunately, for many pilots, the idea of starting over is a "mind set" that cannot be conceptulized.

I for one will not capitulate while our group suffers with these sick policies that are terminating our best employees just because they are older and "topped out".

I will not capitulate and give the company what it demands for the sake of a major "stakeholder" to receive major returns on his investment.

I will not capitulate outside of section 6, our contract and give it up for some kind of fear of a BK judge. Been there; done that.

Either way, there will be many furloughs, even in ALPA ranks. 320 won't admit it for fear of "turning the pilots off". And management doesn't want that out there.

Sorry, the truth will be known sooner; rather than later.

Some senior Exec once told me to quit if I feel that the job is not worth it....

I replied..."We are at war, there is no going AWOL."

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