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FOX NEWS and the GOP. The GIFT that KEEPS on G I V I N G !

I just don't understand the GOP. I love them for the entertainment value but I just do not understand them.

Republicans to Talk About Minority Outreach at 'Burwell Plantation' Room in Virginia

Your party gets shellacked with the minority vote and they have an out reach at a former slave plantation. How do you do that?

The REPUG Party is(now) Sooooo TOTALLY Phucked-Up, they wont bounce back for years, and perhaps not ever within my lifetime.
The country is changing/evolving sooo fast now, and they 'STILL-Dont-Get-it', and as long as they have Sh1t-heads like the Tea-potty/sean hannity/El-Rushbo, and especially FAUX News, they will be Forever Doomed.
They are already touting Rubio..BIG TIME. Problem is, except for the Elian Gonzales Mia Cubans, the rest of the Latino's in Florida, and all around the country, CAN'T STAND HIM !
The GOP is like a suit manufacturer, who's only model is LEISURE SUITS,............."NO ONE is BUYING" !
If they were a heavyweight fighter, they'd be the big white STIFF, climbing in the Ring with the (great one) ALI. There a 'song out of tune' ,a Dancer 'out of step', there last years Boston Red Sox !
The Ultimate 'Gift, that Keeps on GIVING' ! BOZO the CLOWN has Nothing on them.
The REPUG Party is(now) Sooooo TOTALLY Phucked-Up, they wont bounce back for years, and perhaps not ever within my lifetime.
The country is changing/evolving sooo fast now, and they 'STILL-Dont-Get-it', and as long as they have Sh1t-heads like the Tea-potty/sean hannity/El-Rushbo, and especially FAUX News, they will be Forever Doomed.
They are already touting Rubio..BIG TIME. Problem is, except for the Elian Gonzales Mia Cubans, the rest of the Latino's in Florida, and all around the country, CAN'T STAND HIM !
The GOP is like a suit manufacturer, who's only model is LEISURE SUITS,............."NO ONE is BUYING" !
If they were a heavyweight fighter, they'd be the big white STIFF, climbing in the Ring with the (great one) ALI. There a 'song out of tune' ,a Dancer 'out of step', there last years Boston Red Sox !
The Ultimate 'Gift, that Keeps on GIVING' ! BOZO the CLOWN has Nothing on them.

Why does Ali's opponent have to be white?

Your a racist and I'm offended ! Gonna call the ACLU on yer ass !
The REPUG Party is(now) Sooooo TOTALLY Phucked-Up, they wont bounce back for years, and perhaps not ever within my lifetime.
The country is changing/evolving sooo fast now, and they 'STILL-Dont-Get-it', and as long as they have Sh1t-heads like the Tea-potty/sean hannity/El-Rushbo, and especially FAUX News, they will be Forever Doomed.
They are already touting Rubio..BIG TIME. Problem is, except for the Elian Gonzales Mia Cubans, the rest of the Latino's in Florida, and all around the country, CAN'T STAND HIM !
The GOP is like a suit manufacturer, who's only model is LEISURE SUITS,............."NO ONE is BUYING" !
If they were a heavyweight fighter, they'd be the big white STIFF, climbing in the Ring with the (great one) ALI. There a 'song out of tune' ,a Dancer 'out of step', there last years Boston Red Sox !
The Ultimate 'Gift, that Keeps on GIVING' ! BOZO the CLOWN has Nothing on them.

Keep mocking your party Bear.....

View attachment 9667

Once America gets a taste of this, the Republicans will be riding into town on a big white elephant:

CNSNews.com) – In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.
Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.
The IRS's assumption that the cheapest plan for a family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan.

I can see the campaign ads now..............and the defining issue of the 2016 race.
Now the dems are not that much better. They have all of 3 women as Minority chair and Pelosie as Minority leader. I did not check minority positions (may be later) but it is better than the GOP.

Do I have this right? You would honestly advance the idea that positions should be first determined through embracing glorious diversity,...and...umm...then actually offer up Pelosi as evidence of that being an even half-way sane notion?...Seriously? 😉
That is just an example of an incompetent person trying to spell our President's name and ending up with what is a:

bar·rack[sup] 1[/sup]


tr.v. bar·racked, bar·rack·ing, bar·racks
To house (soldiers, for example) in quarters.

Your point's well taken. Associating the likes of obama with anything even the slightest bit military is indeed a grossly inappropriate affront to logic.
Keep mocking your party Bear.....

View attachment 9667

Once America gets a taste of this, the Republicans will be riding into town on a big white elephant:

I can see the campaign ads now..............and the defining issue of the 2016 race.

(3) Individuals eligible for coverage under eligible employer-sponsored plans--(i) Eligibility--(A) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (e)(3)(i)(B) of this section, an employee or related individual (as defined in paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(B) of this section) is treated as eligible for coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan for a month during a plan year if the employee or related individual could have enrolled in the plan for any day in that month during an open or special enrollment period, regardless of whether the employee or related individual is eligible for any other type of minimum essential coverage. For purposes of this paragraph (e)(3), an employee eligible for coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan offered by the employee’s employer is not treated as eligible as a related individual for coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan (for example, an eligible employer-sponsored plan offered by the employer of the employee’s spouse) for any month included in the plan year of the eligible employer-sponsored plan offered by the employee’s employer.
(B) Special rule for continuation coverage. An individual who may enroll in continuation coverage required under Federal law or a State law that provides comparable continuation coverage is eligible for coverage under an eligible employer- sponsored plan only if the individual enrolls in the coverage.
(ii) Required contribution for individuals eligible for coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan--(A) Employees. In the case of an employee who is eligible to purchase coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan sponsored by the employee's employer, the required contribution is the portion of the annual premium that the employee would pay (whether though salary reduction or otherwise) for the lowest cost self-only coverage.

Example 2. Married employee with dependents. Taxpayers B and C are married and file a joint return for 2016. B and C have two children, D and E. In November 2015, B is eligible to enroll in self-only coverage under a plan offered by B’s employer for calendar year 2016 at a cost of $5,000 to B. C, D, and E are eligible to enroll in family coverage under the same plan for 2016 at a cost of $20,000 to B. B, C, D, and E’s household income is $90,000. Under paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, B's required contribution is B's share of the cost for self-only coverage, $5,000. Under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, B has affordable coverage for 2016 because B’s required contribution ($5,000) does not exceed 8 percent of B’s household income ($7,200). Under paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(B) of this section, the required contribution for C, D, and E is B's share of the cost for family coverage, $20,000. Under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, C, D, and E lack affordable coverage for 2016 because their required contribution ($20,000) exceeds 8 percent of their household income ($7,200)."

The examples used are costs based on employer plans.

Why not try and read the actual documents instead of throwing fear based bites out.
So, Great Grand Poobah of ObamaCare, what happens to the peeps who work for company's who are not "FORCED" to provide healthcare.................ObamaCare $20,000 a year plan or more "Free" vouchers ?
Do I have this right? You would honestly advance the idea that positions should be first determined through embracing glorious diversity,...and...umm...then actually offer up Pelosi as evidence of that being an even half-way sane notion?...Seriously? 😉

What right are you referring to?

Not at all, what I am suggesting (for both parties) is that over 50% of the US population consists of women. I am suggesting that is you look around at the people scape of this country, you will find people who are not white and not male. I am suggesting (especially for the republicans) that there may be people other than white males who are more qualified to be in Congress and positions of leadership than people such as Akin, Ryan (supported Akin's bill), Broun (earth is 6,000 years old) just o mention a few. I am suggesting that for a party that just gained very little of the minority and vote in this last election and lost part of the female vote that they may want to consider not having a minority out reach event at a former slave plantation.

Are these examples of your sane notion of people to represent America?

The examples used are costs based on employer plans.

Why not try and read the actual documents instead of throwing fear based bites out.


Union leaders say many of the law's requirements will drive up the costs for their health-care plans and make unionized workers less competitive. Among other things, the law eliminates the caps on medical benefits and prescription drugs used as cost-containment measures in many health-care plans. It also allows children to stay on their parents' plans until they turn 26.
To offset that, the nation's largest labor groups want their lower-paid members to be able to get federal insurance subsidies while remaining on their plans. In the law, these subsidies were designed only for low-income workers without employer coverage as a way to help them buy private insurance....

Unions going to go the 47% route? LOL

So like IRS says, costs will escalate and I guarantee you employers will pass it on to or drop coverage to the employees.
I am suggesting that is you look around at the people scape of this country, you will find people who are not white and not male. I am suggesting (especially for the republicans) that there may be people other than white males who are more qualified to be in Congress and positions of leadership

I'm a bit curious here: Is it your belief that people being "not white and not male" somehow constitutes superior "qualifications"? I'm perfectly fine and supportive of the thought that all should be evaluated equally...and you?

I've no argument with your observations that political opportunism necessitates playing to the electorate. It's my notion that both parties have become nothing more than bought-and-paid-for-shills of interests so far removed from those of the average citizen, that it's a true tragedy that either of the two political machines, and they are nothing more or less now, even exist at all.
So, Great Grand Poobah of ObamaCare, what happens to the peeps who work for company's who are not "FORCED" to provide healthcare.................ObamaCare $20,000 a year plan or more "Free" vouchers ?

So you were not an advocate of tax reform that made everyone have some skin in the game? Why should your relative be able to receive free health car eon my dime? Not my fault they had kids and could not afford them. They need to pay for their own care.
So you were not an advocate of tax reform that made everyone have some skin in the game? Why should your relative be able to receive free health car eon my dime? Not my fault they had kids and could not afford them. They need to pay for their own care.

Why should anyone be able to receive anything on someone else's tax dime, unless so agreed by the voters? I'll not hold my breath on the American voters having any chance whatsoever to deteremine the fate of this latest assault on individual rights = We're Big Brother, bow down deeply to us, since your future health care is at our, not your, discretion now!...PS: Give us your weapons, you little worms! 😉
I do not believe people should be able to receive things at no cost. I have always believed that everyone should have at least a little skin in the game so to speak, even if only a small portion.