The International stepped because Dave Siegel said he would conduct his own ratification vote without the IAM.
And for all of you on this board have lost sight on what a union is about read this:
Trade unions have been in existence since the time of the industrial revolution. Unions have succeeded in lowering working hours, increasing wages and providing a safe environment for the worker. In these uncertain times that America faces today skilled union workers provide stability for their families, the economy and the nation as a whole.
Occupations in the U.S. are as varied as the people. Unions reflect this diversity, representing an incredibly broad scope of occupations. Citizens can rest assured that not only will water flow when they turn on the tap, but there will be groceries for them to buy at the supermarket, and government will continue to function because all of these occupations are unionized.
In the recent history, the United States struggled with an economy in recession, an ever-present threat of war, and record unemployment and layoffs. Members of unions have helped to keep the country together by providing assurance that America will have all the goods and services necessary to keep the country running. There are unions in so many fields of work that it is virtually impossible to completely lose the production of a good or a service even though small companies may go bankrupt. Unionization makes a company stronger because the union system does not allow the sacrifice of the quality of a good or service to profit. A person who has been with a company for twenty years and has a wealth of knowledge and experience in his field cannot be fired in favor of there man who has been on the job for six months simply because the company does not want to pay the experienced worker his well deserved higher salary.
Unions promote free enterprise by providing a quality check of the companies in their various fields assuring fairness for the worker with regard to salary, working conditions and benefits.
Being in a union means a guaranteed salary for specific duties outlined in a contract between the employer and the employee, which is unalterable without the consent of both parties. This guaranteed salary flows back into the economy aiding in its stability.
Unions also have a strong influence in government. Union lobbyists have made many achievements in the name of the worker over the years. Lobbyists have succeeded in raising the minimum wage, shortening the workday, and increasing employee benefits. Many causes that individual unions lobby for have a profound affect on the well being of the general population. In light of the events of September Eleventh safety in the air has become a major concern of the general public. However, terrorism is not the only reason that a plane may go down.
Many commercial aircraft are beginning to age and require increased maintenance and safety checks in order to stay in good working condition. The Airline Pilots Association or ALPA is working with congress and the FAA to address the safety of the aging aircraft as well as the overcrowding of runways and air space in order to ensure that passengers are safe. The heroic efforts of the fire fighters save countless lives every day whether at Ground Zero or in an apartment fire. A fire fighter is unable to do his or her job without the aid of good equipment and many fire fighters have died due to the failure of their equipment resulting from low safety standards. The International Association of Fire Fighters or IAFF is working to extend the regulations of OSHA to government perform in their life saving occupation. The rates charged for priority mail is not something that many people pay attention to, but it seems doubtful that a dramatic rate increase is something that people would simply overlook. The American Postal Workers Union or APWU is working against a government proposal to privatize the delivery of more expensive letters, which, according to the union, could dramatically decrease USPS revenues and transfer business to companies who are unable to handle the workload. In addition, many union lobbyists are active in the opposition of the privatization of Social Security, which could result in decreased benefits. The actions of unions in government have a profound affect on everyone, not just the members of the unions that they lobby for.
Skilled union workers have a dramatic impact on the lives of Americans every day. Unions let Americans rest assured that they will not be without the goods and services that they need. The stable salaries of union workers fuel the economy. Their lobbyist work to make sure that every worker will receive fair and equal treatment as well as looking for the public’s well being. Skilled union workers provide stability in this time of uncertainty letting the nation know someone is behind it.