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From the IAM 141m web site

i was responding to your "Union" info.....skilled union labor..which again is pilots and mechancis.....
but since you want to bring up r&d ....is that really a skilled union job..
i dont think so.....
On 8/6/2003 3:25:34 PM LavMan wrote:

I was refering to your post where you said mechanics only push for the ron and or of it was going to the barn.

R&D is a common sense job.

1st off i did not post that....secondly common sense does not require an a&p liscense.

Siegel is coming to Pittsburgh next week to speak to IAM members. Don't know why for sure, but I can guess?

More scare tactics for sure...

The Labor Coalition is meeting with Rep. Santorum on Wed. 13th. PA Delegation wants Labor's postion on the negotiations that are to take place again with management on the fate of PIT Hub.

With regard to IAM, any legal action taken will have support from AFA. I would expect IAM to rally all of labor for support to protect mainline jobs and work.
On 8/6/2003 8:16:32 PM LavMan wrote:

But you need common sense to use the LICENSE.

maybe so, but it is has nothing to do with your post ....skilled union labor..part time rampers have common sense also and are also quite capable of pushing an aircraft backwards...prior to merger there was no r&d....usair had leads doing it...with piedmont just about anyone was allowed to do it...not real tough..
do you really need common sense to use the license, or do you have and use the license because you have common sense...big difference

point is
SDavis at US Air all mechanics did R&D where staffed, not the leads, that is why at merger date US needed more mechanics to cover all the PI stations except LGA, DCA and a couple others where mechanics did it.
On 8/7/2003 6:35:12 AM LavMan wrote:

SDavis at US Air all mechanics did R&D where staffed, not the leads, that is why at merger date US needed more mechanics to cover all the PI stations except LGA, DCA and a couple others where mechanics did it.

the station i worked in at merger had leads doing pushbacks..maybe there was no mtc...mute point....
we can go round and round about r&d..with no winners.....you have your views ..i have mine....
PIT, get a clue, I am out there all the time and watch what goes on, the ramp does not jump on a tug and push in CLT, we have a strong M&R and a strong Ramp Grievance Committee to ensure the ramp does not push. We have a hardstand crew who works out of the line hangar who handles aircraft movement and we have one mechanic for two gates on the B and C concourses D-con has around 4 to 7 mechs depending on the shift, second shift has more because of the two etops flights.

CLT has an established procedure on when and how the ramp pushes. So you should not make blanket assumptions when you do not work here nor know what goes on and what I do.

Plus we are the largest hub with the most flights, unlike the ghost town you work in.
You almost made a reply without thwowing in a blow.
"Ramp Grievance Committee"?
Who are you going to file against?
One mechanic for two gates is NOT enough. Unless your "largest hub" doesn't work like the other hubs, they would have an a/c on every gate arriving and departing near the same time. Usually on the first couple of banks there are Daily checks on both gates.
How does one mechanic do two daily's and push both gates? And what if, he has a tire change and needs the other guy to help. Now that leaves 3 gates open, and so on and so on. The more daily's and log items the bigger the lack of mechanics their will be. Do you see where I am coming from
If you think it can, than you should be in a cubicle somewhere making up charts like the bean counters who think it can.

I know because I live in the real world.

And, as far as you "bigger hub" and "ghost town" comeback
I have learned to expect comebacks like that from you. No comment.
Actually your right sdavis,
It is a mute point and the truth is the pushbacks are, for all purposes, lost. Everyone knew once they gave 50/50 to utility, it was the beginning of the end and we wee it now with the ramp. I actaully think the initial intention was to take it all away when the utility went under Customer Service for a while there.

And A & P Tech is right on the money, LavMan, you better go out to the ramp and do some work once in a while. You obviously spend too much time in the breakrooms talking about ancient history with your pals.

If the CLT mechanics do 99% of the pushbacks then they must be well staffed. Because in PIT, there is no way they could do that many pushes. With all the Daily checks and A/C moves to and from the hangar there aren't any left to do anything. The truth is, things are probaby like they are in PIT. If the mechanic is not there, then the ramp automatically pushes the a/c. You probably don't even know that it is happenening this way.
You need to come down to CLT and watch it works pretty smooth for the most part. The mechanics do the dailys as soon as the come in and planning now schedules them, and if there is a multiple push one planes sits till the mechanic is done with the pushing the first one. And if they are changing a tire the lead mechanic calls the tower and then the tower calls the ramp lead and tells them to push. Just like the contract says, performing maintenance.
No need for attitude PIT, this has been to the Director of Labor Relations and the multiple pushback scenario is not clearance for the ramp to push, the two AGCs we have here in CLT for M&R had meetings with the Station Director and Maintenance Director as well as the Fleet Service AGC and there is a clear cut procedure here in CLT for when the ramp pushes, the company and the union have put out memos in regard to this. Maybe the ramp and mechanics understand the procedure since our AGCs and respective Grievance Committee was out on the line for the first several weeks of the turn over of R&D, and maybe we are a bit stronger. Don't get me wrong we have our problems with some "heroes" but all of our grievances in regards to pushback violations get paid.

See down here were are proactive instead of reactive.
Ohhhh, one airplane sits until the mechanic is done with one push and is ready and able to do the other. In the meantime the a/c would be delayed.

Hmmm, you guys must be really hard core. The "Union" must really be strong in CLT.

I'm sorry, LavMan.
I had things all wrong. I guess you are right and I am wrong.

The union runs things. All the good things are the Unions doing because they fight and all the bad things are the company's doing.

I quit.

I’ve been watching this exchange with you and PIT, funny thing; you wouldn’t even be having this conversation if it wasn’t for the IAM giving the company what it wanted. I remember the IAM was dead set, 100% against the fact of losing 1 R & D job….Look what happened.

Your statement about R & D being a common sense job... Well, that might be but there is a 757 in Bay 3 with major structural damage from a poor common sense guy/girl marshalling the A/C into a jetway in MIA.

Face it, the IAM has lost all of its “Integrity†with its members…I just don’t believe them anymore and nothing you say or quote will change my mind.

Oh by the way, please don’t refer to my “License†anymore and I won’t refer to your lav truck…!!!
There are plenty of airplanes also damaged by mechanics, utility and ramp, it is a common sense thing, and I doubt on your A&P test was there any questions on R&D.

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