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From Mainline To The Embraer Division

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Mar 18, 2004
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This is a portion of the letter that was sent out today from the MAA union rep to MAA flight attendants:

"...Management for Mainline has announced a furlough for January 15, 2005. It is posted on the www.afausairways.com website, under the PHL base info, that the furloughed mainline flight attendants will be given the opportunity to bid into MAA for a February 2 training date. It also states that MAA is seeking to fill 48 positions, for this training class..."

I guess my question is...how many mainline flight attendants would actually consider "flowing through" to MidAtlantic? Wouldn't that be a huge paycut, as all of the flight attendants now left at mainline are on the A scale? Will there be many choosing to go to MAA? :unsure: :blink:
Can't find this info. Found letter for furlough dated Jan 15th 04, but not 05. Please post a link....

Let me just say that if it came from the PHL LOCAL AFA page then it's outdated. Our elected leader which we choose to represent PHL flight attendants runs the LOCAL 70 office by proxy. She is much too busy sitting on the negotiation team to deal with line flight attendants as she was elected to do. I was shocked to see her send an E-line out yesterday with information we already had from the MEC E-line.
So, from what I can tell....it's outdated. CATCREW would be the 1st to have that info with an ALERT READ and I just checked. NOTHING.
Geez guys, I am sorry. I copied and pasted that letter...it was verbatim.
Maybe she did not check to see that the info on the website read 2004 instead of 2005.
My apologies. I just took her word for it.
Sorry if I got us all nervous. :down:
This was sent to the MAA F/As recently by thier union leader:
Dear Flight Attendants-

As you know, the flow through language to allow furloughed Mainline Flight Attendants to bid into MAA has existed as long as MAA. The Language reads that the flow through rights are present, but as for the "date" as to when this will be implemented, is contingent upon a Furlough. Management for Mainline has announced a furlough for January 15, 2005. I do not know if this "includes" numbers for a VSIP, or if a VSIP will be offered.

It is posted on the www.afausairways.com website, under the PHL base info, that the furloughed mainline flight attendants will be given the opportunity to bid into MAA for a February 2 training date. It also states that MAA is seeking to fill 48 positions, for this training class. How they are projecting that they will need this many on this particular date, I do not know. But I will be inquiring as to why, to several questions.

I will keep you all updated. Please call or e-mail with any concerns.

Thank you,

If there are no more aircraft coming, and maybe even being taken away, then MAA needs 48 more F/As like it needs a hole in the head. They are already overstaffed. I'm sure there are 48 juniors who would appreciate the recall much more than the people who will be furloughed. Lucky for them if they get to go right to MAA, everyone else was on the streets for years before going, which probably explains the more positive attitudes of the MAA F/As.
I am sooooo confused. If there is a furlough coming, why have mainline f/a's not been notified yet?
I'm under the impression that this may very well be an error on the part of the MAA author who misread a one year old website posting. Just my hunch.
I'm thinking your right....considering the company is willing to offer early "pay outs" of $8,000-in trying to encourge senior mama's and papa's to leave/retire early....... B)
how the heck is the company furloughing mainline F/A's if there is an increase of 230 flights a day by increased utilization? Shouldn't they be recalling like all the other majors?
Clarification sent out to MAA F/As:
Dear Flight Attendants-

Please forgive me. The e-mail I previously sent regarding the Jan. 15 furlough for Mainline, was from 2004, Making it a year old. Disregard the last e-mail, and I promise, I will not read these things with 3 hours of sleep and 4 consecutive days of Board Meetings any more. I apologize for anyone becoming upset with this news. God knows we don't need any added stress.

Again, Im very sorry.
