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Give Up Recall Rights If Hired?


Aug 4, 2003
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If I am furloughed from another airline....with no hope of ever going back but only want to use my flying privledges for as long as possible...will I have to give up my recall rights at other airline if I am hired as a F/A at JetBlue???
Does anyone know the answer to my question? It seems that noone really talks on this airline message board....go to Usair..it is crazy on that board..all day and ni :shock: ght....
Not to my knowledge. I am still on furlough status for 2 airlines and I work for Jetblue.
i think the airline that you are furloughed from determines if you have to give up recall rights if hired by another.

Maybe this will help you. A friend of mine who was furloughed from AA, just got hired by JetBlue. She didn't have to give up her recall rights to AA. JetBlue didn't make her give them up and AA really doesn't know she actually got hired. They were contacted in the background check, but JB doesn't tell them if you have been hired or not. Hope that helps. Good luck if you go to JB.

Good luck getting hired by them...I applied with them months ago and haven't heard anything from them....

Also, Can someone answer this question....Is it true that an Out-n-Back consits of going from JFK to SNA and Back....Just wondering....one of the MANY Rumors I have heard from my "Current" Airline.... THX 🙄
Of course, JFK-SNA would be considered an out-n-back, but that city pairing as a possibility for B6 is a new one for me...
Colby said:

Good luck getting hired by them...I applied with them months ago and haven't heard anything from them....

Also, Can someone answer this question....Is it true that an Out-n-Back consits of going from JFK to SNA and Back....Just wondering....one of the MANY Rumors I have heard from my "Current" Airline.... THX 🙄
That's an extreme out-n-back! Yes, an out-n-back is another word for "Turn" or a "1- day."
Good GOD.... :shock:

A Trip From PHL TO any west coast city was an instant at least 18-24 hour overnight...which I loved because there is SOOOOOO Much to do in that period of time.... I guess if you want to get home to your family that's good for you but I took this job so I could see the country up close and personal....NOT FROM 35,000 feet !!!!
I am a jetBlue pilot. JetBlue does not require you to give up seniority. We do ask for a 2 year contract though. jetBlue philosoph is that if your not happy after 2 years then you probably should be allowed back to your previous airline.
Someone asked about turns into SNA. jetBlue does not fly to SNA. We do fly to LGB but there is no turns there from JFK. Starting 01Nov LGB becomes our West Coast base. As far as applying, JB has over 7000 qualified apps on file so they are pretty choosy. Best of luck to all -Banger

Thankyou for the info....I couldn't remember which city it was in Calif you guys flew to... I just remember hearing something about the 1-day...

That'll be nice having a base out there...I know a few people that are originally from Calif. That might get them a Little closer to home...

Thanks again.... I will stay where I am...Even a 2yr contract puts a restriction on my call back rights...
Colby said:

Thankyou for the info....I couldn't remember which city it was in Calif you guys flew to... I just remember hearing something about the 1-day...

That'll be nice having a base out there...I know a few people that are originally from Calif. That might get them a Little closer to home...

Thanks again.... I will stay where I am...Even a 2yr contract puts a restriction on my call back rights...
Do you actually think you will be called back within the next 2 years? If I was furloughed, I would go for it. I know a couple of people who fly for B6 and one who just got hired. All three have nothing but great things to say about JetBlue. Go for it!
I have applied to Jet Blue.... And have not had any call from them.... I guess It's just as well..... I honestly think that my call back will happen before a 2 year period...
Colby said:
I have applied to Jet Blue.... And have not had any call from them.... I guess It's just as well..... I honestly think that my call back will happen before a 2 year period...

Yeah you might get called back within the next 2 years. It will not be for mainline US Airways, but it will be for Mid-Atlantic Airways flying RJ's. Yeah, you have to sign an agreement with JB, but who cares, Sign it and if you actually get called back to US mainline, then quit JB or BS them and say you joined the military or you're going back to school full time. It's not like they will file a lawsuit against you for quitting. You have a right in this country to quit a job at anytime. My friend who just got hired waited for almost 6 months before she got a call.

Look at it this way...RJ's or A320's?
To be more specific, you can quit jetBlue at anytime however you cannot go back to your previous airline employer. I think it is a legal non-compete clause which is common in legalize. Some other things to think about at JB. Profit sharing was 15% of net pay last year. To most FO's that was close to $10K. My stock options are now worth over $200K and I'm a new guy. Flew with our CEO last week and he recommended to me to hold my options for at least 5 years and in his opinion they should be worth over a million dollars. ( I do realize that is only his opinion).
Can't speak for everyone but I am enjoying jetBlue more than I ever hoped. I was a former "big-3" airline furloughee who had intended to go back at recall but now intend to stay put. Both financially and quality of life I am better here.
My recommendation to those who want to work at JB is to apply and keep updating the app. Each month Dean Melanos the hiring guru "shuffles" the apps so length of time on file doesn't count. Also having the most hours isn't necessarilly the thing that gets you hired as JB likes to get a nice mix of pilots. I have heard 1/3 Mil 1/3major 1/3cargo-corp is an accurate mix.
Keep applying and keep updating. Best of luck to all. - Banger