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Thanks again for MORE INFO!! I will try updating my App and see if that gets me any closer. I know a few Machanics from my current Airline that went to Jet Blue one even resigned from his current job!! I keep in contact with him still but he doesnt say too much about his job.... Guess I'll let you know if I hear anything from them. Do you know..Can you update App at anytime... I know Apps are done beginning of month...
I guess the only other issue I have is...I enjoy FLYING FOR FREE.... And
I am from Michigan..that is where my family is....SOOO Would someone like to tell me how I would get from JFK (where I know I have to start) TOOO MI ???? 😱

Thanks for the great info. I've passed phase one and am anxiously awaiting a call from Dean for a class date. I know they've already filled the Oct. 20th class which is supposed to be the last class of the year. I've got a few questions I hope you don't mind answering (questions I forgot to ask Al Spain during the "safe room" chat):
- How long were you on reserve, what's the forecast for current hires?
- What was the difference between your strike price and what the
current price of the stock was; when are you issued the options?
- Is Captain upgrade realistically still 15-18 months?
- How's the medical plan; what are the premiums and deductables?
- Does jetBlue have interline (ID90's) with many majors?
- And finally....how long did it take you to hear from Dean after getting
the news you made it to phase two?

Thanks so much!

PS I'm a furloughed "big three" guy too, and have no intention of looking back.
Coming from MI shouldn't be toohard. We have pilots who commute from Alaska and Hawaii. We share jumpseats with just about every airline you can think of and most reciprocate so jumping shouldn't be too hard. I think the closest online right now might be Syracuse or Buffalo.
Reserve time is very short. I spent 3 weeks in May on reserve at JFK before getting a line. Strike price is determined by when the BOD meets soon after your hire date and the strike price is very close to the price of the stock at that time. Upgrades vary, when I was hired 12-18 months was predicted but realistically for me it will be 2 years. THat may change as we hire more people for the EMB-190. Some A320 guys might want to bid the 190's and that will effect upgradetime. Counting on 24 months is a realistic projection. THe medical plan is United HMO. $150 per month for my family of 4. Dental is Met which is very good. Much better than Delta dental plan. It took 8 weeks between phase-II and when Dean called me. Time varies by how hard it is to do your backgrond check. You can help by letting your references know JB will be calling and to return their calls if they try to reach them and leave a message. I think the record was 10 days for completion of background but that was an exception. No new hire classes in Nov/Dec. Once Jan rolls around expect 24-30 per month for ever! Lots of growth happining. Need to get a lot of bodies onboard for the 200 Emb-190's coming and also the 200 A-320's of which we only have around 50 onboard as of now. We ID-90 with every airline I can think of. Our benefits webpage has the list.
Ok that was all the questions I can remember. Please feel free to ask more and I'll do my best to answer. Do you guys check the other website flightinfo.com?
THere is a lot of JB info there as well. Adios-Banger
My guess is you can update anytime and you should. I know guys who update daily on the pilot application and I know Dean can tell who and when is updating and that shows interest and motivation. Best of luck
Wouldn't be a problem Commuting to MI if I WAS A PILOT!! But, I am just a poor ole Flight Attendant.... It sure would be nice if F/A's could jumpseat the way Pilots do!!! 😉
Colby said:
I guess the only other issue I have is...I enjoy FLYING FOR FREE.... And
I am from Michigan..that is where my family is....SOOO Would someone like to tell me how I would get from JFK (where I know I have to start) TOOO MI ???? 😱
Have you ever heard of an ID90? 🙄
Yes, I have heard of an ID90... Let me say again...When you and your entire family are able to fly for free....You don't want to buy a ticket....even an ID90!!!