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Gee I Wonder


Aug 19, 2002
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Gee, I wonder what would happen. If a 20yr pilot, fa. amt, agent, or ramper were able to apply: get hired: and take their 20yrs SENIORITY with them. Like having a pilot industry seniority or airline agent industry seniority. How much transfering or at least jobseeking would go on. Does anyone think there is any airline loyalty left?
That's opening Pandora's Box right there...

Why no go all the way and wonder what it would be like if people's job security and pay were related to job ability, performance and market value?
Seniority COULD be brought with you, but different airlines calculate it differently. The TWA debacle is a case in point. Company seniority? Occupational seniority?

And what about retirement? Each airline has a different plan. If and when the airlines eliminate the defined benefit plans and substitute a defined contribution plan, it could be a bit more workable.

AMFA is a proponent of industry seniority, but i wonder how they define it. At some airlines, mechs waltz back and forth between aircraft, automotive and plant maintenance. At others, they are separate.

And some rampers/fuelers have dual occupational seniority, some have previous in bldg cleaners, etc, etc.

A Pandora's box indeed.
Wild Onion said:
That's opening Pandora's Box right there...

Why no go all the way and wonder what it would be like if people's job security and pay were related to job ability, performance and market value?

I'm not talking about mgnt here. One of the good things about unionism is it protects your age status. I ve been down both roads. I spent 15 yrs with a major non-union MW corp and when they sold the Division the new broom came in.... "here's your severence pay we don't need you anymore" so all 12 of us were out of the office and in the street. He then brought in a new lower wage team. Only thing was, we were all top scale and he wanted to lower his cost. Now for the last 20yrs I ve some semblance of protection as long as I keep my nose clean and perform my job assingments. Beleive me I sleep much better at night.
The downside in industries that do allow you to carry over seniority (some Supermarkets) is the reluctance to hire anyone with seniority. Its much cheaper to hire a new guy off the street.
<_< People, I was tempted! But we've been down this road before! And it's going nowhere! If we all worked for the same Union! Out of the same Hall! If all retirements were paid into one plan! And if we could trust that plan to be managed "Honestly" for the membership! And if the AFL/CIO could, or would be more than a dues collection agency! And if indivuals weren't so greedy! Maybe! Just Maybe,you could work something out! Signed: "Just another a.a. redheaded stepchild!"
😉On second thought!!!!Na!! Been there! Done that! It won't work!!!!! :angry:
Not long ago, a very similar situation was occurring in the tech industry.
You had tech guys qualified in certain areas.
They would move from job to more lucrative job, they became "contract labor."
Yes they made a lot of money. (at that time)
That was fine while the tech industry was booming, but when the bottom fell out of it, people lost their jobs, their was/is a surplus of tech people.
So NOW the ultimate power and control lays solely on the big companies. They can hire people at much lower wages and expect them or get written commitments that they will stay X amount of time.
When they reach a pay scale that the employer feels is to high, they are out on the street and there is someone else to replace them.
It would ONLY benefit big business.
When something seems to good to be true, it usually is!

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