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Insp4 said:
But what I  would like to see avoided is that we're in a position where we have no other choose but to reinvoke the National Draft.
IMHO, the draft should have been reinstated on 9/12/2001.  We were at war.  Had that been the case, I doubt that we would have ever gone into Iraq, nor would we have seen the rise of ISIS.   Because it's easy for me to slap a yellow "support our troops" ribbon on the back of MY car while we send volunteers like YOUR kid into war.  When the soccer mom who votes republican to "keep us safe" has her son (and now daughter) at risk of being sent to the hellhole that is the middle east, they might not have such itchy trigger fingers.  
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Can't .
More BLONDES  in beautiful Norway !   Au Natural  (everywhere).  🙄
 (Not to mention the fabulous mountains and fjords)
Unfourtionatly, Denmark, like a lot of European countries, are being overrun by refugees from the middle east and Africa. So much for the natural blondes.
KCFlyer said:
IMHO, the draft should have been reinstated on 9/12/2001.  We were at war.  Had that been the case, I doubt that we would have ever gone into Iraq, nor would we have seen the rise of ISIS.   Because it's easy for me to slap a yellow "support our troops" ribbon on the back of MY car while we send volunteers like YOUR kid into war.  When the soccer mom who votes republican to "keep us safe" has her son (and now daughter) at risk of being sent to the hellhole that is the middle east, they might not have such itchy trigger fingers.  
Now we're getting into a whole new subject. But I could say we wouldn't have seen the rise of ISS if the obomanation hadn't pulled all our troops out of Iraq in the first place. As he was advised not to. But I agree we should have declared war on 9-11. More people were kill than at Pearl Harbor. But declare war against who? ISS did not exist at that point in time.
Insp4 said:
Now we're getting into a whole new subject. But I could say we wouldn't have seen the rise of ISS if the obomanation hadn't pulled all our troops out of Iraq in the first place. As he was advised not to. But I agree we should have declared war on 9-11. More people were kill than at Pearl Harbor. But declare war against who? ISS did not exist at that point in time.
We had a start...we went after bin laden for a couple of weeks until Saddam Hussein became the bigger bogeyman.  Jacques Chirac had said that invading Iraq and deposing Saddam would only result in the creation of "a lot of little bin ladens".  He was right...but we still got "Freedom Fries".  
KCFlyer said:
We had a start...we went after bin laden for a couple of weeks until Saddam Hussein became the bigger bogeyman.  Jacques Chirac had said that invading Iraq and deposing Saddam would only result in the creation of "a lot of little bin ladens".  He was right...but we still got "Freedom Fries".
Bin Laden should have been taken out by the leftists hero by Billdo Clinton, he had him but didn't take the shot. Just like the false narrative by Barry Hussian Obummer that Gitmo is a recruiting tool for ISIS.

No matter what the USA does, the muslim jihad against the west has continued, even before the Iraq war. Just this week Obummer has or will let in 10000 more muslim refugees from Syria. I guess he wants to emulate the European open door policy that is destroying Europe with the "Religion of Peace".

BTW, if the UNITED NATIONS would have done their job when Saddam violated 13 years of sanctions, maybe the second war could have been avoided. But the U.N. is as worthless as Obummer's failed policies.
Hackman said:
Bin Laden should have been taken out by the leftists hero by Billdo Clinton, he had him but didn't take the shot. Just like the false narrative by Barry Hussian Obummer that Gitmo is a recruiting tool for ISIS.

No matter what the USA does, the muslim jihad against the west has continued, even before the Iraq war. Just this week Obummer has or will let in 10000 more muslim refugees from Syria. I guess he wants to emulate the European open door policy that is destroying Europe with "Religion of Peace".

BTW, if the UNITED NATIONS would have done their job when Saddam violated 13 years of sanctions, maybe the second war could have been avoided. But the U.N. is as worthless as Obummer's failed policies.
Care to cite your reference where Clinton never took the shot?  Clinton explained it pretty well to Chris Wallace....
I really don't care what the UN did or didn't do...Saddam did nothing to the US and posed no threat to the US. It certainly didn't warrant an invasion of Iraq.  If anything, he was keeping Iran and al qeada at bay.  
And while you guys hate to admit that Bush caused ISIS, think about this....there's a hornet's nest at the edge of your back yard.  They aren't bothering you....and while they MIGHT fly over and sting you, things are looking pretty good.  But....you decide to head over to it and whack it with a broom.  Then you go indoors and your next door neighbor comes outside and is stung by a hornet.  And it's HIS fault for being in his backyard. 
KCFlyer said:
Care to cite your reference where Clinton never took the shot?  Clinton explained it pretty well to Chris Wallace....
I really don't care what the UN did or didn't do...Saddam did nothing to the US and posed no threat to the US. It certainly didn't warrant an invasion of Iraq.  If anything, he was keeping Iran and al qeada at bay.  
And while you guys hate to admit that Bush caused ISIS, think about this....there's a hornet's nest at the edge of your back yard.  They aren't bothering you....and while they MIGHT fly over and sting you, things are looking pretty good.  But....you decide to head over to it and whack it with a broom.  Then you go indoors and your next door neighbor comes outside and is stung by a hornet.  And it's HIS fault for being in his backyard.
Well, here's one report among many that Billdo let Osama live because he didn't want any civilian casualties. Even though they would probably have been terrorists at the strike site. Billdo had the chance to Tomahawk him but his dithering and indecision caused the window of opportunity to close on Bin Laden. In addition, ISIS was created by Obummer and Hildabeast pulling out of Iraq and leaving no contingency force, thus creating a vacuum which ISIS filled. The Iraq Army then fled when ISIS came to power and took over all the US weaponry we left for the Iraq Army. They ran away instead of fighting, Obummer's fault for pulling out. Not to mention Obummer's penchant for giving out the dates of when and where the US military was leaving. Is that stupid or what? All by design in my opinion.
Here ya go;
"In his stunning 2003 book Dereliction of Duty, Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Buzz Patterson, a presidential aide and carrier of the nuclear football, describes President Clintons gross irresponsibility toward national security. Patterson tells how, in the fall of 1998, the watch officer in the White House Situation Room notified the presidents national security adviser, Sandy Berger, that they had located bin Laden and had a two-hour window to strike.
signals said:
A fool never learns. Obama caused ISIS. He withdrew troops that were fighting Abu Musab al-Zarquawi that were the start of ISIS. You know, Obamshit, felt that Iraq was stable!
You know who was fighting all those groups before US troops?  Saddam led Iraqi troops.  Toppling Saddam set it all in motion.  
You know who was fighting all those groups before US troops?  Saddam led Iraqi troops.  Toppling Saddam set it all in motion.
WOW state the obvious. I always felt taking out Saddam, Ghadaffi and Mubarack was a mistake.
signals said:
WOW state the obvious. I always felt taking out Saddam, Ghadaffi and Mubarack was a mistake.
in his haste to blame republicans for everything under the sun he conveniently leaves out the Obama/Clinton role in turning Libya into an ISIS stronghold not to mention leaving out all the Democrats who were all for going into Iraq
KCFlyer said:
IMHO, the draft should have been reinstated on 9/12/2001.  We were at war.  Had that been the case, I doubt that we would have ever gone into Iraq, nor would we have seen the rise of ISIS.   Because it's easy for me to slap a yellow "support our troops" ribbon on the back of MY car while we send volunteers like YOUR kid into war.  When the soccer mom who votes republican to "keep us safe" has her son (and now daughter) at risk of being sent to the hellhole that is the middle east, they might not have such itchy trigger fingers.  
One the big reasons we don't have the draft is voluntary enlistments seem to be working quite well.
Volunteers want to be there whereas draftee's don't.  The military is very high tech these days with very strong emphasis on math and reading skills.
It's not that easy to sign up anymore.
Insp4 said:
Unfourtionatly, Denmark, like a lot of European countries, are being overrun by refugees from the middle east and Africa. So much for the natural blondes.
Showcasing to the world how these people aren't interesting in assimilating and becoming members of any particular society, rather take over and control areas they dominate.
cltrat said:
in his haste to blame republicans for everything under the sun he conveniently leaves out the Obama/Clinton role in turning Libya into an ISIS stronghold not to mention leaving out all the Democrats who were all for going into Iraq
Don't forget arming the crap out of them in Libya ala BENGHAZI. 
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
ian rental prices, same as I'm paying here now.)
6. Ship my new car to Norway(Norwegians drive the same side as US)
7. Become Norwegian citizen(then get ALL the bennies)
Good luck with #6. Getting a US car into Europe isn't exactly easy.

Between the shipping cost & import duty, you'll probably be paying twice for that new car you won't be able to afford to drive or find parking for...
Insp4 said:
Unfourtionatly, Denmark, like a lot of European countries, are being overrun by refugees from the middle east and Africa. So much for the natural blondes.
Visit Denmark and stay a week or so, then come back and tell everyone if you want to move there or not.  I've been there...nice place to visit but I would NEVER want to live in.  Taxes up the wazoo and extreme cost of everything.  You are actually considered "rich" if you own a car.  I own three here in US so I would be considered a king by their standards.  There is a reason that people have always wanted to leave other countries and come to the US more than any other and it's not for socialism!

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