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Glass Gets A Promotion!

Finish or Ignore said:
Hmmm...this looks similar

Goebbels was given the task of building up Nazi support in Berlin. He did this between 1926 and 1930. In 1928, he was elected to the Reichstag - something that he repeated in 1930. In 1929, he had been given overall charge of the party’s propaganda machine. It was here that Goebbels excelled. In 1933, after Hitler was appointed chancellor, Goebbels was appointed Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda. He held this post until 1945.

Yea that sure feels familiar...
Finish or Ignore said:
Hmmm...this looks similar

Goebbels was given the task of building up Nazi support in Berlin. He did this between 1926 and 1930. In 1928, he was elected to the Reichstag - something that he repeated in 1930. In 1929, he had been given overall charge of the party’s propaganda machine. It was here that Goebbels excelled. In 1933, after Hitler was appointed chancellor, Goebbels was appointed Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda. He held this post until 1945.
With all due respect, do you really think Mr. Goebbels would appreciate this comparision? <_<
PITbull said:
Promotions get handed out like candy canes to those who oppress labor the most. There's irony in this. Giving kudos and at-a-boys to those who destroy morale. :down:

I will stay till my last day, and continue to defend labor til my time is up, at all cost, no matter what I have to do to achieve a "balance" in this godforsaken place.

You have no clue about the promotions. A true labor unionist would stay until the end fighting for the membership. We will missed you. 🙄

PITbull said:
Thanks much Eye....I'll be giving them shitt where applicable, until my last day outta here.

You should work with management.
PITbull said:
I'll be leaving at the end of the year.

I will stay till my last day, and continue to defend labor til my time is up, at all cost, no matter what I have to do to achieve a "balance" in this godforsaken place.

Nope, not going to happen. We are not going to let you.

If you leave who am I going to spar with. KC makes it too easy, Curt (or who ever he is today) is no fun anymore. UVN is eating corn in Iowa some where.

Nope, not going to happen. B)
longing4piedmont said:
Nope, not going to happen. We are not going to let you.

If you leave who am I going to spar with. KC makes it too easy, Curt (or who ever he is today) is no fun anymore. UVN is eating corn in Iowa some where.

Nope, not going to happen. B)


God Bless you L4P...

And Pitbull..it was a pleasure, God Bless you as well and all the Best.

I wonder if Al Crellin is worried. Doesn't this put Glass....on even footing as Big Al.

Do you ever wonder ????

Operationally we're a mess......what a joke, that's Al's responsibility
Human Resources..Employee Morale and Company Relations has never been worse, and may never recover.

It's great to know what forward thinkers, Mr. Lakefield and Dr. B are.
With promotions like this it proves this airline will fail, Lakefield is still an officer on a submarine. Be prepaired to dive.
DR.EVIL said:
With promotions like this it proves this airline will fail, Lakefield is still an officer on a submarine. Be prepaired to dive.

Oh, the majority of management at CCY is full of sub-mariners. Bunch of kiss-butt, brown-noser wusses.
oh oh oh.....can I be a VP...... Step right up folks, get your VP title here. lordy. 🙄
<_< Yes sir, The bashing will continue, and he will be staying until moral improves or, we are all dead. Senior Executive Vice Pres. of Labor Relation is now promoted to Senior Executive Officer of Human Resources. Jerry Glass is going to continue his heavy handed ways. Jerry's pockets are just not full enough. Plus, word has it , he's got a bigger stick to beat us with. Congrats Jerry. The only difference between you and Ivan the Terrible, is the three piece suit.
harleyrider said:
<_< Yes sir, The bashing will continue, and he will be staying until moral improves or, we are all dead. Senior Executive Vice Pres. of Labor Relation is now promoted to Senior Executive Officer of Human Resources. Jerry Glass is going to continue his heavy handed ways. Jerry's pockets are just not full enough. Plus, word has it , he's got a bigger stick to beat us with. Congrats Jerry. The only difference between you and Ivan the Terrible, is the three piece suit.
🙄 🙄 🙄 AMEN!!! Be very afraid, he's probably next up for CEO position, and then god help US employess then! So glad im leaving on Dec 2!
Certainly says a lot about this company when a man such as this is looked at with such disgust by all labor groups. The true feelings of all of the Exec's toward labor are reflected in this man's views. He will also be one who walks with millions when thes company disappears. He is a case study at the Business Schools of how NOT to forge good labor relations.

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