Get Ready Boys And Girls!


Dec 21, 2002
American may need more concessions

By Trebor Banstetter
Star-Telegram Staff Writer

• The airline could face a cash crunch in 2006 and be forced to lower labor costs if conditions don't improve, a credit rating firm says.

A credit ratings agency has warned that a cash crunch could force American Airlines to seek more employee concessions by year's end.

Fitch Ratings, based in Chicago, issued a report Thursday that lowered its outlook on American's debt to "negative" from "stable." The firm predicted that Fort Worth-based American's cash reserve could get squeezed in 2006 unless fuel prices drop, costs go down or revenue improves.

"American again faces extreme cost challenges this year," William Warlick, a Fitch analyst, said in the report. At the same time, airfares are unlikely to increase, he said, and fuel prices are expected to remain high.

"Large operating losses this year will lead to heightened liquidity pressures moving into 2006," he predicted.

Warlick said moves to reduce labor costs at other major carriers, such as Continental and Northwest, could force American to follow suit to remain competitive. That could include changes to American's pensions, he said.

That would "increase pressure on American to reopen collective bargaining agreements with its unions by year-end," Warlick said.

Such a move isn't likely to be popular with labor leaders. In recent interviews, officials with American's unions said they aren't interested in discussing further cuts in wages or benefits.

"We're not inclined to talk about any more concessions," said Jim Little, international executive vice president of the Transport Workers Union of America, which represents mechanics and ground workers.

American officials said no concession plans are on the table.

"We've said we would look under every stone and around every corner to lower our operating costs," said Tim Wagner, an American spokesman. "We've expressed no desire to go back to employees for more cost savings."

But, he added, "our labor groups understand the head winds we're facing, especially with extremely high fuel costs."

Management and labor teamed up this week on a strategy to protect American's pensions as Congress considers overhauling pension regulations.

Warlick noted that American's pensions are in better financial shape than those of most of its rivals.

But the plans will still require $310 million in payments this year and even more in 2006, he added.

If American faces a cash crunch, the airline will be forced to borrow more money, Warlick said. The airline could also sell American Eagle, its regional affiliate.

American's current debt agreements require the airline to have at least $1.5 billion in unrestricted cash on hand. At the end of 2004, the airline had $2.9 billion in unrestricted cash.

Trebor Banstetter, (817) 390-7064 [email protected]
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Wretched Wrench said:
The joint love letter on pensions has nothing to do with this.

Just a coincidence! Not related at all!
After 20 years of TWU Concessions, I am puzzled as to why anyone thinks another round of them would be big news????
"THERE ARE NO CONCESSION PLANS ON THE TABLE!" <_< The concessions never have been on the table. They're always negotiated UNDER THE TABLE! :rant:
Look out... here come all the black helicopters again....

Y'all have been predicting concessions for the past year. So far, you've all been wrong.
Yes, our predictions were right on target. :p I've been flying my black helicopter over Centreport listening in on the EVIL TWU concession's plan! We AMFA supporters have eyes and ears everywhere! :D
Former ModerAAtor said:
Look out... here come all the black helicopters again....

Y'all have been predicting concessions for the past year.  So far, you've all been wrong.

Not True!

I went to the doctor, received medication prescription, and paid over $100.00 out-of-pocket. Before I left the doctor, I had to pull out my trusty FLEX-SPENDING-ACCOUNT Mastercard and have a deduction taken from that out-of-pocket account also.

I had to make a trip to the county court house and pay for a copy of a marriage license to keep my spouse covered.

You in management may not be suffering continuous concessions, but I sure am.
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Former ModerAAtor said:
Look out... here come all the black helicopters again....

Y'all have been predicting concessions for the past year.  So far, you've all been wrong.

It's all different now! The price of oil is holding above $56 per bbl.

They're prepping us for more changes. First the TULE love fest to save $500,000,000.00. Then the joint AA/TWU/APA/APFA lovefest to ask congress to support pension reform. Now AA/TWU are denying more concessions are on the way in an article.

Haven't we all been through this before?

It's getting mighty costly to refuel those black helicopters!
We all have a choice, Change for the better or sit on this site and do nothing but complain!

In Tulsa It's been no secret, change to a cost center or go down the path with the likes of the NWA and others with the defunct Amfa group! The most destructive force today against the AMT!
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Checking it Out said:
We all have a choice, Change for the better or sit on this site and do nothing but complain!

In Tulsa It's been no secret, change to a cost center or go down the path with the likes of the NWA and others with the defunct Amfa group! The most destructive force today against the AMT!

When you say change for the better, what exactly does that mean?

What it means for us is more concessions and possibly frezzing the pension.

It's admirable of you to look for the positive things, but the price of oil is going to astronomical heights.

There is NOTHING good to come of this.

P.S. once again you mention NWA and AMFA without mentioning IAM represented USAIrways.

You really should not be selective in who you attack.
"THERE ARE NO CONCESSION PLANS ON THE TABLE!" <_< The concessions never have been on the table. They're always negotiated UNDER THE TABLE! :rant:

And behind our backs. :ph34r:
Checking it Out said:
We all have a choice, Change for the better or sit on this site and do nothing but complain!

In Tulsa It's been no secret, change to a cost center or go down the path with the likes of the NWA and others with the defunct Amfa group! The most destructive force today against the AMT!

cio, we tried changing for the better. But it was kinda hard to get all those dead people AA said were eligible to vote to cast a ballot.

Tulsa will change? What do you mean? burchette will actually come out on a video without any AA management on it? Oh, I guess you mean all the twu parading coffins will be sent back to the mortuary?

How can Tulsa possibly go down the same path as that of NWA "and others"? We don't have the iam. We have the undemocratic and unaccountable twu. You know, the twu that allows for "in-sourcing". The twu that doesn't care who does the job of an AMT as long as that person pays union dues.

Before you claim that AMFA is "defunct" perhaps you should look at the twu's sister sell out union, the iam. Your logic hasn't changed. You still support a self serving union.

By the way, who will you vote for in the next twu international officer elections? ;)
Checking it Out said:
We all have a choice, Change for the better or sit on this site and do nothing but complain!

In Tulsa It's been no secret, change to a cost center or go down the path with the likes of the NWA and others with the defunct Amfa group! The most destructive force today against the AMT!

Oh yeah folks,

We can change (lower) our payscales.
We can change (lower) our benefits.
We can change (raise) our productivity.
We can change (without ratification) our work rules.
We can change (and manage the company) for free.



WE CANNOT change unions.
WE CANNOT change our International Officers.
WE CANNOT change our ATD Officers.
WE CANNOT change our inept management.
WE CANNOT change and get the right to vote on ALL contract changes.
WE CANNOT change and have a re-call procedure of union officers.

Let's all climb on board the CIO Management Change train. And forget that which we would like to change most.

CIO, you are a full blown company suck-up, and to top that one of the least productive workers on the Tulsa Base. We we get to change and manage the company for free, can we FIRE your ass?

You and the TWU informer have been claming the TWU saved us all from the path of the others. Now you are saying we must change or face the same path. Which is it waffle boy, did the TWU save us or not?

Do you mean we could actually face the same path that an AMFA workgroup has gone with the TWU representing us? Hmmmm, that sounds like a different tune than you spoke before. You were claiming before that the ILC Concessions saved 12,000 jobs and three maintenance bases.

Can we get the $37.00 per hour, the Holidays, and Vacation days, back while we wait for management to blast us? At least if we are going to face the path of others, we should be paid like them.

Maybe if you, your wife, your step-daughter and the other 75+ worthless related TWU wonders would show up to your work and produce something instead of leaving the base on company paid time, or hanging out in the grievance office, we would be ahead in the quest for $500,000,000.00 in profits.
Decision 2004 said:


..............................WE CANNOT change unions.

Oh yes we can. Every time the TWU rolls over and gives more to the company, a few guys wise up and will vote AMFA next time.

My only concern is how far it has to go before enough mechs wise up. Remember, United didn't win on the first vote, either.