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some jetblue hiring questions..

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Mar 22, 2008
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hi guys.. i have a few questions about the hiring process with jetblue.. i applied for a position with crew scheduler and was invited to attend a group interview this upcoming week..

0. Do all of the JetBlue crew scheduler operations take place in Forrest Hills, New York?

1. If I am selected at the group interview to continue the process, does anyone know how long it takes to actually start training?

2. Although I will clear the mandatory TSA/FAA 10 year background check because my background is clean, does JetBlue care much about the status of consumer credit files? I have some late payments and chargeoffs as a result of the turmoil in the economy over the past year.

3. What is appropriate to wear to the interview? Are slacks, a dress shirt, tie, and dress shoes ok for this type of job?

4. New hires will receive the required training by JetBlue. Does anyone know if FAA certifiation is a part of this course or if FAA certification is even required for the crew scheduling position?

5. What kind of scheduling flexibility does the company offer? Since crew schedulers operate 24/7, I would assume I would have to work weekends as a new hire. I have two events planned for this year I really can not miss. One is in April and the other is in October. Any ideas?

6. What kind of flying perks will I receive with JetBlue and when can I start taking advantage of them? Are you discouraged from using them and how often can I use them for myself?

7. What kind of advancement opportunities exist with JetBlue? If I perform well at my job for say two years, and wish to advance to a technology function or higher function in the same department, is there good consideration for internal associates wishing to move up or move on in the company?

Thanks guys. Any other information you can provide about the crew scheduler position or hiring process would be awesome.

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