Free Kiosk - Not !!!


After all these hundreds and hundreds of threads, you have me all wrong. I never resist change....because its inevitable. I am not a complete imbacile...I just happened to have been the smartest kid in the "dumb row", I have you know.... when I was in school, and got an award for it too.

In all my threads, I always attempt to convey that a "balance" should always be pursued. Simple message, that somehow gets convoluted.

The "balance" however, sometimes or many times must be forced. The folks who make the rules, like all the power, and don't care to share what they think is theirs and belongs to them because of their status in the "pecking order". Well, in comes unions to "save the damn day", and "balance" of power is acheived. Takes time, but it does happen. It's the natural order of things..."the nature of the beast" that creates "economic" balance. (bet you like that one")

Union dues dollars are about numbers, and that is to increase them by unionizing even more folks in different airlines. It was the AFA International and their legal department that got the picketing together with all the flyers, postcards, media blitz etc. To say that flight attendants from other airlines should not fund the same union in the same profession, is a form of union busting. Its like saying why be affiliated with the AFL-CIO? What do we have in common wit unionized health care workers, or uto workers or whatever...Answer: we need each other as labor groups and labor. We have more in common than competition, even with other carriers. To compete to make money is Management's role not labor's role. We are employed to do our jobs in the most professional manner, and in return our reward is a livable wage, good benefits, and decent retirement. All Unions basically have the same languages in their contracts, specifically the airline workers. The express carriers continue to strive for pariety with mainline, and they will continue this endeavor with our help. You will see now a new more intense effort for mainline workers to assist the express workers to achieve/strive for pariety. Especially, cause we tend to all be heading in that LCC direction.

In comes the NEW "stike fund" funding. IN -A-BIG-WAY.
On 6/8/2003 12:38:46 PM Twicebaked wrote:

You explained your own question!!! They are NOT free if you use a bank/atm outside of your network. How many USfcu atm''s are in the area...4, 2 at the airport and 2 at the credit union. Otherwise, you are going to pay a fee...that is how it is NOT free.


Could you kindly explain what is wrong with this? Why should bank A, which invests money into the installation of ATMs all over the city, be forced to service bank B''s customers for free? There is a cost to bank A for these transactions, and why shouldn''t they receive some compensation for it? If you have an account with bank A, their compensation comes through the money you have deposited with them. If you''re with bank B, bank A gets nothing to offset the cost without charging a fee.

If you are upset about the lack of ATMs for your credit union, perhaps you should switch to a bank or another credit union which could better service your needs. But what you''re advocating is the same as saying that Bank A should charge its own customers a fee to use their own ATMs. I don''t know of a single bank that does that.
On 6/8/2003 10:49:19 AM PITbull wrote:

.Not only that, you watch crime rate soar upward.

I have learned in life, there must always be a balance; otherwise, there is CHAOS.

I don''t believe that crime is relative to unemployment. If so then the great depression would have the prisons full. I believe that crime is a result of a breakdown of traditional values.
On 6/8/2003 10:30:41 AM Rational Thought wrote:

I could see U giving a discount of FF miles or charge for talking to a human...but charging for kiosks? Naaaah.

Oh yeah...wait til the airlines get everyone roped and hooked on kiosks, that''s when they are gonna stick it to''em. Right now we are in a conditioning period, just training the pax. A little bit into the future pax will want the convenience and then we''ll charge. Maybe we will have universal kiosk where you can check-in on US for free but if you check-in for another airline it''ll cost. What a country....capitalism really works, find a need ...fill it ..then raise the price.
AGAIN US is behind times. The new way of checking in and receiving a boarding pass is over the internet--and the pax really love it!!!
On 6/8/2003 9:00:02 PM drifterreno wrote:

AGAIN US is behind times. The new way of checking in and receiving a boarding pass is over the internet--and the pax really love it!!!

Ive checked into the website to check in on US
On 6/8/2003 4:31:24 PM lownslow wrote:

On 6/8/2003 12:38:46 PM Twicebaked wrote:

You explained your own question!!! They are NOT free if you use a bank/atm outside of your network. How many USfcu atm's are in the area...4, 2 at the airport and 2 at the credit union. Otherwise, you are going to pay a fee...that is how it is NOT free.


Could you kindly explain what is wrong with this? Why should bank A, which invests money into the installation of ATMs all over the city, be forced to service bank B's customers for free? There is a cost to bank A for these transactions, and why shouldn't they receive some compensation for it? If you have an account with bank A, their compensation comes through the money you have deposited with them. If you're with bank B, bank A gets nothing to offset the cost without charging a fee.

If you are upset about the lack of ATMs for your credit union, perhaps you should switch to a bank or another credit union which could better service your needs. But what you're advocating is the same as saying that Bank A should charge its own customers a fee to use their own ATMs. I don't know of a single bank that does that.

With all due respect...DELETED BY MODERATOR lol I NEVER said they should charge their own customers and I NEVER said that other banks shouldn't charge for "outside" users. As for the USFCU atm's..I was making a point that there are not many around sooooooo...if you want to take out money you will need to pay for convenience of using another. And the FYI of the Sam's club ATM was simply FYI. Not sure what you read, but.... :)

This is the original start of this comment

On 6/7/2003 1:52:54 PM USFlyer wrote:

Please explain how ATMs are not still free. I never pay fees to use an ATM, unless I'm using one not part of my bank.
On 6/8/2003 11:11:35 AM PITbull wrote:

Crime is on the rise, however,


There is more crime today than ever in history,

Happen to have any statistical proof to back up these assertions? I'm pretty sure they are both flat out wrong...
One problem with charging for kiosks not mentioned yet --

At an ATM it''s easy to pay a fee, for obvious reasons. No checking account -- nothing to withdraw.

At an airline kiosk, on the other hand, it would be more difficult. Could you charge the credit card used to purchase the ticket? Not if that card has expired or been cancelled since the ticket was purchased. Probably not if it''s a corporate card where someone other than the passenger authorized the original transaction. And obviously not if the ticket was paid for in cash or by check.

Would you install a bill collector on the kiosk? Seems like overkill for the relatively few people who don''t have a credit card on them. Send them over to an agent to hand over the one dollar? Ah, but then you wouldn''t be using the kiosk, you would be using an agent. Charge more? No, you have to charge nothing because using the agent would be involuntary in that case.

I think it''s safe to say that charging for the use of a kiosk is an impractical idea.
In PHL the other day, the new POS manager damanded that ALL passengers must first use the kiosks. Ticketing agents were only to be used as a back-up. Of course, the POS ran for the hills during this time period. PAX were generally furious. The few agents that were on duty got the "S" kicked out of them. Believe me everything you hear about PHL is true...actually it is probably worse than what you hear. Things are coming to a head there very quickly. Ugly is not the word!
On 6/8/2003 4:05:19 PM PineyBob wrote:

To compete and make money is everyones job! It is the ultimate in job security. It is also organized Labors ultimate negotiating tool, the more profit, the easier it is to negotiate MORE than your fair share. Just bear in mind that everytime you take MORE than your fair share there may come a time (like now) when the economic chickens come home to roost and you get bludgeoned like you are now.

AFL-CIO In my opinion is the biggest fraud on two feet. The unions that have the most success in my observation are the independent company unions that are run for the express purpose of benefiting their own, PERIOD! no Political Action Committee with their agenda no national political campaigns to contribute to. Just good old fashioned enlightened self interest.

This idea of union brotherhood is a complete joke PIT and you know it. If the locals at another airline could secretly undermine your employer in order for their local to pick up more jobs for their carrier that competes against US he/she would do it in a heart beat PIT and feel good about it. I saw it with my own eyes, the UAW threw over 2,000 workers at Mack truck right under the metaphorical bus in order to preserve the contract at John Deere. With an independent company specific union that NEVER would have happened.

So the AFA International printed some postcards and flyers for you! WOW! if they printed 10,000 of each, would cost them roughly the equivilent of one AFA members dues for a year. Heck of a return on that $34.00 you send them every month PIT. Media Coverage? They have a staffer call a few newspapers and TV Stations, which you could have done for nothing. Again that effort cost about 3 months worth of dues. Getting a heck of a bang for your buck PIT considering you send them nearly 2.4 MILLION Dollars a year, I would hope they could write a press release and print some flyers and postcards.

I think what you folks get in return for your dues is an absolute disgrace. Lord knows they been real effective in dealing with Jerry Glass who frankly has beaten you like a red headed stepchild. I would submit to you that you have had about all of the "HELP" from the AFA you can stand.



OK. I get the visual on your opinions of Unions in general. But, that is not the general concept of what unions are about. If your empirical view exists, its because the members have allowed it or looked the other way. Unions are democratic orgatnizaations. Just as you can throw out your congressman or legislator, you can "recall" your leaders. So, whose fault is it? If you have a spouse who is handling your checking account and totally mis manages it by bouncing checks, do you close the account and get pissed at the bank, or do you find a better money manager (like yourself) to handle your account?

We presently have AFA local presidents that do not sleep. They are "ON" around the clock. They challenge every infraction of their contracts by this management and drive the AFA International totally insane. I know this for a fact. There will be no rest for anyone, Union leaderships or mangement until their is a "rebirth" of mutual respect and good faith among labor and management alike.

That''s mangement''s choice...I can make this easy for them or difficult....however they want it, but respect for labor will be had.

What makes you THINK that these assertions are "flat out wrong"?

Are you going to sit here and tell this board that unemployement and high crime rate have NO RELATIONSHIP? You do read right? What do you consider as crime? During the depression folks stole to feed their families, and back then, many folks helped each other out. Those who had, shared. Folks today have adopted the philosophy that it is now "survival of the fittest"; exactly the way the Corporate America thinks.

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