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AA will not file BK now. The laws have changed and they can't pull a United and stay in for 3 years with no plan. They have to set up payment plans with creditors even in BK with the new law. AA will also have to open the books up to a federal judge and we all know how corrupted this compAAny is!


2. I would rather see this airline shut down then have the employees suffer more cuts.

3. It might be time to exercise those stock options AA gave us. The price is at $12.73 and we know it will drop with the concession talks. Can you imagine if all employees sold them and what it might do to AA? Hmmm, makes you think! :unsure:
AA will not file BK now. The laws have changed and they can't pull a United and stay in for 3 years with no plan. They have to set up payment plans with creditors even in BK with the new law. AA will also have to open the books up to a federal judge and we all know how corrupted this compAAny is!


2. I would rather see this airline shut down then have the employees suffer more cuts.

3. It might be time to exercise those stock options AA gave us. The price is at $12.73 and we know it will drop with the concession talks. Can you imagine if all employees sold them and what it might do to AA? Hmmm, makes you think! :unsure:
Good idea, just dumped them for a projected grand total of $1,400 after tax. Wow what an investment, I gave them $140,000 and got $1,400 in return. Almost as good as they negative return we got on the 401k throughout the mid to late 90's, run by Oneflyers favorite, AMR Investments. :down: 😛
Good idea, just dumped them for a projected grand total of $1,400 after tax. Wow what an investment, I gave them $140,000 and got $1,400 in return. Almost as good as they negative return we got on the 401k throughout the mid to late 90's, run by Oneflyers favorite, AMR Investments. :down: 😛

How did you get $1400? Mine only comes to $972 after taxes. I used the "Cashless for Cash" option. if you know a trick, please share. I want to milk them for all that they're worth!! :up:
How did you get $1400? Mine only comes to $972 after taxes. I used the "Cashless for Cash" option. if you know a trick, please share. I want to milk them for all that they're worth!! :up:
My union negotiated a better rate...yeah right 😛

Actually if you certify your social security number online, they give you the option of not paying the extra 20+% tax and just your regular rate. It popped up for me after I hit price model.

BTW...that was for 298 shares or the first 2 sets of shares.
Hey Oneflyer,
Are you going to make the FAA change their rules and allow planes to fly longer than 8 hours with only 2 pilots? If AA could, AA would. When you make stupid comments about subjects you have no idea what you're talking about, your ignorance lights up like a christmas tree. Plus if you think F/A's #### out customers on a regular basis, why don't you "walk a mile" in our shoes and see how some passengers treat us. You might have a different perspective. You might also find out that we don't "#### out" passengers. Care to tell us what your "previous" job at AA was?
I think it's time for the Eagle employees to take their turn at the concession stand before any AA'ers get double dipped.
How about if we just say NO?

Eagle guys dont make much to start with and since the companys goal is to get us all down to their rates why would you want to see it lowered?
The union is the problem every time you suggest that improving productivity is a concession. Having books full of work rules is the problem. Everything AA does that is not union related is industry leading, the AAdvantage program, our yield management program, AMR investments, SABRE, all industry leading programs. The problem is when you go out to the ramp or a cargo facility and you see 3 guys working and 10 sitting in the break room playing dominos. The problem is F/A bitching out customers, the problem is having to have 3 pilots for an 8 hour flight, 90% of which is flown by a computer. The problem is the union.


If your going on the ramp and seeing 3 people work and 10 play dominoes it is their 30 minute lunch which they are by law entitled to. I know, it's a shame they are allowed to sit for 30 minutes 🙁 your non union job has forced you to go all these yrs without a lunch or break. Which I see resulted in to much kool aid drinking. I guess we must also blame the Department of Labor for setting some protection for the workers.

The way I see it Oneflyer, it is not the union that is bad for this company. It is arrogant and ignorant people like you that is the problem. The union membership from APA, APFA, and The TWU gave back close to 25 percent to save this company, while NON UNION personel gave back much much less. So you should be thanking us for saving your job and keep your nose out of ours. Because you have no idea what our job is nor how to do it, because if you did you wouldn't have made the stupid comments you did.
I know there are a lot of Eagle rampers at DFW that are making a lot more than some of AA's rampers.

And I know there are a lot of Rampers that make a lot more than mechanics at JFK. But the thing is they live there in order to do it.


If your going on the ramp and seeing 3 people work and 10 play dominoes it is their 30 minute lunch which they are by law entitled to. I know, it's a shame they are allowed to sit for 30 minutes :

Especially since we are not paid for those 30 minutes, remember we have to give 8.5 hours to the company for 8 hours pay.

It might be time to exercise those stock options AA gave us. The price is at $12.73 and we know it will drop with the concession talks. Can you imagine if all employees sold them and what it might do to AA? Hmmm, makes you think! :unsure:

With concession talks it will likely go up, not down, Wall Street loves it when workers get screwed.

I doubt that all of us selling our paltry amount of shares will do anything, most of AMR is owned by large Institutions and they know that no matter what happens to us (the employees)AMR isnt going away anytime soon. I would hold on to it, we didnt lay out anything for it and even though this may become a place where you wouldnt want to work the stock will probably increase in value over the long term.

Hey Oneflyer,
Care to tell us what your "previous" job at AA was?
I think Oneflyer has left. He made baseless accusations and was rightfully trashed, he's probably licking his wounds in a corner somewhere.
How about if we just say NO?

Eagle guys dont make much to start with and since the companys goal is to get us all down to their rates why would you want to see it lowered?

Thanks for seeing the light. I don't know about the rampers at AE but most I've talked to make about 8-12 bucks an hour and they've been here for a while. 4th year Flight Attendants at AA make more than 8 year FO's at Eagle. AE FA's max out at about 25 bucks per flight hour (they are trying to improve that). 1/3 of Eagle Captains are flowbacks from AA, which means many FO's here have already taken it in the chin either being displaced to (from Captain) or held at $30K/yr FO wages. Eagle has no funded retirement and worse health care than you guys. I am not callous to AA taking cuts but you guys have a long way to go, still, before you come down to Eagle's level.
Everything AA does that is not union related is industry leading,..... AMR investments, ....... all industry leading programs. ...................................................

AMR INVESTMENTS? What on earth are you talking about? Where were you during the 90's? I sat with my 401k locked into our LOUSY funds while the market went up several times faster. AA finally wised up and offered a few better funds, but too late.

Hard to take you seriously when you say things like that.
Especially since we are not paid for those 30 minutes, remember we have to give 8.5 hours to the company for 8 hours pay.

Are there any employers, let alone airlines, that are willing to pay their hourly employees for their meal breaks? Seriously.

I agree with the "Just say no to concessions."

Time for AA to sink or swim with the paycuts given in 2003.
AMR INVESTMENTS? What on earth are you talking about? Where were you during the 90's? I sat with my 401k locked into our LOUSY funds while the market went up several times faster. AA finally wised up and offered a few better funds, but too late.

Hard to take you seriously when you say things like that.

Isn't that the truth. The market was breaking records and our AMR garbage funds were in the toilet. Kind of reminds me of AMR management. Take a lot of money and make it into a little.
Not another dime!

My cost of living hasn't gone down, I'm still paying $3.00+ a gallon for gas, $4.00+ for a gallon of milk.Everything else is costing more, not less these days.

Why as airline employees (Not just here at AA) are we always expected to take the hit?

It's war in Iraq..
It's SARS..
It's Internet Pricing
It's LCC's..
It's Oil..
It's Avian Flu..

I will be damned if I give up another dime so we can continue to give the product away below what it costs to produce just so we can 'remain competitive' and feed the appetite of the "Point and click gotta' get it cheap and gotta' get it right now" American consumer.And I'm not just talking about airfares either.Next time you order something online, the chances are good it's some minimum wage slob in a warehouse pulling orders as they come off the printer.They're making minimum wage so Amazon.Com can offer you free shipping...

My last contract raise just brought me back to the same level I was at two years ago.As I said, my cost of living hasn't decreased, it's increased exponentially.

Put out all the cute slogans about 'Working Together' you'd like Mr.Arpey, you aren't getting your hands on my wallet again.
AMR INVESTMENTS? What on earth are you talking about? Where were you during the 90's? I sat with my 401k locked into our LOUSY funds while the market went up several times faster. AA finally wised up and offered a few better funds, but too late.

Hard to take you seriously when you say things like that.
They didn't wise up, it was because of a lawsuit that was started by I believe a FSC at DFW and was quickly going to spread to class status. This suit was dropped after AMR gave us the new options, of course a few years to late for when the real money was being made on the market.

BTW...this suit was not supported by the twu, in fact they campaigned against it at my station. The old, "don't hurt the comapny speech."
You two guys are so f-ing stupid.
Another great idea, wait till things are really bad, don't fix the problem just keep leaching off of the company. You union people are just leaches.
Leaching off the company? I gave up over 25% in pay and benefits. What did you give to the AMR coffers bootlicker?

Are you going off to your "Dream Job" as a Wal-Mart greeter? You will make a great Wal Mart "associate". :huh: I think the "Princess of Darkness" Jane Allen is there. You could be her "Cabana Boy". :lol:

I'm going to really miss your off-the-wall management rants.

I bet those outside your cubicle at Centerport are going to miss your antics too. 🙄