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Senior Officer Appointments

mwereplanes said:
Notice he (320) didn't address the move that didn't occur.

Al Crelin, who is directly resoponsible for fixing any and all operational problems, is still on the job. PHL is his baby. The operation is his baby. And he is STILL in charge.

Schear is moving to a position that TOTALLY wastes his talent. He should replace Crelin but that did not happen. Politics is alive and well and your airline is still floundering operationally as moves that need to be made are ignored.

Crelin is the problem folks. Crelin.


I was kind of expecting that Schear would be moving into Ops as well, as I was reading the article. Perhaps U doesn't have another candidate for the Safety and Compliance area, which might be important now, especially with outsourcing. When U is able to attract folks from the outside ( or if) then they can switch out the ops position. I don't know. I does seem incredible how Ops never seems to change.
700UW said:
He said EVERY, all and Every mean the samething.

Maybe you need to reread what he posted.
USA320Pilot said:
During the past year he was the company’s senior officer in charge of negotiating new labor agreements with the unions.
hmmm...I looked at that sentence three times, and I still don't see the word "every." :huh:

In fact, the first time the word "every" appears in this thread is in your post, to which I am responding. :shock:
mweiss said:
USA320Pilot said:
During the past year he was the company’s senior officer in charge of negotiating new labor agreements with the unions.
hmmm...I looked at that sentence three times, and I still don't see the word "every." :huh:

In fact, the first time the word "every" appears in this thread is in your post, to which I am responding. :shock:

Here you Go:

USA320Pilot said:
Ashby had the final say on every agreement or proposal. He was in charge of all negotiations.


700UW said:
Here you Go:

Does it really matter to more than about 3 people on here anyway? Most I would guess either have one or both main posters on ignore and the rest already have their opinion formed and no matter how many times either posts the same thing over and over and over...... it isnt going to change their minds. Lets move on already, ok?
Does anyone have info regarding any monies those that left were given???? If any got any type of retirement money in a lump sum then the Union Reps on the Board of Directors should be held accountable. If this company can not afford to pay the pensions of the employees of the different labor groups then they sure as he!! can't afford to pay the large lump sums they have in the past. If in fact they did approve some payments then that sould be info for "Dateline", "60 Minutes", any any other news magazine progam we can get to listen. I have hadEnuff of this type of disparity. As for operations area, we will never have any success moving forward until they completely clean house in that area starting with Crellin. He has shown time and again he just does not have the leadership abilities to be in the position. Get him Out!!!!
Oh come on now...Daddy Warbucks is a good guy.

Just ask him. He'll tell you so....
700UW said:
Here you Go:
Uh huh. In a different thread. Which is why I said
mweiss said:
Funny thing there...he was right that time. Reread what he wrote...he didn't say all unions.

Knee-jerk responses don't help your credibility, either... 😛
mwereplanes said:
Notice he (320) didn't address the move that didn't occur.

Al Crelin, who is directly resoponsible for fixing any and all operational problems, is still on the job.  PHL is his baby.  The operation is his baby.  And he is STILL in charge.

Schear is moving to a position that TOTALLY wastes his talent.  He should replace Crelin but that did not happen.  Politics is alive and well and your airline is still floundering operationally as moves that need to be made are ignored.

Crelin is the problem folks.  Crelin.


That's what every employee I speak with states. Its Crellin who threatens jobs if you try to touch one of his "cronies".

Crellin is responsible for the morale and waste in this company. That is what many of the employees are saying.

Inflight doesn't deal with him...but we deal with his "appointee" VP, who didn't attend one negotiating meeting for AFA.

There is major protection of certain execs for some "unkown" reason. A very protective group, for a group that "doesn't do a damn thing" and doesn't take any responsibility.

PHL now is geting approx 200 ramp agents and employees to staff PHL...only .AFTER the holidays when the "light bulb" finally goes off.

Why couldn't the "powers" that control that operation see this BEFORE we lost all the money this xmas with cancellations?

Major attrition is occuring every single month. For example: Month of December, 152 f/as either retired, resigned, or died.

When you run the airline on the "cheap", we will continue to spiral.

We so desperately need "fresh blood" in senior managment.

But then again, vacation flyback was offered on xmas day, no less.

Stupid is, as stupid does....and these VPs still get to keep their jobs.
PITbull said:
We so desperately need "fresh blood" in senior managment.

But then again, vacation flyback was offered on xmas day, no less.

Stupid is, as stupid does....and these VPs still get to keep their jobs.

The only frsh blood they want is that which occurs when they can rid themselves of senior hourly employees, but unfortunately you already knew that.
PITbull...... YOU are 110% correct and no one seems to know or understand how Crellin continues to survive. He manages and rules with a militaristic attitude and it is this way just because I said so. I feel that the different lobor groups that have reps on the Board of Directors ask for some accountability and demand changes be made. I can assure you if a station had some major screw ups for what ever reason, the manager would be on the street before you could blink your eyes. That is his style and unless you are part of his little click then everything is your fault if there are problems and he gets rid of the manager and finds someone else. Consquently things are always in transition and if the finger is pointed at him then his out is ... well we just made a management change and we need to give it a little time. He provides no direction or leadership and the best thing that could happen is to COMPLETELY clean house with Crellin, Palladini, Raeder and that whole group that deals with stations and resv. and get some people type management in place that employees can trust and be willing to follow to get this company moving in the right direction. The existing crew has proven time and again they are not capable and they need to be held accountable which is their favorite thing to do with others. In addition, the Board of Directors need to ensure they DO NOT fill their pockets with money because they have not gotten the job done and if the company can not afford to honor the pension commitments to the other work groups then it is only fair and unaffordable to honor anything with these failures. I think all employees should appeal to our reps on the Board for these changes. We have made of sacrafices and we want new leadership and individuals we can work with and that will take advantage of the opportunities the employees have given the company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hadEnuff said:
...no one seems to know or understand how Crellin continues to survive.
The rest of your message gives a clue as to how he survives. The upper management world is extraordinarily political. Apparently he knows how to take advantage of this.

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