Every house member is up for reelection in 2014, lol, the terms in the house are only two years, lol!
Might be good to go back to one party controlling two branches. That would be real good for America.
Every house member is up for reelection in 2014, lol, the terms in the house are only two years, lol!
" ODD " ....that as far as the Fiscal Cliff stuff goes, that UR pissed at Reid, as opposed to Mitch Mcconnell.
Then again, it Not surprising that ....YOU....would... 'come out with'...something... " O D D " !
How much food/GUNS and AMMO did....Der Fuh'rer.....Neil BORSCHT......tell you to Buy Today ?
Did you PAY by check/credit card, or on-line ?
Still waiting on my "Snapcard" !
Good news Barry-O !
"House chooses Boehner as speaker again!"