Actually if true we already took the pay cut. Not sure if this is correct or not but someone on the APFA bulletin board said that our checks in MAY will reflect the paycut. If this is true then the hours we worked in APR will be effected.
When we switched over to AA''s pay rates on Jan 1, 2002, the base rates were the new rates but the second check with the overtime, etc, still showed the old TWA rates earned the previous month. I expect May will be the same; new base rates, but overtime paid from April starting at 67 hrs and paid at April rates. But don''t ask me. I didn''t think they could touch our vacations, either.
They are really showing their cards right now. When we re-open contract talks they won''t be able to tell us it will take years to implement our contract. They have the ability to make changes instantly. The more they try and screw us now the more leverage we will have later.